Test Animation Render

Here is an animation I made using Carrara.
There is no audio, except one part where I was checking the lip sync and forgot to remove it.
It's called Invaders, I made it years ago in Animation Master, so I have all the dialog and some of the sound fx, but I can't find it all and none of the music. It's going to take a while to find it again and then edit and I don't have time at the moment so this is what I mostly have ready. The Grand Torino won't be in the final, I just wanted to see how it animated, it was such a cool model. The beginning is long and kind of dark, for the titles. The jeep driving rendered darker then I expected and will have to be brightened. Plus I wanted to test out the Obama figure too so did a quick render of that too,
The original ran for about 5 minutes complete, I can't find that final render or I would put it up as an example, all I have are the separate scenes.
Synopsis is-
Basically the aliens crash on earth, kill everyone shown here, they incubate little aliens in the hooker and produce hundereds of more, multiplying exponentially, the military comes in and nukes the whole area.
Was that the Obama from the (now late) 9mbi site?
Yeah, back when they gave it away for free.
Got the oval office from inLite http://inlitestudio.com/3d/product/presidents-office/
finally had a reason to use them!
“Yes, we can ! ”… not, the president left his office…
Very well done, and its well successful character, when will he back ?
Yes, I had the Oval Office already, but 9mbi was at that
time already on sort of autopilot, so I didn't got Obama.