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You know, it didn't strike me as pricey.
I'm actually wondering if we'll see more houses done like this.... say, as a different house further along the same country road, but with a different internal layout and look. But yeah, this one strongly temps me to further blow my self-imposed Daz Studio budget for the month. :D
They had me at 5 bathrooms. >>giggles<<
Still hopening for a southern france cote d azur villa .
It is very impressive. I hope it does very well. There's no arguing that the price is reasonable for the volume and quantity/quality of items included.
Harwood House does offer good value for money, but be aware that it is a memory hog, just like any large, well made product. That is not a criticism, as it applies, for example, to Stonemason products, too.
With that in mind, only load what you need, and maybe adjust texture sizes for background/middleground parts ( is your friend!) For me, I'm having fun playing with this House!
I'm not sure, but I think the Kitchen Cam (at least) comes with Depth of Field already turned on? At least that's what my first test render indicates - still at only 44% of rendering as I post this.
I expect we may see 'Go to' pose products coming out
Another detail I really appreciate is movable curtains in the windows. Almost all of the windows are sash windows, ("single-hung",) with the bottom moving up to open. And each of those has curtains that load 30% closed. But you can change the curtains for each window separately, anywhere from open all the way to closed all the way.
It's the little things that mean so much…!
This set is definetely a memory killer. Like dragonfly_2004 said above, is your friend. by Mattymanx will also help. Unless you have tons of memory on your pc, it is going to take some work to get this set setup in a way that will make it memory efficient. When I load a new model and realize that its going to take this much work in order to make it render friendly on my computer, thats about when I uninstall and write a ticket for a refund. But this house is amazing if you can look past all that other stuff and do the work. So many useful props as well.
So just know that if youre considering the purchase for this set and you have humble pc means, its not going to be plug and play for you.
But do they have complete viseme morphs?
People saying "It is pricey" don't mean it costs too much for what it is, I think they mean a $24 model purchase is more than they typically spend on a single model, that's all. That said, this thing is worth TWICE the price! WOW! Talk about packing it in! Can't wait to take it for a spin. If no one else beats me to it, I will try to post a 'regular lighting' render since everyone seems to want to see that.
Wow, you are doing such a great marketing job. Wishlisted for now.
Hey guys, thanks so much for everyone's kind words and all of your purchases, it's very much appreciated. I've seen a few points come up so i'll address them now -
For the folks asking about control maps for 3dl conversions. I can't remember using any flat shaders, but there's a heck of a lot of content so you might find a few in there. For the most part, it's mainly PBR maps for props (Diff,Normal,Spec,Rough). I can't see any problems with 3DL usage, however i'm really not familiar with 3DL at all, so hopefully someone else can weigh in on that.
Texture memory - Yes, it is a bit heavy. That's only really the case if you're loading in several rooms and then several characters though. I'd advise anyone with lower memory cards to load in the main set, load in the room you're rendering and leave it at that.
Promos - Some people would have preferred lighter promos or better layout shots etc. My apologies, i picked a theme and ran with it. I'll remember for next time.
Price - Most of you seem ok with the price, which is great. I thought it was better to have a slightly higher price for one unified set instead of splitting the house and props into different sets.
Anyway, thanks again guys. If anyone is stuck, just shoot me a message.
Another nice point to note .... the props for each location/room can be loaded indivdually or there is a 'load this room's props' .duf file for each room, making it much easier to load a room at a time, as needed, another plus point on top of the stuff already noticed by others (opening sash windows, drawn curtains, etc.)
Nor I. Not for the quality and all that you get in the pack. I'm not sure I'll be using it in the near future but it was just TOO GOOD not to pass it up!
Is it expensive for its contents? No, not at all. I'd actually say that it's quite a bargain, given the contents.
However, it may well be outside some peoples' budget (at this moment). That is an entirely different matter.
So, a bargain given the contents, pricey given our budgets. Does that make sense?
It definitely did enter my wishlist, and it's pretty high on that list as well. But, it depends on when I'll have the budget for it. Maybe the PC sales can be pushed forward by a month next year, to create some breathing space for peoples' wallets between those sales and the Black Friday sales?
Maybe make an update that includes REM, LD, SD, HD, XHD presets for each room, and the outside. (Remove, low, standard, high, xtra-high) Maybe another, for each room, to add or remove normals/bumps, seperate from the above settings. Sometimes people may want the HD, but not the aditional extras that are included, like in reflections of surfaces or distant shots through windows. Same on the reverse, using low detail, but turning on the extras, where they may contribute to the visuals directly.)
One more possible option to have an exterior window-BG, instead of needing the whole scene, while inside. (Even having the exterior setup as eight segments would help there. You could load only the segments seen from a window.) With the use of DOF, which many are getting use to, the simple exterior window-BG would be adequate for a fast render.
I agree with the others... The price is spot-on, for everything that is included. I couldn't get that good of a deal at a tag-sale. (My complaint about people selling 3D t-shirts for $40.00 of a real t-shirt that costs $10.00, you buy in real store. :P I guess they are happy only having a couple paying customers.)
Jd: that's easily twice the work, if not more.
I suspect doubling the price would not have been well received.
This looks really cool, and the price is excellent. We got people who buy a pro bundle for a sale price of $45 for a couple of hairs, characters, and clothing, this is an entire freakin' house...and it even includes a yard! All for $25 currently with the 30% intro discount. This looks like a home run to me, well done. I would agree that a couple non-horror themed pics would have been nice to show it off better in natural light. Themes are fine, but they don't all need to be the same theme.
Not only do toilets open, the attic appears to have a rigged pull down door and ladder for access. How many other products even have that? That is awesome.
This set already comes with a lot of presets, and if you're doing an interior shot, you can actually hide entire levels with the click of the mouse in the scene tab. Rendering a shot in the kitchen? Hide the second level and the roof. Rendering a scene in the attic? Hide the first and second levels. And if nothing is seen out the window, hide or remove the Exterior group. Doing a long shot of the exterior? Don't load props in any of the rooms.
And if you are using DS 4.12, hold down the Ctrl key when you click on the icon for one of those levels, and it will hide everything parented to that bone, including the doors and windows for that level.
All the lights in the house are loaded as a single group, outside of the main Harwood House group; You don't have to go hunting through the set to find them. And each light is named something appororiate like, "Dining Room Light", or "Garage Light", making it very easy to hide or remove lights you're not going to use.
There are also two utilities that can help make any scene leaner for Iray. Having one or both utilities and using them is, in my opinion, a better solution than any PA trying to create Presets for every possible need. I'm speaking of Scene Optimizer and Resource Saver Shaders Collection for Iray.
In my opinion, this is a well thought out organization of environment and props, geared to the ease of use for the user. I couldn't be happier with it.
...or at this time of the month, after some sales that already managed to gobble up twice of what the usual budget for the month was supposed to be (like getting that gift card and then using it the next day to pay for the PC+ yearly extension...)
I'm sure you know this but if you do a ctrl +click and drag of a prop into the viewport you can place it at a specific location on creation at Y=0.
I know this thread is several years old, but could someone provide a top-down view of the floorplans? There is a bird's eyes view in the promotional pictures, but it doesn't give a good lay of the house.
Thanks in advance!
Just quick renders using a section plane at about mid-wall on each floor.
Ground floor
First floor
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, Richard!