Carrarators Pyswarm Challenge

0oseven0oseven Posts: 626
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

With such a big interest shown in Fractal Dimensia's new "PySwarm" plugin a Skill Building Exercise has been started over in CarraraTors

Challenge is -Make any animation using PySwarm ( there, that's pretty simple )

As always these challenges are to inspire you to create or try something you've not previously attempted. There is no time limit ( or prize ) so you can always go back or try one of the other exercises.

Its all for fun and to help improve your skills with Carrara.

Direct link to forum

Link to PySwarm Wiki for download and help


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    How awesome is that?!!!
    Very nice, 0oSeven. I completely agree in that it's fun and healthy to just go off and try something you haven't yet. Even better, post your results - if you can ;)

  • FractalDimensiaFractalDimensia Posts: 0
    edited January 2014

    0oseven said:
    With such a big interest shown in Fractal Dimensia's new "PySwarm" plugin a Skill Building Exercise has been started over in CarraraTors

    Challenge is -Make any animation using PySwarm ( there, that's pretty simple )

    As always these challenges are to inspire you to create or try something you've not previously attempted. There is no time limit ( or prize ) so you can always go back or try one of the other exercises.

    Its all for fun and to help improve your skills with Carrara.

    Direct link to forum

    Link to PySwarm Wiki for download and help

    Most excellent, 0oseven! Thanks for setting this up, and I look forward to seeing how the challenge progresses!

    I will make it a priority to support this challenge in the coming months. Maybe we can come up with a meager prize to help incentivize contestants?

    Also, if you want, we can consider this thread (or one on the CarraraTors site if you'd prefer) to be the official "WTH" (What The Heck???) discussion area. If you set one up, just let me know. I will check it regularly and respond as quickly as possible to address any problems or issues people are having with the tool, including quick releases for bug fixes. (I will need to get my CarraraTors user password problem fixed so I can log in and check there regularly.)

    One of the things I really like about the Carrara Challenges have been the WIP threads, where contestants can post samples, experiments, thoughts, etc. With the talent floating around these forums, I can't wait to see how people envision "swarming" scenarios or read suggestions and thoughts on how to apply this!

    Of course, I hope you, DUDU, and others who have already taken the first steps into SwarmLand will offer thoughts and experiences as well!


    PS: To check for the latest information on PySwarm, also check the first post in the following thread:

    Post edited by FractalDimensia on
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited December 1969

    Since the beginning I feel that there are marvellous things to make with Pyswarm, the challenges and the exercises on Carrarator are always very instructive by the exchanges between animators and I believe that, thanks to you, we reach a new stage in the marvellous world of Carrara!
    Thanks again and welcome !

  • 0oseven0oseven Posts: 626
    edited December 1969

    quote FD - I will make it a priority to support this challenge in the coming months. end quote

    Your support on CarraraTors would be a boost for us and really appreciated. and we along with all users are grateful to you for this plugin which is being seen as a major enhancement..

    CarraraTors was established for Carrara Animators in order to focus on their animation interest and cater for their needs.

    There is already a dedicated subject in the forum for PySwarm and many other plugins ready for anyone to ask questions or share knowledge. These threads do not disappear off the screen and are easily found and searched anytime.

    The skill exercises are a separate thing and anyone can participate at any time.Contributors of videos describe what and how they did things so over time they could be a great repository of information.Again they don't disappear off the screen and are there for reference any time. They are meant to inspire and by having a specific thing to achieve it challenges people to explore the software in ways they may not have tried before. a "simple" exercise more often than not turns out to be "not so simple"

    Also anyone can start a skill challenge for their particular interest if what is there doesn't excite them.
    It would be great to see more people join in and benefit from the focus on Carrara Animation - It is a community effort.

    By the way i can see more challenges on the horizon for PySwarm as and when new features are introduced.

    So prizes aren't necessary because these are for fun ! However there is another forum topic for challenges involving more serious productions which would lend themselves to offering prizes so maybe later we could consider doing something special.

    Here is a link to the forum and my first pyswarm video ( hope it works )

    Thank you to everybody who participates..

  • FractalDimensiaFractalDimensia Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    Agreed! We need more Carrara animators! (Nothing against the single image renderings, but Carrara's animation capabilities is still under-explored IMHO.)

    I'm sure whatever is produced will be a big success!

    I am working on a few animation sequences, and will find a good spot on that site to post what I have done so far.

    Thanks for setting this up!

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