Genesis 2 Ranger Bundle and Carrara 8.5

Howdy Everyone,
I got a little money for my birthday and decided to treat myself to something on my wishlist, the Ranger Bundle for Genesis 2 Female
Since this is featured in the Carrara Logo, I assumed that it would work just fine. However, when I load up the outfit onto Gia 6, the poke-through is horrendous. I would post a picture, but I think it would violate the TOS with the amount of poke-through. Is this normal, or is there a specific way to use this material with Carrara? I supposed you could use several magnets to pull it out, but seems like quite a bit of work. I have tried both loading and applying directly in Carrara, and doing it in Daz Studio and then importing into Carrara. No joy :-( Any advice?
Rich S.
I love the Ranger outfit by 3DU
Here is an out of the box render of G2 with the Ranger outfit applied..
It can be tricky as you need to conform everything as is doesn't do it when you load them on..
You also have to go into the Ranger top & Ranger pants tree on the RH side and find the arm & leg bands and conform them as well..
Enjoy your purchase.. hope this helps you out..
Also, thought I'd share this render I did which won a prize in the PC
Using the Ranger outfit and G2
Yeah Stezza... very nice image, indeed!
there is an issue that I've reported, and they've responded with the list of known issues fro Carrara 8.5 in that Genesis 2 is not yet fully supported. It has slowed my purchases related to Genesis 2, but not entirely put a stop to it - being the optimist that I am.
Great advertisement for Carrara Stezza!
for G2F I save the dressed figure as a scene in Daz studio 4 first
also I make hidden body parts transparent by turning down alpha
Genesis1 works much better though I will agree
Thanks everyone. I tried what Stezza suggested, and it worked! The poke-through is gone, and I have attached samples of my render. The first one is using the default Gia6 shaders, and the second is using the RM DP Optimized Carrara shaders. This looks much better than yesterday.
Rich S.