Parenting Objects

This is a carry-over from the "Fire breathing dragon" thread. I'm still not able to attach objects to my dragon's bone hierarchy. Whenever I drop an object into the scene, 'seemingly' onto the dragon, it just goes to the 'floor' and shows as a separate object in the right hierarchy panel. I can't move it in the panel itself either; how is this done?
That's because you don't do it there. You do it from the list on the right.
Maybe this image can help. Please don't get confused by how I pasted the right panel so there's three versions in the same image - just read the right panel from left to right.
You may need to show some screen shots, as it works as expected for me.
To parent, it's as simple as dragging one thing onto another in the instances tray (Right Panel).
I can understand the confusion - I really can. Especially when you read back what we say.
I see Dart posted when I was replying.
I missed the bit about dragging to the Assembly room window and dropping on the figure. That won't work.
As Dart posted, you need to drag and drop onto the hierarchy window, and specifically onto the name of the bone you want to parent the object to. For the head, expand the figure's hierarchy so that you see the word, Head. Now, drag and drop the primitive (or object thumbnail from the Object Browser) and drop it onto the word, Head. The object's name you added to the scene should now appear below the Head bone. You may still need to position and scale the object, but it is still parented to the head and will move when you move the head, even if it is offset.
Hi Guys! Still having problems. I said that I tried to move(drag) one object to another in the right panel instances tab but can't "latch" on to anything. If I left-click on an object in the right panel and try to move it to another object, all that happens is that I highlight all the objects I drag across. I don't grab or move anything. OCCASIONALLY I seem to be able to "latch" on to an object but most of the time I just end up highlighting everything. Is there a special way of catching an object all the time without the highlighting?
If you clic on the name (letters), it's to move it, if you clic on the empty part of the name (right side), it's to make a multi selection when you move your mouse...
I think I got it! I have ti click *directly* on the object name and not off my any bit!!! :-)
I'm not shure that your problem is solved, is it ?
Make sure your mouse cursor is over the letters. When you are able to grab the title drag and drop it on the object you wish to parent it to. It should highlight, then drop it.
It is what I try to render comprehensible to him but it would be necessary to make a screenshot…
Hi all, Thanks! It's what I said a few posts back. I think I have it solved now. I wasn't clicking right on the name before but next to it in the yellow space. Now that I get right on top of the name itself, I have no problems.
Glad you go it all worked out!
Good reason to give your objects longer names=)