Fenric's Posing Pack 3 visibility tool with Genesis

Can Fenric or anyone advise please.
Using Carrara Pro 8.5 Windows x64 version. Also Use SM Poser for figures (but not Genesis). I bought Carrara because its cameras are far easier to use for larger scenes. Also hoping to use Carrara for Genesis but have a need to hide hands and feet often for gloves/boots (an easy thing to do in Poser). I purchased Posing Pack 3 mainly for the advertised figure visibility tool thinking that would give me a similar functionality to that in Poser.
Just got round to trying it out only to find it works fine on Poser figures (V4/M4 etc.) but on Genesis 1 and 2 it simply generates the following message: "An error has occurred". Carrara carries on working with no detriment, but I've tried everything and just get that message every time. Checking around, I see that Fenric has a new tool to hide the skeleton complete (which might be useful), but I don't want to hide the skeleton, I want to hide the mesh.
Am I doing something stupid here? Is what I'm trying to do even possible? The Display wire frame tick box under the effects tab doesn't seem to effect the mesh either. Any Guru's out there kind enough to offer advice? Thanks.
That command will not work with Genesis at this time. The command in the SDK that I am using to hide the body parts is part of the Poser figure support (I3DExFigureActor.SetVisible) and is not available for Genesis. I haven't found a similar function for Genesis.
I am going through to patch my commands to not crash with Genesis, but some of them are going to tell you "This command is not supported with Genesis" instead of "An error has occurred"
Thanks Fenric, for that explanation. Made me go look again at what's available and DOH!!! Found the Visible tick box on the General tab!
(Smacks Head!) :red:
Been away from Carrara a couple of years (since version 7), got to get my brain back in gear. Not as simple a solution as I'd hoped, but not too bad a solution. Think I will get your Bone hide tool since it is often a PITA.