Moving/Shorting/Hiding Runtimes...

Going with DIM (I love the concept) I reinstalled most of my Daz Content, I used separate runtimes.
So I have a Bazillion and a half (LOL) runtimes and the 'auto' added every DS one as well, some which have loadable product.
Is there any way of moving/Sorting/Hiding the runtimes in the browser? The same goes for DIM but this is of course a Carrara Thread :) I looked in regedit and nothing there, except the reg key for Carrara points to C8 directory and not the C 8.5 but things seem to work fine.
So that means its most likely stored in the carrara,dat .
Just checking. I know the SDK allows some access to browser runtime info. But I haven't found anything so far in searching which doesn't mean I missed it.
I will probably consolidate a few of these together and some feel like they should be split (like my V4 runtime)
Thanks for your time
PS don't forget to grab your free HitFilm Express if you haven't before it goes off free