Noob question - appearant gaps between seams

Sorry for this complete noob question, I know I'm doing something wrong I'm just not sure exactly what it is. I applied some pre-made textures to a genesis model, and everything looked fine. Then I painted over copies of those textures in photoshop, and applied the updated textures to the genesis model. However, I'm getting little white gaps between the seams of where the arm/shoulder textures meet the torso, and I'm not sure why. I completely filled the texture graphics with color so there should not be any white spots on them. Is there a control I need to use to "stretch out" the texture to the limits? Did I screw up something really fundamental?
Here's an example of what I'm seeing, if I have attached the image correctly that is:

Genesis has several uv layouts. do you know which uv map you used for the texture and which uv map Genesis is using?
When I had applied the purchased "catgirl" skins, they appeared to have gone into the box beside "diffuse color" and "velvet", so I put my modified textures into those same boxes. I think that's what you were asking, if you were asking a different question I apologize for my misinterpretation!
Sorry I do not think that is what I am talking about.
Is this the catgirl you were talking about ?
Sorry about that! Yes, you are 100% correct, that is the one! I opened the .jpg textures, painted over them, and saved them in a new location. I thought if I simply applied the repainted ones in the same locations, it would work. I guess I was incorrect!
Is this a screen cap of the preview window? If so, then it's quite common to see this - at least for me. The seams will not show up in the rendered image.
If this is a rendered image, then try repainting your textures and paint a bit outside the lines. This should fill in the gap.
can you post a render of the head without any hair on it?
It would be useful to know if the image in the first post was a render or preview. If it was a preview can you post the render of that image.
It is a render, and I will make a render with no hair once I get home. Thank you very much for your assistance!
It is a render, and I will make a render with no hair once I get home. Thank you very much for your assistance!Generally when creating your own textures it's a good idea to paint just outside the line. I normally select the area and expand it by 2-3 pixels. That helps to avoid the gaps you are seeing. If using .psd files I keep the base color on a separate layer to any additional detail. This helps if you need to go back later and make any changes.
OK, Here is a render of the head with no hair!
Additionally, I've attached smaller versions of the images I'm using to be textures. Like the versions that were originally included in the catgirl package, there is no 'white space" at all, I've completely filled the areas with color! This is why the white gaps are puzzling me so much. There must be something else I'm missing!
Try this and then render, sometimes it fixes the gaps. In your render settings change Shading Rate from 1.00 to .5 or .2 and then render. The elite textures for V4 only work properly when I do that.
Cool! I will try that out tonight, thank you very much for the advice!
That appears to have done it! Thank you very much for your assistance!
Your Welcome. Happy rendering.
OK, Here is a render of the head with no hair!
Additionally, I've attached smaller versions of the images I'm using to be textures. Like the versions that were originally included in the catgirl package, there is no 'white space" at all, I've completely filled the areas with color! This is why the white gaps are puzzling me so much. There must be something else I'm missing!
Just curious, are you using displacement at all?
I'm glad Jaderail's solution worked...but it made me wonder if displacement was the issue? If it was the texture alone the suggestions above should have fixed it...
Just a heads up for Pendraia. Displacement maps only stretch the surface of the item, yes that can cause smears in textures but it (displacement) will not actually move the Texture maps. They are controlled by the UV mapping, that will not change due to a displacement map they also follow the UV map for the item.