10 Reasons You Need a Falloff Shader Plugin - new article at CARRARA CAFE

I published a new article on CARRARA CAFE:
10 Reasons You Need a Falloff Shader Plugin

960 x 341 - 200K
Post edited by wetcircuit on
That info is very nice. I plan on using a couple right away.
YAY! Another full length article completed! Please take a look. I put some of my best artwork in this one, imho - reworked the shaders for the article so these are all new renders even if you've seen some of these before.... (a couple of new renders too which I feel meh about at this point, sometimes you just gotta meet the deadline, haha)
In the interest of crassly mass-marketing Carrara to new and old users alike, it is another "List of 10" things that all the blog writers recommend as link bait. (I refuse to publish anything that says "You won't believe what happened next...!" or "Professionals hate me for this one weird trick...". I have *some* moral limits, I'll have you know...)
Anyhoo, this article is all about Carrara's FALLOFF SHADER which -- er, um, doesn't seem to exist.... but I give 10 examples why you need a falloff shader in your arsenal - it's probably THE most important shader I use. Seriously I can't get through ANY renders without it. There are 2 plugins for Carrara that add a falloff shader, so please support our plugin developers. It's all in the article....I added some shader recipes too. Thank you for looking...! Feedback is appreciated
ALSO, if there are any topics or techniques you use in CARRARA that you could put into a short article PLEASE ADD YOUR VOICE TO CAFE! It's our group effort to help showcase what Carrara can do. The recent poll I put up got a lot of requests for ANIMATION and RIGGING, plus NATURE and PHOTOREALISM close behind! It would be GREAT to hear from you!
I still intend to write an article, but haven't figured out the topic. Your list of poll results is certainly helpful.
Seeing as how you are the current reigning nature guru... maybe. something nature-y for Spring? :-)
...and I made a banner but let me guess, we cannot update our signature here?
Seeing as how you are the current reigning nature guru... maybe. something nature-y for Spring? :-)
...and I made a banner but let me guess, we cannot update our signature here?
I see the banner! Looks nice!
Oops! I see that you have it as an image in the body of your post. Refer to my signature!
Seeing as how you are the current reigning nature guru... maybe. something nature-y for Spring? :-)
...and I made a banner but let me guess, we cannot update our signature here?
Yes you can. Top right of the forum screen, where it says Your Control Panel.
Image needs to be 480X60 and less that 60kb jpg, png or gif formats accepted.
Ahh... I was having issues uploading a png, but I switched to a jpg and it worked! Thank you!
Nice work Holly!
I will have to have a go at a few of those. I occasionly use Sparrowhawkes edge falloff plugin, I assume its pretty similar to those ones?
mmmm , strange Holly.... I thought it was you who got me onto the Sparrowhawke one ages ago! I wondered why you had not put it in your article. I never bother to look at what plug-ins do, I wait until some body like you hits me over the head with it! Though I did look at the Shoestring ones after reading the article. The one that renders the shadow only, I might use.
I guess I am getting old and my mind is going... :down: Or my hdd was getting full and I had to delete a few things... Seems Sparrowhawke has moved on from Carrara. None of his plugins are "officially" C8...
I stopped using JIGGLE when it didn't get updated to Mac C8 - a pity after I finally read the manual and learned how to set it up for my "big girl" character. I would really like to use JIGGLE with Marvelous Designer.... It was limited, you had to clamp down the settings to prevent mesh tearing, but as a Modifier it was pretty awesome and didn't take much longer to calculate the extra "jiggies".... (it also made all boobies hang better). Would be a great feature to add if it could utilize the paint feature of Carrara (which doesn't get much love from me outside of painting terrain zones for the surface replicator).... I think Wendy has gotten better use by adding "spring" rigs though.... And Poser has some sort of "cloth brush" that also seems to work better but I don't know if you can use it on people....
TBH, I never used the Shoestring Shaders either. One of the few plugins I haven't purchased. It looks so science-y and intimidating. :P
Fantastic article, Holly! Thank you for this... I really needed it, and the timing is pretty spot-on as well.
I guess that helps me to define one of the 537 bazillion options available in Shader Ops! LOL
Who would have thought that just using this one aspect of it could unleash such fun and excellence?
Again, Thanks!