International Animation Film Contest.

Animation film contest.
If you are interested, to propose your best video quickly, there is money to gain!
Good luck
Thanks for the link DUDU.
I hope they're legitimate. I'm concerned because I have to join just to read their brief and FAQ. These are things that should be available to everybody, as they can explain who they are and answer some questions, aside from the limited bullet points on their announcement page. Other useful links would be a history of press releases and who their partners are.
I have been registered at Userfarm for a few years and it is a very serious company.
There are regularly contests (and in particular in 3D) initiates by companies which would like realizers to carry out a clip of promotion.
If you registered, you will receive a newsletter for each new promotion campaign.
I am sure that some users of this forum are with the height to have all their chance to arrive there!
This one seems to address to a broader panel of realizers, it is for that I took the initiative to publish the advertisement on this forum.
Hi DUDU. I wasn't trying to be overly critical. It is good to know about it, and I think it has value to other people. Thank you again for posting it!
I think it is smart for a company to be up-front if people have questions about how the rules work, who is sponsoring the contest, what the goal of the competition is, and what rights you assign to the host of the contest or its sponsors by entering the contest. I think these should be able to be seen before you have to sign up and give away personal information.
I get a little paranoid about some of these things, since I have been a victim of identity theft.
I knew this situation also in my career of filmmaker (there where a lot of sharks !).
Each challenge is different and you can contact Userfarm to put the questions which you want via the contact tab.
For information, I compose my musics and I register my compositions on two different companies: "Safe Creative " and “Creative Commons”, it is a guarantee of your copyrights.
You can do that for your films, scenarios, books, texts, tutorials... everything that you want to keep your intellectual propriety, and it's free...
Thanks, DUDU. I have been looking for a competition/contest to help kick my butt into animation gear. I did note, however, that the deadline is a month away. Not a lot of time to get something done and submitted! :-S
I was thinking the same thing about timing, but from what he says above, signing up could get one on an e-mail list! :)
Yes, the timing is very short if you begin a new project, but this time, there is no quite precise topic thus one can propose an old realization.
I advise all the same to subscribe to Userfarm for the next contests, there are some times of the demands for 3D shorts.
thank you Dudu.
Spain :