Interactive renderer quality - help needed!
To make it short:
I am new to carrara 8 and I'd like to know how to make the interactive renderer render things like advanced shaders and textures. I made a texture and it won't render it.
Here are things I've tried:
I tried maxing the interactive render settings and putting the render mode on "textured".
I tried messing with the texture itself so that it's lower resolution.
I tried locating a setting that might increase the resolution.
I also searched for a solution to this problem on google to no avail.
Additionaly, I noticed that some shader effects don't render on the interactive-renderer as well, so the issue is probably related.
Any ideas? I want to be able to see textures and shaders applied on my objects directly on the interactive renderer.
Some specs for your graphics card might help. Also a screen shot of the Interactive renderer panel could help as well.
That being said, it is reliant on the graphics card and OpenGL. Certain complex shaders may not show up well if at all. Image maps usually show up pretty well. Terrain shaders show as kind of a low res approximation that isn't really much help. Also it can take a bit to draw the textures, especially if there are a lot of them, or there are a lot of alphas and if the texture quality is turned up.
If you are doing shader and texture work, it is best to use the preview window in the Texture room. For my part, I know what my shaders and textures are, and so I rarely use the textured view. I find the scene lights option in the Interactive Renderer much more useful to scene set-up. But then, that's my workflow and yours could be different.