DAZ Studio Pro, General Release, Now Available for Download!

DAZ_BrianDAZ_Brian Posts: 345

DAZ 3D is pleased to announce the next General Release version of the DAZ Studio Pro - version!

Another build, so soon?

Yes. We want to provide access to builds that fix issues you may have encountered in the General Release, earlier and more frequently.

What is new in this version? Do I need to update my copy?

The version resolves several issues and implements several improvements since the General Release. More detail on specific fixes/changes/improvements can be found in the Change Log, which can be viewed online within the Documentation Center portion of our site. All new downloads of the DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro product (SKU: 13176) will be of this version.

Highlights are: highlights are:
1) Updated the Barefoot Dancer Interactive Lesson
2) Added Interactive Lesson default resources, on Mac highlights are:
1) Significant work on the interactive lesson framework
2) Added Finding, Loading and Manipulating Content interactive tutorial
3) Made tweaks to Barefoot Dancer interactive tutorial
4) Conducted an audit of default option menus against default advanced menus; updated defaults to match
5) Fixed #DS-291: Fixed a crash when deleting weight maps in the Node Weight tool
6) Fixed the Lock Bone Order setting being recorded/restored with other Scene pane settings; this setting is not intended to survive longer than a session - it is a content creation feature that should be on by default
7) Updated default basic menus to include favorites actions and recent additions
8) Implemented #DS-289: Added a release cycle tag to the splash screen for non general release builds
9) Fixed #DS-291: Fixed a crash when removing a weight map context
10) Fixed an issue where FBX export of figure with a graft could result in a crash
11) Fixed the default state of Show IK, Show Hidden Nodes, Lock Bone Order and Parent Items In Place when a layout does not specify a state; Scene pane option menu
12) Fixed #DS-297/CS161037: Cr2 exporter crash
13) Fixed action default menu/tool bar paths not being respected
14) Fixed an issue in the property list view when in selection only mode (selection drop down) that caused property names to be indistinguishable from the background
15) Fixed enumerated style elements to be consistent with the Public SDK; elements added after the initial release of the 4.5.x SDK have been moved to the end of their respective lists

Public BETA 5 ( highlights are:
1) Extensive work on interactive lessons; a new framework for guided tutorials
2) Fixes, additions and optimizations to ERC Freeze
3) Fixes, additions and optimizations to Transfer Utility
4) Fixes, additions and optimizations to Weight Map Brush
5) Removed exclusivity requirement from Rigidity Groups
6) Tweaked HD Morph limit, in Parameter Settings, to be smarter about indicating its max
7) Added a Purge Memory script
8) Optimized handling of orientation changes; affects loading and manipulation speed
9) Fixed #DSON-7: Fixed binding creation to lookup by asset id, not by name
10) Fixed #DS-25: Made Remove Unused Bones more conservative about which bones it deletes
11) Fixed #DS-40/CS140450: Nodes parented to the active camera were being included in the frame and aim commands; any nodes parented to the active camera should be treated as if they are part of that camera and therefore should be excluded from bounding box calculations
12) Fixed #DS-215: ERC not saving when control property is an empty morph
13) Fixed #DS-214: Fixed a possibility of uv sets not having a unique instance IDs
14) Fixed #DS-228/CS154183: Morph load issues for TriAx to TriAx auto-fit clothing
15) Fixed #DS-255: Fit to inconsistently displaying "multiple" under certain circumstances
16) Fixed #DS-259/CS157895: Fixed load of accelerator keys from actions file
17) Fixed #DS-260/CS157419: Fixed child figures getting pose data from Pose Presets in some cases
18) Fixed #DS-261: Fixed morph projection when HD morphs are on
19) Fixed #DS-266/CS157766: Smart Content displays a duplicate every 128th product
20) Fixed #DS-277: Fixed Clear Recent Files not surviving a session
21) Fixed issues with interactivity between Smart Content and Content Library
22) Added to and/or updated several classes in the scripting API

Public BETA 4 ( highlights are:
1) Added Render Settings presets to the default load types for the Smart Content pane
2) Image menus are now scrollable
3) Fixed the spawn morph function on DForm modifier
4) Fixed #DS-248/CS155382: Support for Alternate Geometry in Materials Presets
5) Fixed #DS-174: Fixed several sort routines to be case-insensitive
6) Added sorting to the Fit To dialog
7) Fixed #DS-171: Applying a Shader Mixer shader to a surface causes the UV map to be reset
8) Switched property group editing to use a path tree widget instead of a menu
9) Added mass editing of Scalars and Save With to the Property Hierarchy context menu
10) Tweaked the Property Hierarchy pane to be more efficient about when it rebuilds its list; improves experience when selecting nodes within the same hierarchy
11) Fixed ERC Freeze to create links in the correct/consistent order
12) Added a Mode option to the Attenuation group of ERC Freeze; allows Sub-Components to be targeted by the attenuation property
13) Added support for props to ERC Freeze
14) Updated ERC Freeze to use a single node selection drop down menu
15) Added a Keyed (Extract from Play Range) option to ERC Freeze
16) Fixed some styling/sizing issues; the filter field used by property and content views, pane group close buttons and close buttons on close-able tabs
17) Updates/Additions to the scripting API; DzApp::canShowSceneBuilder(), DzComboEdit, DzPropertySelectionComboBox, DzNodeSelectionComboBox

Public BETA 3 ( highlights are:
1) Merged the changes from the General Release
2) Added a "Favorites" filter to property group views; i.e. All, Favorites, Currently Used
3) Added support for saving/reading favorite properties; favorites are saved in user facing files; scene, subset, character, etc.
4) Added a Favorite icon/button to the header of property widgets; also added to card property widgets
5) Added the Favorite option to the Parameters Settings dialog
6) Added actions and menu entries for adding/removing favorite properties
7) Added favorite actions to default advanced menus; run Update and Merge Menus script
8) Fixed #DS-240: Bug with "Per Pixel Shading" and backdrops
9) Updated default interface files; account for the replacement of the Weight Map Brush with the Node Weight Map Brush; account for recent additions
10) Replaced the "Apply" button in the Layout, Style and Style Color dialogs with a "Preview" button; now behaves as a proper preview
11) Replaced property selection in various dialogs with a new popup consistent with the property view used in the Parameters pane
12) Fixed #DS-208: When rendering a small image, such as an icon, the name field was too small to edit
13) Fixed an issue where using IK on clothing that was fit to a figure caused unpredictable results
14) Fixed Node Weight Map Brush fill on local weights
15) Added and/or updated various script APIs; DzAction, DzComboBox, DzComboEdit, DzEnumSlider

Public BETA 2 ( highlights are:
1) Merged the changes from the General Release
2) Fixed #DS-190: Fixed UV Set generation to help minimize number of discontinuous vertices
3) Fixed a memory corruption bug when dealing with geometry containing discontinuous UVs that are >= 2x the number of vertices, such as the cube primitive
4) Replaced Weight Map Brush Tool with a Node Weight Map Brush Tool; see next highlight
5) Added DForm weight map support; requires Node Weight Map Brush to paint
6) Made optimizations to bone binding calculations; improves overall speed of weight painting

Public BETA 1 ( highlights are:
1) Added a clear [DSON] cache button to the preferences dialog
2) Added functionality to Morph Loader Pro that allows splitting a GeoGrafted export into separate morphs for the individual mesh contributors
3) Added an option to restrict influence in the weight map smoothing dialog
4) Fixed a bug in the Hierarchical Material save filter to handle Geometry Shells
5) Fixed a bug in the Hierarchical Material save filter relating to the inclusion of parent data regardless of checked state
6) Fixed #DS-169/CS148257: Fixed delta save for legacy content when multiple figures of the same content are in the scene
7) Added a script to fix problematic legacy scene files with more than one of a given figure; available via this CS Knowledge Base article
8) Fixed #DS-143/CS145252: All textures where being converted to JPG during OBJ export; added an “Original Maps” option; “No Maps” option now prevents maps from being written; paths no longer write out using quotes
9) Fixed #DS-179/CS152340/CS152232: Fixed a crash in ERC Freeze when rigging or hidden properties were involved
10) Optimized ERC Freeze
11) Fixed #DS-174/CS152086: Fixed a crash related to the Scene Selection popup on Mac
12) Added support to content manager* for shortcuts (PC)/symlinks (Mac) of files; *used by the Content Library pane
13) Optimized the Content Library pane to better handle folders with many subfolders

Has the Genesis Starter Essentials, the Genesis 2 Starter Essentials (Male/Female), or the Default Lights and Shaders packages been updated too?

No, the "Genesis Starter Essentials", "Genesis 2 Starter Essentials" and "Default Lights and Shaders" packages provided with the product have NOT been updated beyond what is currently available.

*Note: Install Manager users are notified of product updates when they occur.

How do I get the latest version?

If you have previously added the DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro product to your account, launch Install Manager, log into your account and type "DAZ Studio 4.6" into the filter field to filter out anything else. Then simply download and install as you would normally.

Optionally, you can locate, download and install DAZ Studio Pro from the Product Library [once you are logged into your account] by entering "DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro" into the text field near the top left of the page and clicking the "Filter" button, or by clicking here. Then, simply click the green "download & install" button to launch Install Manager with an appropriate filter or click the blue "download" button to download the standalone installer.

If this is your first time downloading DAZ Studio Pro, simply follow this link, click the "Add to Cart" button on the page and then follow the checkout process.

*Note: This General Release version is available through Install Manager as well as a standalone installer.

Can I have the General Release and the BETA installed at the same time?

Yes! You can have both the General Release and a Public Build (as well as a Private Build, for those involved in that endeavor), of the same major version, installed at the same time. Please be aware that the settings for each of the builds are stored independent of each other. This includes mapped content directories, layout, style and style colors, among many others.

What about the plugins I have?

The DAZ Studio 4.5 SDK has not changed in any way that causes it to be binary incompatible with the current release, which means that any plugins created for a previous version of DAZ Studio 4.5 (i.e. should continue to load and function in this version. That said, as with any new release, there is always the possibility that a plugin has had bugs fixed or features added, so the latest versions should be downloaded and installed if they are provided.

Some plugins that are currently built/produced by DAZ 3D will provide a separate package that is specifically intended for use with this General Release; these packages will not contain "Public Build" in the package name, as that moniker is used for pre-release builds. 3rd party plugins that DAZ 3D creates install packages for will be updated to allow simultaneous installation into the General Release and the pre-release builds. These packages will display as "Product Updates" within Install Manager once they have been updated.

Is there any documentation?

Yes. Check out the User Guide and QuickStart Guide that we've posted in the DAZ Studio 4.x Documentation section.

Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    thumbs up - all systems go !
    you all did good with fixes .

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    12) Fixed #DS-297/CS161037: Cr2 exporter crash

    Thanks for getting this one rolled in.
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,262
    edited December 1969

    COOL! Thanks for the update.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    edited December 1969

    After updating, my custom workspace has the Tools in the Tools toolbar repeated over and over and over...
    How can I fix this?

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  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited February 2014

    Lol wow. :bug:

    Have you tried choosing a new layout and then going back to your custom one (save your custom one first with window > workspace > save layout as if you haven't already)?

    There's also a script in Library > Scripts > Utilities called Update and Merge Menus. Not sure if this is just for the textual menus, but it's worth a shot.

    If all else fails, choose a new layout and rebuild your custom one?

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Lol wow. :bug:

    Have you tried choosing a new layout and then going back to your custom one (save your custom one first with window > workspace > save layout as if you haven't already)?

    There's also a script in Library > Scripts > Utilities called Update and Merge Menus. Not sure if this is just for the textual menus, but it's worth a shot.

    If all else fails, choose a new layout and rebuild your custom one?

    I tried going to City Limits, which looks fine, and back to my custom layout, which still looks bad.
    I tried the script to update and merge menus, but that didn't fix it either.
    I do not want to start over!!!!! We weren't supposed to have to do that anymore. I hope someone can tell me how to fix it. Starting over would be a last resort.
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited February 2014

    I can think of two other options, going into customize and manually deleting all of the extra entries, or edit the dsx for the custom layout file in the appdata.

    To give you an idea of what that section of the file would normally look like:

    The file is located in C:\Users\**********\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\user layouts\toolbars\NameOfLayout.dsx

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    edited February 2014

    Vaskania, you are brilliant! I did a combination of editing the file you pointed me to and deleting some items in the customizing interface, and I have my workspace back again. THANK YOU!!!!!

    Edit: Uh Oh! something is still wrong though. When I close and reopen DAZ Studio or select my custom workspace, I am getting duplication of the tools toolbar again. First I had 2 and now I have 3. I guess I'll have to submit a bug report.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • gabugabu Posts: 303
    edited December 1969

    I installed it with the .exe file rather than through DIM.

    It removed the beta version but did not remove the version I had and there is now a /Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 Public Build.

    Can I just remove /Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 manually?

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    The weight map brush is gone, not sure why but its no longer in the UI

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638
    edited December 1969

    my solution

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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638
    edited February 2014

    oh thats why my submission blah bla blah, double post

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Yes TY Wendy, glad its just the icon missing (used that icon all the time) :)

  • msorrelsmsorrels Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    My tools toolbar keeps duplicating itself as well. Every time I start and stop DS it adds another copy of all the tools to the bar. I've created workspaces with the correct layout but if they include just one copy of the tools when they are re-loaded it will come in with two copies.

    The beta didn't have this problem.

  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,388
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, I look forward to trying this out over the coming weekend!

    I wish other DAZ software were updated as regularly as DS. Or at least modernized.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    If you have already customized and saved your layouts,

    you can find node weight map icon in left side view port tool section of customize window.
    Window>workspace>customize (F3)

    add weight map tool in view port Tools of right pane(tool Bars) ,
    change right pane( Activities), then view port tools "on"
    after that click confirm.

    (no need to save layout again, ds auto save when you accept it and overwriite your cusotmized layouts)

    But from other uers report,,I am frightened:shut:

    if some strange thing might happen, when change layout,,
    (though I tweaked already ,,then windows 64bit ver,,
    seems no problem,, when I tweak layouts which saved before,,)

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited December 1969

    Toolbars are behaving here, but I'm using my own custom tool bars. It doesn't appear to be all toolbars that are the issue in barbult's screenshot but only the one with the viewport tools - is that the case with anyone else seeing this? What is the toolbar called? Have you added new tools to it?

  • ben98120000ben98120000 Posts: 469
    edited December 1969

    Thank you DAZ for DForm weight map support.


    Apply D-Former, select the base or the field in scene tab, activate Node Weight Map brush from the Tools menu and in Tool Settings menu click Add map. Paint away. :D Pic 2, excluded eye ball from d-former influence (yess! :D)

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  • SederdedSederded Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    Installed and my entire content library dissapeared from Smart Content tab view... all icons are gone and replaced by "!" and when I try to load it says there's no file where it's looking. However the files ARE all there; and are accessable in the (much more tedious to access) Content Library tab. Workflow is seriously impeded... anyone know how I can getf all my content (about 30 gigs) back in Smart Content view?

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,726
    edited December 1969

    Sederded said:
    Installed and my entire content library dissapeared from Smart Content tab view... all icons are gone and replaced by "!" and when I try to load it says there's no file where it's looking. However the files ARE all there; and are accessable in the (much more tedious to access) Content Library tab. Workflow is seriously impeded... anyone know how I can getf all my content (about 30 gigs) back in Smart Content view?

    CMS is running?

  • msorrelsmsorrels Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    For me it only effects the toolbar named "Tools" It has all the selection tools on it. It just keeps duplicating those tools. Even if I clear it out. The next time I start DS, it readds them all again.

    My layout and menus and tools were all highly customized. I'm running on Win7 64 bit. The beta (which has the same workspace customizations didn't have this problem. Thinking it had to have something to do with adding custom commands to the Tools menu, I moved all my additions to their own new private toolbars and deleted the entire Tools toolbar and let DS recreate it. But it still duplicates all the buttons every time I start DS.

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  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    Think I'll wait until this problem with Toolbars is ironed out.:long:

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited December 1969

    Yes, I see the issue in the Tools toolbar - as soon as I reenabled it I had the multiple entries.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Is there an update on the essential lights bundle and scene builder? I see them listed in product library but DIM does not flag them as updated.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    For anyone with the toolbar problem try clicking the little arrow at the end of the top of the bar to see if it semi-fixes the problem (the icons may still repeat they just don't overflow into the work space).

  • joegerardijoegerardi Posts: 226
    edited December 1969

    So, every time I try to get it, I am simply sent to my account page with no opportunity to actually download the software. I've clicked the "Download with Download Manager" button, the "Install Download Manager." and the preferred, but little, tiny "Manual Download" link. They all take me to my account summary page...

    Any ideas?



    PS: Yes, I'm obviously logged in, else I'd not be able to post this, nor would it take me to my account page...

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    So, every time I try to get it, I am simply sent to my account page with no opportunity to actually download the software. I've clicked the "Download with Download Manager" button, the "Install Download Manager." and the preferred, but little, tiny "Manual Download" link. They all take me to my account summary page...

    Any ideas?



    PS: Yes, I'm obviously logged in, else I'd not be able to post this, nor would it take me to my account page...

    You can be logged into the forum without being logged in the store account ... it happens.
    Are you trying this

  • EamonEamon Posts: 159
    edited December 1969

    I am actually scared of updating as I am afraid I will loose al my files as per Sederded above there.

  • Ralph AzoteRalph Azote Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    What's the trick to downloading this? I keep getting asked to register then asked to sign in again, and then bounced to my account overview.

  • SmileyWitchFaerieSmileyWitchFaerie Posts: 77
    edited December 1969

    Why does it take you to a page to register and when you click you're already a member the page keeps cycling over and over ? Oh and the link to download manually isn't working either . Like Ralph , I wondering what's the trick to download it .

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