December 2019 New User 3D Art Challenge - Free Render Month: Wrap it up!



  • Version D here of my second idea, adding some space between the main character and their pursuers, and some sparks being kicked up from rounds hitting the asphalt behind her.

    1334 x 2160 - 3M
  • Kaye KayeKaye Kaye Posts: 210
    edited December 2019

    And more Nefetina fun! :) I do like the skin for this figure. This is Babina 8 with an Edie 8 pose, which was good for only minimal tweaking. As ever, light is mostly a linear point light to the face.

    The reflection in the eyes needs work. I also softened the shadows in photoshop to have a more natural interaction with the sand plane.

    2000 x 3000 - 1M
    Post edited by Kaye Kaye on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited December 2019

    Hi folk, sorry for my absence

    cloth1975 Not sure, if I like the first entry better, but what I would definitely do, is to open one hand of the hero. In the scene it looks more like he pushed the victim. 

    marjoemartino Not bad, only his left leg who comes out of the fog looks a little out of place. Btw. this splatters should be blood or sparks?

    Shinji Ikari 9th You could give the motorcycle a bit of an incline and let the driver fire backwards with a gun. That would give the event more dynamism and narrative power.

    Daventaki I love how the materials work together in this scene, well done.

    Wicked WhompThe last entry looks good, you could try to move her closer to the cube

    Kaye Kaye Simply but good composens. What I ask me and I hope of an answer from all the experiented users, is it possible to use her skin texture and made a displacement map for the bandages, so that they look more realistic and not so skin painted?

    Post edited by daybird on
  • daybird said:


    Shinji Ikari 9th You could give the motorcycle a bit of an incline and let the driver fire backwards with a gun. That would give the event more dynamism and narrative@ power.

    @daybird Thanks for commenting, I like the idea, but will have to see what I can do with it if I get a chance before the end of the month.

  • daybird said:
    Wicked WhompThe last entry looks good, you could try to move her closer to the cube

    I honestly tried, however it appears I am in need of some morphs, whether I make them myself or purchase, because the female model would actually clip if moved any closer. Though perhaps it wouldn't bee all that noticeable...So I can try and give it a go nonetheless.

  • @daybird, I took a stab at what you suggested with version E here.

    I added a new camara to change the angle, gave her a firearm, and tried to get her to look like she was blind firing behind her without the pose looking like someone couldn't make it (does that make since?) while keeping her other hand on the controls with the arm looking natural and not at some weard angle.

    1334 x 2160 - 4M
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    @daybird, I took a stab at what you suggested with version E here.

    I added a new camara to change the angle, gave her a firearm, and tried to get her to look like she was blind firing behind her without the pose looking like someone couldn't make it (does that make since?) while keeping her other hand on the controls with the arm looking natural and not at some weard angle.

    Yeah, that looks much better, now we have much more storytelling in this scene, maybe you could give her a better expression, she looks very emotionless now.

    Yes I know shadowrunner are coldhearted bastards, but emotions are always good.

    Oh, one last suggestion, did you have the possibility to give her hair a movement, like the wind blows it behind her? That would also increase the feeling of movement a lot.

  • daybird said:

    @daybird, I took a stab at what you suggested with version E here.

    I added a new camara to change the angle, gave her a firearm, and tried to get her to look like she was blind firing behind her without the pose looking like someone couldn't make it (does that make since?) while keeping her other hand on the controls with the arm looking natural and not at some weard angle.

    Yeah, that looks much better, now we have much more storytelling in this scene, maybe you could give her a better expression, she looks very emotionless now.

    Yes I know shadowrunner are coldhearted bastards, but emotions are always good.

    Oh, one last suggestion, did you have the possibility to give her hair a movement, like the wind blows it behind her? That would also increase the feeling of movement a lot.

    I'll have to go back in and take a look at her hair to see what morphs there are to do so, I forgot about the hair until the render was finishing. As for her expression, all I have are the basics for G2F, so I'll have to see what I can do.


    In case I don't post again until thursday, happy hollidays everyone.

  • Luftsturmregiment40Luftsturmregiment40 Posts: 328
    edited December 2019

    a warm welcome

    giving a try with d-force

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    Post edited by Luftsturmregiment40 on
  • @daybird here's version F. I changed her expresion, and tried to give her hair some more motion (I had to disable the limits on one of the morphs to get what I have.), added some sparks flying from the side of the pursuing vehicle as well as rising said vehicle a bit because I noticed that the tires were poking into the ground.

    1334 x 2160 - 4M
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    I like the sparks. From which product they are?

  • ShackShack Posts: 22

    Merry Christmas!


    Merry Christmas 2019.png
    857 x 1200 - 2M
  • daybird said:

    I like the sparks. From which product they are?

    There from this product that I got back in 2015 over at

  • AZDigitalArtistAZDigitalArtist Posts: 792
    edited December 2019

    Here is lovely Sunny, doing her aerial work above the Cloud City....wrapping up what I have learned since my first render in July.  I hope to learn more in the first half of 2020!

    Photoshop was for the texturing and color grading, and a tiny bit of burning to match everything to the light.

    1152 x 1152 - 921K
    Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited December 2019

    I'm sorry I haven't been around much this month. Real life is unexpected busy this month, having nothing to do with the holidays. Anyway, I wanted to stop in and say:

    Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays

    May the Treasures
    of the Season,
    Peace, Joy & Love,
    Be With You Always!


    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Here is lovely Sunny, doing her aerial work above the Cloud City....wrapping up what I have learned since my first render in July.  I hope to learn more in the first half of 2020!

    Photoshop was for the texturing and color grading, and a tiny bit of burning to match everything to the light.

    Great idea  a cool posing, but I wish you did not downgrading the light. I think it would be even more spectacular with this sun rays.


  •[email protected] Posts: 69
    edited December 2019


    I present the latest iteration of my entry. First of all, thanks everyone who offered constructive criticism. I tried to integrate every criticism that made sense to me.
    And boy, did I learn much this time around.

    What I wanted to add as a finishing touch were spectators. But this presented quite a technical hurdle. Using more actors in the same scene was more than my
    PC could handle. It ran out of VRAM. Doing renders with only the spectators with the idea of adding them in post processing also did not work. The single actors
    were so far away from the camera and the world center, that they did not render correctly (textures in the face didn't show up). My research suggests, that this
    is a problem with the Iray renderer.

    My next idea came from a product called Now-Crowd. Fantasy Crowds I and II are in my collection. This is of course not useful for my contemporary image and
    I looked for crowds that might fit. However, there is no "superhero-admiring-crowd" I fear, so I needed to create my own. So I researched how to do billboards,
    and the first results are in the current iteration of the scene.

    So here is the changelog from the previous version:

    • one criticism was, that the hand poses looked to aggressive. Having thought about it I agree. I made three changes to compensate this:
      • switching from fist-style-flying to chop-hand-style-flying.
      • the right hand now tries to reach the woman
      • the spiky, aggressive energy aura was replaced with a smoother one
    • the woman now looks at and tries to reach the right hand showing her will to be rescued
    • the matte paint of the car was replaced with a reflective car paint. I think this looks more contemporary and you can see the building in a subtle reflection
    • the exhaust fumes were reworked to look less geometrical
    • added self-made spectator bill boards

    Because of my remaining time this year, I think this will be the last iteration. Although if there is critique that can be implemented in short time, I will probably do it.

    Best regards and a happy new year everyone.


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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • t0mg_zt0mg_z Posts: 51
    edited December 2019

    Hello everyone! 

    I want to submit my entry:


    Starring Edward 8 as Daniel Craig as James Bond. 

    Many, many morph applied + auto face enhancer. I think it ended up looking more like 50% Craig, 25% Gene Hackman 25% Bruce Willis, but that's my best effort.

    Using i13 Estate Agency Office as the window wall and Stonemason's excellent Urban Sprawl 3 buildings as background. 

    It's using Sun+Sky + a single spotlight behind the blinds for extra drama.

    Rendered on Iray, tone mapped and some mild post done on Photoshop. 

    Hope you like it!

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • AZDigitalArtistAZDigitalArtist Posts: 792
    edited December 2019

    Just for you, Daybird... the ungraded version with a tiny bit of extra sun on her face. 


    Above The Clouds no grading.jpg
    864 x 864 - 587K
    Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited December 2019
    t0mg said:

    Hello everyone! 

    I want to submit my entry:


    Starring Edward 8 as Daniel Craig as James Bond. 

    Many, many morph applied + auto face enhancer. I think it ended up looking more like 50% Craig, 25% Gene Hackman 25% Bruce Willis, but that's my best effort.

    Using i13 Estate Agency Office as the window wall and Stonemason's excellent Urban Sprawl 3 buildings as background. 

    It's using Sun+Sky + a single spotlight behind the blinds for extra drama.

    Rendered on Iray, tone mapped and some mild post done on Photoshop. 

    Hope you like it!

    I thaught I was seeing Bruce Willis as the image loaded. Nice one, and Happy New Year.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    I've had an idea for this thread since day one, but I probably won't be able to finish it in time, so here's my latest render instead.

    Mother-Daughter Time

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Gordig  Lol funny idea

    AZDigitalArtist :)

    t0mg well done

  • t0mg_zt0mg_z Posts: 51
    edited December 2019
    t0mg said:

    Hello everyone! 

    I want to submit my entry:


    Starring Edward 8 as Daniel Craig as James Bond. 

    Many, many morph applied + auto face enhancer. I think it ended up looking more like 50% Craig, 25% Gene Hackman 25% Bruce Willis, but that's my best effort.

    Using i13 Estate Agency Office as the window wall and Stonemason's excellent Urban Sprawl 3 buildings as background. 

    It's using Sun+Sky + a single spotlight behind the blinds for extra drama.

    Rendered on Iray, tone mapped and some mild post done on Photoshop. 

    Hope you like it!

    I thaught I was seeing Bruce Willis as the image loaded. Nice one, and Happy New Year.

    LOL, thank you!. You're right. I think he's 25% Daniel Craig, 25% Bruce Willis, 25% Doom Guy 25% Gene Hackman :) 

    I did some changes to the scene,basically, I wanted a colder, more cinematic ambiance, so I shifted around the buildings, added some decorative spotlights, changed some mats, gave him a new wardrobe, dialed in some extra head morphs and gave the final render a slightly different tone mapping (I'm a total noob on Photoshop).

    Hope you like it!



    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by t0mg_z on
  • Sisyphus1977Sisyphus1977 Posts: 306
    edited December 2019

    Adjusted the lighting some more to make the scene just a bit brighter.  This will be my final version for this challenge.

    "Tara and Tango Chilling"

    Tara and Tango Chilling Final.jpg
    2560 x 1440 - 3M
    Post edited by Sisyphus1977 on
  • Olo_OrdinaireOlo_Ordinaire Posts: 742
    edited December 2019

    Title might be:  "Niah, Furtive, in the ruins of the city"

    Image created with DAZ Studio 4.12 Beta - minor levels touchup and unsharp mask in Photoshop.





    2200 x 1833 - 6M
    Post edited by Olo_Ordinaire on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    This challenge is now closed.

    Thanks to everyone for participating!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    And Have A Happy New Year, Too!

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861

    December 2019

    Showcased Participants for the December Free Render Challenge

    Oh the Stores You Tell - Given to the person who created an image that told a story that evoked emotion from the viewer.

    The New User we felt best showed that this month was Gordig

    Come Together - Given to the person who created an interesting and complex image that had many layers to the story it told.

    The New User we felt best showed that this month was AZDigitalArtist


    Holy Smoke - Given to the person that created an image that caught your attention and transported you into the image.

    The New User we felt best showed that this month was Olo_Ordinaire


    New User Welcome

    Wicked Whomp


  • Wow, thanks!!!  And congrats to the others showcased, I absolutely loved your work!!!!

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Congratulation to all the winner. :)

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