Carrara Challenge #7: "CARDS FROM AN UNUSUAL DECK" - Work In Progress (WIP)

The Carrara Challenge #7 begins!
The theme you long waited for is:
There are many card decks and many worlds hidden inside them, just waiting to be revealed. Classic French cards, Tarots, even modern trading game card decks can be your inspiration for this challenge, so unleash your imagination.
"Unusual" means that you can conceive any variations to the original subject and choose your own interpretation, by reworking classical card images or using a deck as main subject of your work. How unusual the deck, is up to you. You can focus on a single card, if you prefer.
I'll give here few examples:
- an artistic reworking of one or more classical Tarots
- a fantasy scene featuring a witch while reading cards surrounded by spectral beings
- a spectacular Magic-like game where card-summoned monsters clash
- a dramatic scene where the actors are cards or card figures (remember "Alice's adventures in Wonderland"? Off with their heads!)
- a poker game in an Old West or a Las Vegas scene with five aces on the table (not an usual deck, huh?)
and so on. Surely your imagination will go far beyond those examples, possibilities are endless!
Great news! DAZ 3D offers the most generous sponsorship in Carrara Challenge history so far, and PhilW is back as munificent sponsor, donating products from his store for the winners and for TWO Honourable Mentions!
The prizes:
- 1st Prize: DAZ 3D owned product up to $100, plus three items from PhilW Daz store
- 2nd Prize: DAZ 3D owned product up to $50, plus two items from PhilW Daz store
- 3rd Prize: DAZ 3D owned product up to $25, plus one item from PhilW Daz store
- Honourable Mentions: TWO entries chosen by PhilW will get an additional DAZ 3D owned product up to $10 and one item from PhilW Daz store
Thanks again for your generosity, DAZ 3D and PhilW!
Challenge rules:
1. All renders must be done in Carrara. The images must be specially created for this challenge and previously unpublished.
2. Each artist can post one or more entries, but only his/hers top placement will be counted for a prize.
3. At least 2 WIP (Work In Progress) images must be posted in this WIP thread. It could be a pre-render screen grab of the scene set-up. These contests aim to share Carrara knowledge and techniques, so all comments about your work are welcome.
4. Plug-ins and content use are allowed and welcome, but MUST be credited.
5. Restrictions:
a. at least 2 different items in the scene must be created in Carrara, with you favorite native tool(s);
b. at least 2 different Carrara standard modifiers must be used in the Assemble Room. Bend, twist, bulge, explode... use Carrara modifiers power on you objects! Other modifiers installed by plug-ins can be used, in addition.
6. Postwork is allowed, but if you use postwork the raw render(s) that went into your postworked image MUST be posted in the WIP thread.
7. For each final entry you must specify:
a. the artist name;
b. the entry number (the number following the latest current entry);
c. the entry title;
d. the links to at least two WIPS in this thread;
e. if the entry is a clean Carrara render or if it has been postworked;
f. a description of the items and the modifiers used, according to rules 5a and 5b;
g. credits for the plug-ins and the content used, if any;
h. additional comments about your entry are optional and welcome.
Timing rules:
1. This thread will change to "work in progress (WIP)" at 08:00 AM GMT on Monday the 3rd February 2014.
2. The final entry thread will open at 08:00 AM GMT on Monday the 17th February 2014.
3. All entries must be submitted before 11:00 PM GMT on Monday the 24th February 2014.
4. The final entry thread will change to voting thread after the submission deadline and the voting will begin.
5. The voting will run until 11:00 PM GMT on Monday the 3rd March.
Voting rules:
1. You may choose up to 3 different entries for your votes. Please provide entry numbers for your choices. If you enter this challenge, you can't vote for your own entries.
2. Each vote counts as ONE even if:
a. you choose less than 3 entries;
b. you express your personal preferences from 1st to 3rd.
3. You have 2 ways to cast your vote:
a. post a comment into this thread.
b. anonymously, by sending me a PM. I will not make your name public, but I will post your votes into the thread. Anonymous votes have additional restrictions:
i. You MUST contact me via PM with your Forum identity;
ii. You MUST provide comments about your selections. Providing comments is optional if you just vote by posting in this thread, but if you vote anonymously, the comments are mandatory;
iii. You CAN'T vote for the entries created by the host (MicioDue).
Winning rules:
1. When the entry round is closed, all the votes cast according to the voting rules will define the final placements. The most voted entry will be the winner, the 2nd and the 3rd to follow. Challenge rule #2 applies if an author gets more than one entry among the first three.
2. If there is a tie, I will ask our great sponsor PhilW to break it.
3. The final word on the Honourable Mentions also belongs to our sponsor, PhilW.
4. The host (MicioDue) can't get the 1st Place in this challenge. If so, 1st and 2nd place will automatically switch.
5. The person who wins this challenge should host the next one.
Current sponsor store
- PhilW:
Previous sponsors stores
- RingoMonfort:
- Age of Armour:
- DimensionTheory:
- Dartanbeck:
You can post any questions and comments here.
Come on board! so many rich prizes deserve a special challenge with many great renders, so unleash the full power of your Carraras and let the contest begin!
I was beginning to wonder if you had forgot about us! ;-)
Thank you for hosting this. Thanks also to PhilW and DAZ 3D for their very generous support!
I'm pretty busy, but I will do my best to get at least one entry into this challenge.
That's a pretty good challenge !
fantastic work MicioDue!
A great idea for the theme and thanks for leading the way in putting this challenge together (and for getting DAZ to increase the prizes!).
1) Thanks for taking on the leadership role.
2) “CARDS FROM AN UNUSUAL DECK” is a wonderful theme.
3) Great idea to require the use of modifiers. Sometimes I am so focused on vertex modeling that I forget that a lot can be accomplished with the modifiers.
4) THE PRIZES from DAZ – wow! I could clear my wish list with first prize.
- Two Honorable Mentions – very generous once again, thank you.
To my fellow participants
- I’m not just going to be an entry to fill out the field. I’m in it to win it! OK, I’m in it for the fun of it – but I’m planning on winning this one because I’ve had my eye on some more PhilW products.
Consider a gauntlet thrown down. Where is the emoticon for grim determination?
I tried to make one with the DAZ Emotiguy, but it just looked like he needed to take a dump and was somewhat angry about it. :lol:
Here is a quick playing card soldier model created in the vertex modeler. I can see that the card shape is going to make editing bone influences very tedious. I found the Bicycle ace of spades image on the web.
Keep telling myself, grim determination, grim determination.
Wow, now this is an exciting challenge! But, but, but...noooo, no Carrara here :(
Since the requirement is related to modifiers, I'll show how I am making the spear from a primitive cylinder. I applied a bulge modifier and a taper modifier. I used the limits functions to limit the modifiers to the spear point. I then shaded the cylinder using a blender to create different colors for the shaft and the point. I used the elevation function with "local" setting.
It's not to late to buy it! ;-)
It's not to late to buy it! ;-)
Yes, and I see a huge 48% discount for Carrara Pro in the store, 69% for Platinum Club members! :gulp:
A good opportunity to become a Carrara artist, indeed. :)
I'm glad to see you all like the new theme and, once again, a big thank to PhilW for his valuable support in this new challenge. :)
Please, folks, hold you creativity until Monday! When this thread will change from "announcing" to "WIP" you'll be free to post, until then we are here for all comments and clarifications before starting.
"Timing rules:
1. This thread will change to “work in progress (WIP)” at 08:00 AM GMT on Monday the 3rd February 2014."
Says it right there.
(I've already made spade and heart symbols in the spline modeler to make my own card faces. I'm bringing it this time. 100% Carrara and 100% improved!)
diomede64, I really appreciate your enthusiasm, I'm sure you'll do a great work! :-)
Yes, and I see a huge 48% discount for Carrara Pro in the store, 69% for Platinum Club members! :gulp:
A good opportunity to become a Carrara artist, indeed. :)
I've been under a tight budget. I'm going to have to start winning some challenges using Daz if I'm ever going to get Carrara.
But, someone could create a daz challenge with this theme... hint, hint, hint ;)
You still may be able to pick up Carrara 7 Pro from the DVD's of back issues of magazines.. worth a look around..
The challenge looks like an awesome one with some great prizes up for grabs....
Time to get brain into gear and think of something.... ;-)
I found that 3D World Magazine's July 2010 Toy Story issue had the carrara pro 7 disk. But, I have not had any success with being able to find an old copy.
I've even had an idea for a tarot card, though with the learning curve even if I did find a copy I do not think I would be ready for this month's challenge using the carrara program
You can download a demo of 8.1 from
that will kick start you off ;-)
yeah, but I make it a habit not to install demos as I do not like it when bad uninstalls create registry issues down the road
when I find it at a price I can manage then that will be the time I am supposed to have it, until then daz studio it is
perhaps I can make a hello goodbye themed unusual card image and submit to the pc challenge
Looks like I’ll be kicking off the WIPs for this one..
the WiPs and non post render probably aren't in order..
didn't have much time for this months challenge
Hey, don't discount the all-Carrara, new and improved, highly competitive Diomede! I like what your doing. I think this challenge will bring out some great approaches. I bet we see some people experiment with the 3D paint tool.
To make my individual card faces for 2-10, I saved a camera position and the production frame. I've made the suit symbols and a box with spline objects. To change the card, I just duplicate and arrange the suit symbols within the box, and the card numbers in the corners. I use a white background. I render to create the image for the card face, then load it to the card soldiers.
More to come on my plans to make the deck "unusual," beyond just being soldiers.
Here is the beginning of the "unusual deck" - a blimp-galleon with and exploding balloon. The explosion is done with a modifier. My plan is to have card people having an air battle in galleon-blimps shooting canons at each other. Because the card people were made and rigged in Carrara, it should be relatively easy to detach the model from the bones, make a few changes, reattach the skeleton, and people the scene. Of course, such a scene would not be complete without a little swashbuckling. The plan is to do everything in Carrara. Now it is a matter of improving all of the elements.
You will be in awe when you see how these introductory elements are transformed into the final render.
Good luck everyone.
Great stuff so far! I'm looking forward to seeing these finished!
Interesting techniques, well explained, a good use of Carrara features. I think the final renders will be spectacular!
I'll have to rephrase it to kicking it off at the correct time ;-)
Stezza has built up lots of good will, and was the first to post in regulation time.
More modifier usage - Every ship deck needs plenty of rope. Here is a simple technique I am using to rig (in the sea sense, not the 3d sense) the sails and masts. I duplicated a primitive cylinder twice and set them in a tight triangle. I used a color gradient to apply a brownish-orange texture. I then used the twist modifier and the bend modifier to make the cylinders look like a length of rope.
I hope this shows some of the people who feel like they are relative beginners that you don't have to use complex vertex modeling to get interesting results. Come on in, the water is fine! Or, air is fine in this case.
Anyways... bravo on you both! Off to a great start!
I am just getting back into Carrara for some projects I have in mind. This event looks like fun and a great way to learn some new skills.
Here is my WIP for an unusual card game with some unusual cards. "Never Trust a Dragon"
This is just a screen grab as I am working with lighting and some other things. You can ignore the bottom half of the human... none of that will be visible in the final render so I didn't waste time posing or clothing it.
The cards and the symbols on them were created in Carrara (there is one basic card shape and then four different "suit" symbols - I am guessing this qualifies as at least two items created in Carrara?) Along those lines, does "point at" qualify as use of a modifier?
I'm going to make something based on the Heroclix line of TGC.
Here is a start of the base. Once I make the characters, I'll then have to make up the names and card info. I'm thinking of a couple ways I may use the modifiers.
Now I can use some of that superhero stuff I have.