How can I add final figure to my new objects in Carrara pro 8?

lord Adamlord Adam Posts: 125
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I want to create a several final figures with all clothes and hair and add them to category named: MY OBJECTS. How can I do that in Carrara? If I want to create only one simple scene, what category I should choose: MY CLIPS or ARTWORK (how can I save them to that special group?).


  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited December 1969

    For my complete characters (clothed and/or animated) , I place them in a category “Objects”/“Characters”/“Men” -“Women” - “Childrens” - “Animals”... in a file on my disc “E”.
    You can make the same thing with your scenes etc…
    The main thing is to have an good organization in your files, but you place them where you want and if possible in another place that on your disc “C” to not overload it.
    But you must import your files into Carrara while clicking on the last icon on the right of the timeline.
    Your file must be repertoried in your content if you have something inside, otherwise it could stay invisible.
    After that, you can slip your new characters, or other objects from your scene to your content file.

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited January 2014

    If you name your file "My objects", the category will be mixed with the original content file of Carrara...

    Post edited by DUDU on
  • lord Adamlord Adam Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    Ok, but how to change path for new documents (scenes/character) to save my work in another place and to not overload disc C?
    Is that can be done in preferences tab?

  • lord Adamlord Adam Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    I just drag my figures (with all body parts and clothes)from scene to my objects and something is missing (black ares)? What's wrong? Why Carrara dosen't save whole figure, hair and clothes??

    933 x 994 - 68K
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited January 2014

    If you do that, that works, you save all your character, his clothing, his hair, animations…

    Sorry, it's in french.

    1887 x 962 - 458K
    Post edited by DUDU on
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited January 2014

    Ok, but how to change path for new documents (scenes/character) to save my work in another place and to not overload disc C?
    Is that can be done in preferences tab?

    Not, create only one file “Carrara presets” (e.g.), on another disc then you import it in Carrara (Black icon on the right side of the content tab).

    Post edited by DUDU on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Okay, to add a custom folder to the Browser, create your folder on whatever drive you want. Now, click the little black icon on the far right side of the browser window and choose to add a folder.

    To save a clothed character, you must first group the figure and the clothes together. The in the Instance tray, select the group and drag and drop it onto your browser. You should make sure the proper folder/directory is selected first.

    Not sure what the issue you're having with the image maps is. Did you move any image maps that may be referenced?

    756 x 460 - 216K
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited January 2014

    When I create my new character, I have it and the maps for it on my external hard drive as I build it. Then once done and happy, I drag all (like DUDU said) it into Objects where I have made a new file for that particular category EG, Neanderthals. I used to just use New Models but it got crowded in there. Figure is dressed, got hair, and poses if wanted. But I've had my file on the C: drive for the browser, thought it was necessary.

    So far I have not had any trouble when I open the file from the Neanderthals objects category in the browser. It doesn't pop up a file dialogue box to "look" for files that are on the external drive. The link seems to hold.

    The only thing that DOES happen is if I change a texture map's name on the figure loaded from the browser.... it seems to want to look for it when opened from the there, it does not automatically relink. I tried Update for the folder but didn't matter.

    Now I make sure if I work on the character again, I do it in the file on the external drive, save it with all new texture/map info, and then resave to the Neanderthals objects in browser. That way I I see the little character icon instead of the cone/ball/box icon. Need to know...was that a signal that you have messed with the linked files? I don't know enough about this...but it is working. I used Adobe Creative Suite and take linked files for granted!

    But now I am thinking that the .car file alone of the character is large even without maps/textures on the C drive and that DUDU's idea of having a presets file on the external hard drive is a better idea. C'est une bonne idee, DUDU (and no I did not use Google translate, just remembered it in my mind from many many years ago...along with a few other phrases. I certainly do not speak French in spite of the nuns' best efforts. Strange how things stay with you!)

    Cheers, :) SileneUK

    Post edited by SileneUK on
  • lord Adamlord Adam Posts: 125
    edited December 1969

    I changed path to write all my work on different disk than C, forcefully ... I've got two last question to you: where I can find many new clothes for TEENS/KIDS 4/GIRL/BOYS? How looks your way of creating old people? I want to create multigenerational family. Certainly, the best option is to buy something in DAZ Store... but I'havent got sufficiently money.

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited December 1969

    I am not rich either… then I download much of free things on ShareCG.
    Here for example a link for clothes for v4:;.x=14&button;.y=10
    and some morphs:;.x=0&button;.y=0

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