Physics Cloth and Hair Used on Genesis within Iclone.

Hi everyone,
I've only recently begun posting on the DAZ forums and have just posted a link on 'The Commons' to a video I've made.
It shows how Soft Body Physics cloth is used on Genesis in Iclone. I hope the moderators will allow the topic to be shown here also, since the emphasis here would be on comparing Carrara's physics capabilities with Iclone's which might not be how it would be discussed in The Commons.
Anyway, here is the link:
Why would I want to compare Carrara's physics to iClones? I'm really not trying to be rude, but unless it is a discussion on maybe how to transfer physics sims from one program to the other, it just seems as if it would either turn into an iClone sales pitch or a software pissing contest. iClone is a fine piece of software that is made for a very specific purpose, and Carrara is more of a general purpose 3D program- almost a suite, what with all the different functions and all.
cool video
probably more suited to the animation forum though
I use iClone too and have all those Wil Veeke outfits but must admit to never trying them on Genesis
another cool thing you can do is add extra bones to clothing in Daz studio using the content creation tools and use extend bone to make them spring animatable
I do this with parts below the thigh leaving the skirt rigged to the thigh, if the skirt has handles those can be used but it also needs to be partially rigged still to the thigh as well
the extra roll bones in 3dx5 are good for this.
if you ask the mods they can move this to the animation forum
Hi evilproducer and wendy,
Thanks for the responses. For what it's worth, Carrara is the program I would hope to use for whatever best 3D work I can create as a hobbyist. I was lucky to get versions 6 & 7 free from magazines and have bought 8.5 this year. Unfortunately, when I use Genesis in Carrara I run out of memory so I tend to transfer figures over to iclone for quick animations. I bought iclone, I told myself, for quick prototyping of scenes and ideas but I enjoy the program as much as Carrara.
The cloth shown in the video was something of an exclusive preserve of owners of 3DS max 2010. (Wendy might correct me if I'm wrong here). The old developer plugin of max to iclone used that version of max so nowadays the ordinary user can't make his or her physics clothing for iclone.
But when I dipped my toe into Carrara physics, I found that the essential pinning ability was present. So is collision between hard and soft bodies. I would have been willing to show my attempts in Carrara at achieving animated cloth. I say 'attempts' because it can't be done yet in the way it can in iclone. But it doesn't seem that far off.
A discussion might have been fruitful in a situation where Carrara 9 is said to be under development and when so many seem to want dynamic clothing.
I'm certainly not in the business of selling iclone, although DAZ has it in the store.
Don't let me scare you away! I was just going by the initial post. Ignore the old grouch. ;-)