what the eff???? newly installed content?

everytime I try to install something I get:
"Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. Error writing file
C:/RunFirst/Process Newly Installed Content.txt"
this has never happened to me before. What does it mean & what can I do to fix this asap?
What are you installing exactly when this happens?
Any time I have seen this, it is a Windows error message, and makes no difference to anything, but we would need to know what you are trying to install just in case.
That looks like one of the error messages from the last set of exe installers before the DIM went online. Basically it is Windows Vista and newer preventing the txt file from being installed. It has no bearing on the functionality of the content.
But, like JimmyC said, we need to know what you are installing to be sure if that is what's going on.
good evening
I have the same problem when I want to install victoria 6
What OS are you using?
How did you install V6, DIM or by yourself?
What exactly is the error message?
Win7 64bit
by myself
Problem running post-instal step. installation may not complete correctly
error writing file F:/runfist/processnewlyintalledcontent.txt
I just looked at V6 in my Product Library. There are two files you can download, Victoria 6 (DAZ Studio) and Victoria 6 Poser CF (Poser Companion File)
You can download the Manual file, which is a ZIP, containing a folder called Content. You unzip the archive, and place the contents of the folder called 'content' (Runtime, People and data) into your DS library folder. If you have ever used DIM, you may have a folder called My DAZ 3D Library, if it is an older content folder, it may be called My Library, but, whatever it is called, you drop these three folders into it, and that is all that is required.
I find it difficult to see why your OS is complaining, that only happens if a file is installed by using an EXE file (such as the bitrock installers), but not when you merge the files yourself.
What file exactly did you download that is causing this error, and where are you installing it to?
Create a new archive in C and name it RunFirst and give everyone total control over it just to make sure.
Shade_Priest's solution works. I can confirm this fixed the problem. Thanks man that was driving me nuts.
Shade Priest is a genius! This woirked for me!
For Win users,create a folder named: 'RunFirst' (no quotes) in your Local Disk (C:)
Make sure to compress it
Wikihow has a page on how to to archive folders http://www.wikihow.com/Archive-Folders