What does this really mean?

I haven't seen any of this yet but why do this and what about Carrara?
Post edited by zaintc on
It means that they have released a new version of DAZ Studio and have a sale on tutorials. One of which (you cannot tell by just the image of an eyedrops bottle) is for Carrara.
Then again, one of their featured PAs is a known Brycer. They should really keep a list of those guys- may come in handy...later...just saying... ;-)
I also noticed another Carrara product besides the one you mentioned, as well as a book on how to make money with Hex. I like the current Hex business model: keep selling it without updating it. :lol:
What sale? the earlier sale was $69.99. They are currently selling it at the regular price $99.99
And every time DS is upgraded a standard program (plugin) is removed and then asked to buy it back
What sale? the earlier sale was $69.99. They are currently selling it at the regular price $99.99
And every time DS is upgraded a standard program (plugin) is removed and then asked to buy it back
Says I can get it for free....
Here's where DAZ says it's a new release:
Oh you cant get to it either huh? and what new videos?
Why keep updating DS instead of making it more compatible to Carrara or visa versa?
Oh you cant get to it either huh? and what new videos?
I never saw what DS 4.6 had to offer better than 4.5, so what more could DS 4.6.2 can do?
Oh you can get to it either huh? and what new videos?
I can get to it. As to the videos, I don't care. I'm not DLing it. To me, it sounds as if it is some kind of weblink within D/S that takes you to videos that are on-line. They could be full tutorials, or they could be ways to try and sell additional tutorials or plugins. I don't know.
My screen shots were a dead giveaway that I could get to it. ;-)
I don't care much for modeling at this current jucture
The ONLY product that rules around here are the figures - mostly human figures that need lots and lots of wigs and clothes and shoes and boots and short skirts.... The software those figures can be used in is a distant secondary consideration.
DAZ created D|S to run their content, which was originally made for Poser. Studio is a licensed render engine, they did not create it.
Carrara was a kissing cousin of Poser and Bryce. Their ownership has been passed around over the years.
Studio is not a sub-Carrara. Carrara is not "Studio Pro Pro".... They really have different origins and different ways of doing things. DAZ has spent years getting them to work together and read common file formats.
It's like VW buying AUDI, they did not cancel all the low-end Audis and quit the high-end VW and call AUDI the "luxury VW".... Instead they kept two brands with two separate history and products... Yeah it doesn't really make sense, except that Carrara was closer to Poser than D|S was to Poser... for a while at least. There was a strategy, sort of...
I am sorry. I may not have been here as long as everyone, I know enough to understand when my time is being wasted, If Carrara is the "big gun" here why keep updating DS, merge it into Carrara and move on, charge the double or triple price already. Make it more stable, there are so many things Carrara can borrow from DS file size management to start, decimator, animator, how it imports and orginzes the content, etc. All this is a mute point as long as the two exist (like a tug of war) Combine and move on, this is why most people hold on to old versions of each program at a point where there thought it worked the best, for me DS studio is perfect at DS 4.5, I cant speak to what version is better on Carrara I started on Carrara 8.
The ONLY product that rules around here are the figures - mostly human figures that need lots and lots of wigs and clothes and shoes and boots and short skirts.... The software those figures can be used in is a distant secondary consideration.
DAZ created D|S to run their content, which was originally made for Poser. Studio is a licensed render engine, they did not create it.
Carrara was a kissing cousin of Poser and Bryce. Their ownership has been passed around over the years.
Studio is not a sub-Carrara. Carrara is not "Studio Pro Pro".... They really have different origins and different ways of doing things. DAZ has spent years getting them to work together and read common file formats.
It's like VW buying AUDI, they did not cancel all the low-end Audis and quit the high-end VW and call AUDI the "luxury VW".... Instead they kept two brands with two separate history and products... Yeah it doesn't really make sense, except that Carrara was closer to Poser than D|S was to Poser... for a while at least. There was a strategy, sort of...
You said your comment before me, so mine is not really valid based on your point
I just want to make ANIME!! not keep upgrading and buying stuff. I kind of just found a platform to do this on, or should I say a pipleline
I still don't see what the new version has to offer, let alone how to down load if I decided to
If you are going to make announcements make sure the links work first
In a nutshell, this is what I usually say to people when all the hand wringing and teeth gnashing begins when a new version of whatever software you like comes along, or a new Studio version is released (I warn you, you won't like it):
Did your chosen software quit working just because you can't upgrade right now? Did Carrara quit working because there's a new version of D|S? No? Good! Now get back to work on your chosen project!
You want to make an Anime? That's great! What the hell does D|S have to do with it?!? You want to use it? Download it. You don't want to use? then don't.
Even if DAZ kills Carrara tomorrow to focus only on D|S, I can guarantee Carrara will work long enough to find another solution. I know what I'm talking about! I have a Carrara 7.2 render node installed on an iMac running OS X Mavericks. It shouldn't run on a Mac running Snow Leopard by all rights (which is two or three years old). Yet it happily chugs away with what I throw at it.
One of the many things I love about DIM. I just opened it up and there's the update to the new version of Studio. I can download it, install it, hide it... whatever I want. Of course, along with the new Studio, my Decimator got a new update as well, along with my other plugins.
I wouldn't even be able to tip the iceberg of what upgrades it contains. Have you tried the DAZ Studio discussion forums here, at DAZ 3D? There's probably a pile of info about it as well as a bunch of Studio buffs that can answer whatever question it is that you have. I'm feeling a bit lost in that regard - other than a rant about something that we are only allowed to guess at.
The original topic was "What does this mean?" with a link to a promo page with a sale and the intro to the new Studio. I thought I answered that question in the second post. What is it, truly, that you are looking for here?
If you are going to make announcements make sure the links work first
It was your link.
In a nutshell, this is what I usually say to people when all the hand wringing and teeth gnashing begins when a new version of whatever software you like comes along, or a new Studio version is released (I warn you, you won't like it):
Did your chosen software quit working just because you can't upgrade right now? Did Carrara quit working because there's a new version of D|S? No? Good! Now get back to work on your chosen project!
You want to make an Anime? That's great! What the hell does D|S have to do with it?!? You want to use it? Download it. You don't want to use? then don't.
Even if DAZ kills Carrara tomorrow to focus only on D|S, I can guarantee Carrara will work long enough to find another solution. I know what I'm talking about! I have a Carrara 7.2 render node installed on an iMac running OS X Mavericks. It shouldn't run on a Mac running Snow Leopard by all rights (which is two or three years old). Yet it happily chugs away with what I throw at it.
I hear xyou
The way I posed the question allowed me to ask other ones, if you feel my question was answered, you have a right to your opinion just as do I. As for the question it was never really answered and you suddly sugguesting to open DIM doesnt help their cause as well. It was never mentoned in the add . I am well aware of this also: http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us
The forum is supose to help with issues, if you feel I am ranting you dont have to reply to it. I am not the only one who feels this way as well as you can see
It was your link.
I copied, I didnt create it
The way I posed the question allowed me to ask other ones, if you feel my question was answered, you have a right to your opinion just as do I. As for the question it was never really answered and you suddly sugguesting to open DIM doesnt help their cause as well. It was never mentoned in the add . I am well aware of this also: http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us
The forum is supose to help with issues, if you feel I am ranting you dont have to reply to it. I am not the only one who feels this way as well as you can see
The forum is actually peopled by other forum members like yourself, many of whom are very helpful and do try to answer questions. Usually the forum members can and will offer help that you may not get from CS, but help is given on a volunteered basis. It is not the only, or the prime, reason why there are forums. They are discussion forums.
The forum is actually peopled by other forum members like yourself, many of whom are very helpful and do try to answer questions. Usually the forum members can and will offer help that you may not get from CS, but help is given on a volunteered basis. It is not the only, or the prime, reason why there are forums. They are discussion forums.
Your room, your rules...
It was your link.
I copied, I didnt create it
Then I don't understand why you are telling Dart to make the link work when it is you that copied and pasted it? The link is very long and didn't work as clickable in your initial post. More than likely because of the way forum handles long strings of characters like that. I had to copy and paste it into my URL field. If it's broken, it is not Dart's fault.
I copied, I didnt create it
Then I don't understand why you are telling Dart to make the link work when it is you that copied and pasted it? The link is very long and didn't work as clickable in your initial post. More than likely because of the way forum handles long strings of characters like that. I had to copy and paste it into my URL field. If it's broken, it is not Dart's fault.
For clarity, I never said he did. Also he didnt reply to it you did, see the irony here. (I think this thread is over now too, FYI)
I copied, I didnt create it
Then I don't understand why you are telling Dart to make the link work when it is you that copied and pasted it? The link is very long and didn't work as clickable in your initial post. More than likely because of the way forum handles long strings of characters like that. I had to copy and paste it into my URL field. If it's broken, it is not Dart's fault.
For clarity, I never said he did. Also he didnt reply to it you did, see the irony here. (I think this thread is over now too, FYI)
Not really seeing irony. Maybe selective memory. Read the quotes. You did say if he's going to make announcements his link should work. You were the one that started this thread announcing the that DAZ had this sale going on and you provided the link. The forum broke it by inserting a break to preserve the page formatting (a common practice). He also responded as did I.
Then I don't understand why you are telling Dart to make the link work when it is you that copied and pasted it? The link is very long and didn't work as clickable in your initial post. More than likely because of the way forum handles long strings of characters like that. I had to copy and paste it into my URL field. If it's broken, it is not Dart's fault.
For clarity, I never said he did. Also he didnt reply to it you did, see the irony here. (I think this thread is over now too, FYI)
Not really seeing irony. Maybe selective memory. Read the quotes. You did say if he's going to make announcements his link should work. You were the one that started this thread announcing the that DAZ had this sale going on and you provided the link. The forum broke it by inserting a break to preserve the page formatting (a common practice). He also responded as did I.