HitFilm 2 Express free until Feb 2
Hi guys,
FXhome is making HitFilm 2 Express free until Feb 2. In a nutshell it is a hybrid video editor and visual effects software, similar to Adobe After Effects. And has a similar free deal going also for PhotoKey 6 Lite a creative green screen photography editor. The only thing is they are both for Windows 64bit system!
In return FXhome is asking people to share the news of the offer on Facebook or Twitter.
Thanks! That is just about the most awesome thing I've heard all year :)
Hi posted this yesterday does not seem to have stuck.
High quality film compositor.
Works with 3D props.
Get it here https://hitfilm.com/express/free
Hope you find this useful.
Move to the freepository as it is a limited time freebie.
Merged because there is already a thread on the same topic there.
Today I received in my email, HitFilm Newsletter - Get HitFilm 2 Express for free
Thread merged with the others on this subject.
Well ... Ok ... I even rolled a few pages on commons forum to see if anyone else had posted this ... Since I got to visit the commons, and the forum of animations ...
Freebies should be posted in the Freepository, There is actually a thread for limited time freebies, but it is a little bit back even in the Freepository.
Hitfilm is pretty cool. I would think people who frequent the animation forums would find information about this offer the most useful.
I dl'd this, but when I try to open it says I need OpenGL version 2, GLSL version 1.2, and 32-bit colors. As far as I can tell, my graphics card meets all those. Anyone else having this problem and/or know a fix for it? I'm not able to get past that screen to open the program.
I will try these out.
THank you.
I got exactly the same message. I've not touched it since, but if I find a solution I'll be sure to post it.
I've done some research - looks like any integrated intel hd chipset insn't supported below the hd3000, even though it should technically run the software. I'm patching a few things, see if I can get a workaround running :)
Meanwhile, here's a link to a mock-up trailer I made in DAZ...
your going to have to upgrade to
HitFilm 2 Ultimate for 3D model import and 3D camera tracking with mocha and animate
note i tryed to use the walk files with the export with v4 info hitfilm it could not read the daz format....
i am useing HitFilm 2 Ultimate other daz models will work just fine
Merged with the thread on this subject
HitFilm 2 Express what you need to know before trying to put your 3d models into the program
it will not work you are going to be missing a import tab your going to have to upgrade to
HitFilm 2 Ultimate for 3D model import and 3D camera tracking with mocha and animate
other things you need to know
note i tryed to use the walk files with the export with v4 info hitfilm it could not read the daz format….
other daz models will work just fine.......but the wallk cycle just will not work all your animation is done with hitfilm
it just cant read daz
what it can do is
things like trucks wheels move and or turn forwards and backwards just fine
jets wings can move ..... just fine
its more for film making of gun fire and things
but if you do your animation in daz and export it into HitFilm 2 Express you can do some cool things
like gunfire and other things ,
HitFilm 2 Express is a powerhouse of some great fxs and editing is very good
if you ask me HitFilm 2 Ultimate is the version you need to get .........HitFilm 2 Ultimate has everything you need
the breakdown
HitFilm 2 Express is just Basic to get you started
and its missing alot of things .......like tracking of 3d models note there is 2 trackers the main one is missing in HitFilm 2 Express
is 3D camera tracking with mocha this is the one your really going to need .....your not missing that many fxs and presets
its the tracking thats the main one you need and import of the 3d models tab
HitFilm 2 Ultimate Advanced
has everything for your 3d models you need to be put into your films
from all the tracking needs , Advanced 3D particle simulation,
Merged another thread. With offers like this that are bound to be popular please check that there isn't an existing thread before starting a new one.