new 3d sofftware/plug-in for Mac

I just came across this "new" product - MObject. It is a plug-in for Final Cut Pro X and Motion (Mac video editing programs).
Their website has the "ultra-cool" layout, making it hard to get much real detailed information about the product. Looks like it has a render engine. It also has some cool test manipulation features, although it doesn't appear that it can model.
It will import a variety of 3D formats, including OBJ. If you do video work (on a Mac), this might be a good tool to use with Carrara.
I am not sure how it would fit into a workflow. It seems to me that setting up an animation in Carrara might be simpler it you are already using it to set up your objects. In fact, I don't think this plug-in has any true animation tools. From the product pages, it seems this might have some good uses if you use a lot of live video combined with 3d object.
Here is a link that may be useful:
For the record, I have NO connection with this company or product. While I am considering purchase of some of their other FCP tools, I don't currently own any of their product either.