Why does one have to be rocket scientict to make this work? Morphs on Gen 1 and Gen 2

cobuspcobusp Posts: 303
edited November 2019 in Carrara Discussion

Hi had to reinstall eveything and thus also my Carrara Smart content goods. I had the same issue begore but one day, in some way, it just sorted itself out,

i have treid everything imannabke noe, but ant motphs installed for the Genesis 1-2 figures do not show up at all.  The parameters tab remains empty, no matter where innthevhierarchy I click! 

Can any Rocket scientis please help?

this is fir Carrara 8.5.1 for Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

Daz Studio 4 is installed also.

Post edited by cobusp on


  • Smart content never has and never will work for Carrara so I honestly don't know why you bother with it.

    I don't even use it in DAZ studio myself.

    I have a perfectly good content library

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,024
    Try an older version of DS first, 4.8 or older. May help with setting up the smartcontent database for Carrara.
  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303
    3drendero said:
    Try an older version of DS first, 4.8 or older. May help with setting up the smartcontent database for Carrara.

    Thanks, I will give it a try

  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303

    Smart content never has and never will work for Carrara so I honestly don't know why you bother with it.

    I don't even use it in DAZ studio myself.

    I have a perfectly good content library

    I dont use Studio either. But there are lots of DS figures and morphs  that I use in Carrarara. And Poser{s transform feature for Genesis requires rocket science for me to work too! Catch-22

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    The parameters tab remains empty, no matter where innthevhierarchy I click! 

    This leads me to believe that your problem is not Smart Content.  This sounds like a problem installing or locating the morph dsf/DSON files.    The base morphs should be installed with the Genesis Starter Essentials installation package.  Genesis 2 figures also have starter essentials install files. I believe they get installed in the "data" file folder, which should be in the same file directory as your default Studio content.  Victoria 6. etc. full body morphs are installed in folders within this data file. Morph packages also get installed in the data file.


    My guess is either that the morph dsf/DSON files are not installed in the correct directory, or that for some reason the whole data file tree is not in the same content location as your people file tree.

    morph dsf files.jpg
    614 x 698 - 88K
    morphs 2.jpg
    783 x 724 - 137K
    morph files jpg.jpg
    500 x 500 - 40K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    parameter morphs should show up when actor is selected.

    pose controls should show up when the figure name is selected.


  • Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. angry

    Yes, some folks do have a problem getting it working, and cast about for solutions.  Some blame the latest version of DS, or the latrest version of Windows 10.  But there are people who use both, and have no problem with Smart Content.

    For me, the most logical answer to the issue was posted several months ago.  Unfortunately, I can't find the post, and can't renember the solution!

  • Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. angry

    Yes, some folks do have a problem getting it working, and cast about for solutions.  Some blame the latest version of DS, or the latrest version of Windows 10.  But there are people who use both, and have no problem with Smart Content.

    For me, the most logical answer to the issue was posted several months ago.  Unfortunately, I can't find the post, and can't renember the solution!

    Two computers several installs it has never worked

    DAZ studio it has sometimes

    I am glad you are one of the few in fact only one I have heard of that it works for

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    cobusp said:

    Smart content never has and never will work for Carrara so I honestly don't know why you bother with it.

    I don't even use it in DAZ studio myself.

    I have a perfectly good content library

    I dont use Studio either. But there are lots of DS figures and morphs  that I use in Carrarara. And Poser{s transform feature for Genesis requires rocket science for me to work too! Catch-22

    Okay, here's the best Science I have for this issue:

    To use Genesis (1 and/or 2) in Carrara

    In Content Tab, be sure that you have "MyDaz3d Library" as an option. Carrara should have found this on its own if you had Genesis installed before opening Carrara for the first time. If not, when you add it as a runtime, be sure to select "Content" as the types of files it contains (for Genesis to work)

    In the "My Daz3d Library" (not My Daz3d Library Runtime!), scroll down to People > Genesis. You'll find all of your installed Genesis Characters in there - same applies for Genesis 2F and M under their entries.

    Load them from Content tab instead of Smart Content.

    I urge us all to work this way since we already know that Carrara development/compatibility is not an immediate priority for Daz 3d, and that's fine with us, right? Carrara already rocks!

    I urge this because, when working with Genesis figures in Carrara, Daz Studio has some amazing tools that can help us along our path to victory, so why limit ourselves to older version of the software?

    I have fairly recently bought GenX2 for Genesis, which allows me to add any Generation 4 morphs I own to my Genesis figures and, with the Genesis 2 addon, I can also add Genesis 2 M&F morphs! I say this here to help illustrate that certain DS plugins, even ones that haven't been made yet, can help us out in Carrara.

    Daz Studio really is amazing software. It's just that Carrara suits "us" much better! :)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Wow. This is truly horrible compared to what I'm doing now with my new computer, but this is some of the Genesis 2 Female shapes (and V4, A4, G4, Reby, Morphs++) on the Genesis 1 Base Female.

    The video is horrible. I only uploaded it to get it onto my TV when evilproducer and Garstor visited me. Those were my first experiments on a very lowly laptop.

    However, the process is really simple and very fun to do. I read the manual that came with GenX2, which walks us through the very simple process. They make An add-on for Genesis 3 as well. I'll get that one too when I get some Genesis 3 shapes. For now, I'm loving my Genesis 2 collection with my immense library of Generation 4 textures and clothes, which all work beautifully with Genesis 1

    Be careful! I was totally hyped about Genesis compatibility in Carrara when I first learned of it, and was into the Carrara 8.5 public beta right from the start. With that, I ended up getting an enormous collection of shapes for this figure. Enormous! I was also quite psyked about Genesis 2. Here's a very helpful tip I've been using to keep my Carrara characters more manageable, and easier (for me) to work with:

    Remember me mentioning the MyDaz3d Library (above)? Directly inside that folder is a Data folder.

    Data > DAZ 3D > Genesis > Base > Morphs

    Inside that Morphs folder resides all of the morphs you have installed for Genesis (same applies for the other Genesis in their respective folders)

    Premier Artists have their folders in there, DAZ 3D has theirs, and if you use GenX2, there'll be one for that as well.

    So here's what I do. I Copy that whole "Morphs" folder to a safe location. I use my desktop because I mainlky only use my computer for this stuff. Now, when I made Rosie 5, I deleted all of the folders of morphs I didn't need. I made sure to keep ALL of the clones, since those are for auto-fitting clothing, etc., but since I never want her to morph into a guy, I got rid of male shaping morphs, but kept any expressions. I love having lots of expressive morphs. I have a lot of creature morphs. Got rid of all of those. I even went through and removed many of the female morphs (mostly character shapes) that I knew I didn't want for her. Just delete them!

    Now I make sure to go into Carrara right away and load in Genesis with the limited selection of morphs, and save it. After that, I can copy my saved Morphs folder back into the actual Data > DAZ 3D > Genesis > Base directory. When it asks about duplicates, I just tell it to Skip those. I always use Copy instead of Move, because when I want to make a new custom actor, I go through this same process unless I want a full genesis as a playground for designing. But then, after I get my head around what I want, I go back into the Data > DAZ 3D > Genesis > Base > Morphs folder and getb rid of morphs I don't need.

    This helps in a few ways. For one, unlike Studio, Carrara actually saves those morph obj mesh data with the saved Carrara file. So it makes our custom figures just a little m ore efficient on our systems. More importantly to me is the fact that the morph dials that I don't need or even want are no longer attached to my specific character actors. 

    Funny thing. I just began work on the all new Dartanbeck 5 figure and was about to delete the Genesis 2 Female Teen Josie expression morphs. I'm glad that I decided not to because the current Dartan prototype expresses really nicely with Josie's expressions, and they're all at the top of the parameters tab list when the head is selected. Win-WIN! :)

    Let's say I want a Gorilla. I can easily delete nearly all of the morphs from the data folder - just making sure to keep whatever extras I might want, depending on what I'm using the gorilla for. And then it's as simple as copying the morphs back where they belong. Kinda makles an added bit of housekeeping, but it works great for me.

    I always make sure to make a fresh morphs backup after buying and installing new Genesis shapes. To do this, I always copy that master backup (the one on my desktop) back to the Data > DAZ 3D > Genesis > Base > Morphs location, and then I delete it. That way there's no confusion. Then I copy the newly updated Morphs folder to my Desktop again. I rename this copied folder to Master Morphs or Morphs Master or Morphs BackUp

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    Um... also, that video is NOT the new Rosie 5! It was a very low-res test so I could work on Carrara's dynamic hair. Even the animations are completely unfinished - only added to give big movement to the hair! LOL

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331

    More on GenX2 - I just put some links on this post in case you're interested in checking it out. I have loved Genesis 1 without any of this help for a long time, so I'm not trying to push in any way - just trying to be helpful. 

    There are also Generation 3 addons as well. 

    It's really easy to use. In Daz Studio, I just docked it with aniMate and the Timeline, so I can just open it up across the entire main working view of DS! LOL   By default, Genesis 1 is the Target figure, so any morphs added will go into the folder structure I was just talking about. With the G2 add-on, I have Genesis 2M and Genesis 2F as drop-down selections in the Source tab. Now that I've used V4 and M4 to add morphs to Genesis, they're in that list now too. Pretty slick.

    If I select a Genesis 2 actor, all I have to do is pick which morphs (any morph available to the selected Actor!) I want to give to Genesis 1. If I select or load Generation 4 figure, I need to use the Load button and browse to INJ morph files and load those onto that figure before I can select them to send to Genesis. If that sounds complicated, it's just my wording. So I have V4 as a Source, I browse to Daz's Victoria 4 in the Pose folder, Morph Injections, and then use those mass load files to just put everything onto V4. But I can also add custom morphs too, like the lovely faces by Thorne, Morris and others, horrific or warrior faces of MortemVetus, etc., if I have a morph available, I can load it and send it to Genesis.

    Whichever I select as the Source, I just put a check into any morph I want Genesis to have and click the button. It's fast and it works very, very, very well! Then I can load another figure or actor and add more morphs.

    Genesis Generation X2  |  GenX2 Genesis 2 Addon  |  GenX2 Genesis 3 Addon

  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303

    Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. 

    I like Smart Content when it WORKS  – it’s got squat to do with Personal Bias

  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303

    Thank you so much Dartanbeck, I will go through your text step by step, and hopefully find this thing to work.

  • cobusp said:

    Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. 

    I like Smart Content when it WORKS  – it’s got squat to do with Personal Bias

    My quote was not directed at you.  There are many people here - longitme Carrara users - who learned their own way to organize content, and have a very negative attitude towards the newer approach offered by Daz.  I think that both ways are fine.  Anyone who tells you that one will never work is simply biased, as Smart Content has worked fine for me and many others.

    If you are having difficulty getting Smart Content to work, that is a different issue.  A finger is usually pointed at Windows or DS new versions, but there are people who use the latest DS version, and use the latest Windows, for whom Smart Content works well.  I think that a reasonable cause for losing Smart Content was posted several months ago, but I still can't find it.


  • cobusp said:

    Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. 

    I like Smart Content when it WORKS  – it’s got squat to do with Personal Bias

    My quote was not directed at you.  There are many people here - longitme Carrara users - who learned their own way to organize content, and have a very negative attitude towards the newer approach offered by Daz.  I think that both ways are fine.  Anyone who tells you that one will never work is simply biased, as Smart Content has worked fine for me and many others.

     If you are having difficulty getting Smart Content to work, that is a different issue.  A finger is usually pointed at Windows or DS new versions, but there are people who use the latest DS version, and use the latest Windows, for whom Smart Content works well.  I think that a reasonable cause for losing Smart Content was posted several months ago, but I still can't find it.


    Yeah you are making a huge assumption there mate

    I actually loved smart content when it did work  in DAZ studio and used it a lot

    rebuilding databases new installs and on a new virgin windows 10 computer since it does not for me.

    Again you are blessed and who are these other people you refer to?

  • cobusp said:

    Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. 

    I like Smart Content when it WORKS  – it’s got squat to do with Personal Bias

    My quote was not directed at you.  There are many people here - longitme Carrara users - who learned their own way to organize content, and have a very negative attitude towards the newer approach offered by Daz.  I think that both ways are fine.  Anyone who tells you that one will never work is simply biased, as Smart Content has worked fine for me and many others.

     If you are having difficulty getting Smart Content to work, that is a different issue.  A finger is usually pointed at Windows or DS new versions, but there are people who use the latest DS version, and use the latest Windows, for whom Smart Content works well.  I think that a reasonable cause for losing Smart Content was posted several months ago, but I still can't find it.


    Yeah you are making a huge assumption there mate

    I actually loved smart content when it did work  in DAZ studio and used it a lot

    rebuilding databases new installs and on a new virgin windows 10 computer since it does not for me.

    Again you are blessed and who are these other people you refer to?

    Off the top of my head, TA, Stezza, and Diomede for starters.

    And what is this "huge assumption" that I am making?  I've been part of this same discussion many times on this forum.  I'm getting tired of defending Smart Content from the doubters (not just you) who claim that it never works in Carrara.  The claim is demonstratably false.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,076
    edited November 2019
    cobusp said:

    Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. 

    I like Smart Content when it WORKS  – it’s got squat to do with Personal Bias

    My quote was not directed at you.  There are many people here - longitme Carrara users - who learned their own way to organize content, and have a very negative attitude towards the newer approach offered by Daz.  I think that both ways are fine.  Anyone who tells you that one will never work is simply biased, as Smart Content has worked fine for me and many others.

     If you are having difficulty getting Smart Content to work, that is a different issue.  A finger is usually pointed at Windows or DS new versions, but there are people who use the latest DS version, and use the latest Windows, for whom Smart Content works well.  I think that a reasonable cause for losing Smart Content was posted several months ago, but I still can't find it.


    Yeah you are making a huge assumption there mate

    I actually loved smart content when it did work  in DAZ studio and used it a lot

    rebuilding databases new installs and on a new virgin windows 10 computer since it does not for me.

    Again you are blessed and who are these other people you refer to?

    Off the top of my head, TA, Stezza, and Diomede for starters.

    And what is this "huge assumption" that I am making?  I've been part of this same discussion many times on this forum.  I'm getting tired of defending Smart Content from the doubters (not just you) who claim that it never works in Carrara.  The claim is demonstratably false.

    .  There are many people here - longitme Carrara users - who learned their own way to organize content, and have a very negative attitude towards the newer approach offered by Daz.

    i am not negative towards it,  

    it will not work for me very long if at all if I rebuild the database for hours with my huge library period.

    The software needs to be user friendly, I am not a database systadmin geek.

    there are too many things that can corrupt PostGreSQL the known ones are some antivirus programs, I am only running the Windows 10 one for the record, can be something else I use but I have no way to find out or remedy it. 

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303

    There you go! Such a simple solution to such an impossible scenarion. Rather use the standrd Content folder instead of the Smart Contente ( not so smart, I think).


    thanks a lot for the input!!

  • We could go round and round. :)

    I stand by my statement.  There are several old-timers here who don't like Daz meddling in the way that content is organized, and prefer their own method, and actively tell people to not use Smart Content.  I didn't name names, nor will I  If you are not one of them, so be it.

    However, as long as you are quoting...

    Smart content never has and never will work for Carrara so I honestly don't know why you bother with it.

    If you hadn't made this statement, I would have never posted in this thread. :)

  • We could go round and round. :)

    I stand by my statement.  There are several old-timers here who don't like Daz meddling in the way that content is organized, and prefer their own method, and actively tell people to not use Smart Content.  I didn't name names, nor will I  If you are not one of them, so be it.

    However, as long as you are quoting...

    Smart content never has and never will work for Carrara so I honestly don't know why you bother with it.

    If you hadn't made this statement, I would have never posted in this thread. :)

    The reason I said that is because Carrara unlike DAZ studio is not in active development 

    we basically have a beta version that halfassed works better for some like you apparently not so well if at all for others

    its not even going to keep working on new Macintosh versions without active updates 

    and PostGRE was a pretty late tack on, for most of its active development life we had to use Valentino.

  • For me, words have meaning.  If someone says that something will not work in Carrara, and I know that it is not true, I will usually respond. :)

    If you had said, "smart content is a half-assed solution in Carrara, and you would be better off learning how to structure and access content in another way," I would likely have never posted.  I do understand the reasoning behind your bias.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,007

    of course Smart Content works well, there wouldn't be so many posts about how to get it to work if it didn't.  frown

    the newer approach is old hat ( seven years ) and at best was a bandaid solution at the time to appease and then unceremoniously dumped for lack of resources... in other words no programmers to improve upon it. And it's basically uselesss if you shop at other sites.

    so you learn to live with it the best way that suits oneself. wink

    tomarto tom8o 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Repeat - Not a Smart Content Issue


    Diomede said:

    The parameters tab remains empty, no matter where innthevhierarchy I click! 

    This leads me to believe that your problem is not Smart Content.  This sounds like a problem installing or locating the morph dsf/DSON files.    The base morphs should be installed with the Genesis Starter Essentials installation package.  Genesis 2 figures also have starter essentials install files. I believe they get installed in the "data" file folder, which should be in the same file directory as your default Studio content.  Victoria 6. etc. full body morphs are installed in folders within this data file. Morph packages also get installed in the data file.


    My guess is either that the morph dsf/DSON files are not installed in the correct directory, or that for some reason the whole data file tree is not in the same content location as your people file tree.


  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303

    of course Smart Content works well, there wouldn't be so many posts about how to get it to work if it didn't.  frown

    the newer approach is old hat ( seven years ) and at best was a bandaid solution at the time to appease and then unceremoniously dumped for lack of resources... in other words no programmers to improve upon it. And it's basically uselesss if you shop at other sites.

    so you learn to live with it the best way that suits oneself. wink

    tomarto tom8o 

    Amen to that!

  • cobuspcobusp Posts: 303
    cobusp said:

    Whether or not you like Smart Content depends on your personal bias.  PERSONAL BIAS.

    I really like Smart Content.  It works GREAT for me, so I get really annoyed when someone says it doesn't work in Carrara. 

    I like Smart Content when it WORKS  – it’s got squat to do with Personal Bias

    My quote was not directed at you.  There are many people here - longitme Carrara users - who learned their own way to organize content, and have a very negative attitude towards the newer approach offered by Daz.  I think that both ways are fine.  Anyone who tells you that one will never work is simply biased, as Smart Content has worked fine for me and many others.

    If you are having difficulty getting Smart Content to work, that is a different issue.  A finger is usually pointed at Windows or DS new versions, but there are people who use the latest DS version, and use the latest Windows, for whom Smart Content works well.  I think that a reasonable cause for losing Smart Content was posted several months ago, but I still can't find it.


    Do you know if it is still possible to get an older version of Daz Studion somewhere – say, 4,8 ?

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