Parenting props to figure not working right

i made a chain necklace for Genesis2... I made it conforming so that it would look right when she was posed.
I have charms i made for said necklace that i want to parent to it. BUT, it doesn't do right when i try...
When I do, the charm wont move with the necklace.
The only time i can get the charm to move with the chain is when the chain is not parented to Genesis2.
I need some help figuring this out...
You are parenting the charms to a bone of the necklace, not to the root, I assume?
so i need to parent to the root? How do i do this?
When asked what to parent the charm to, i click on the 'necklace'... i do not click on the hip or anything else.
I assume parenting to the 'necklace', necklace being the root??
No, parenting to the bone that moves the bit of necklace that you want the charm attached to is right - I'm sorry if the way I phrased the question implied otherwise.
Ah ok, so I need to parent it to the 'neck' or 'chest' of the chain.
Ok, so i parented the charm to the chest bone of the necklace, and this is what happened when i posed genesis2...
If you turn the display to wireframe and bend the neck you will see there is some movement there, your charm is just on the boundary between neck and chest and I think if you parent it to the neck it will move too much while parenting to the chest it doesn't of course move at all. One option would be to give the necklace a new bone at the front, controlling the free-hanging section, as a child bone of the neck and then parent the charm to that (you could then use the bone to control the swing and sway of the necklace, and if you made sure all the maps were at 100% where the charm attached it should stay in place). The other option would be to make the charm a figure and not a prop, so you could adjust its weighting to match the open ends of the chain.
ok so here are images of what I'm trying to do. I made a child bone coming from the 'neck' bone of the necklace and then parented the charm to that bone... and it is still not doing right.
How is the new bone affecting the necklace? My suggestion would work (if it would work at all) only if it affected it 100% at the point of attachment, so that the bone moved the necklace and the charm equally, with the influence fading out as the necklace got closer to the sides of the neck where it can be expected to match the movements of the neck. Essentially I'm saying replace the chest's influence with the new bone.
How would i go about doing this?
I looked at a necklace that was made similar to how I'm trying to do it. but they were able to get the 'joint' bone to come out of the bottom of the neck bone instead of the top could that be messing it up? If so, i have no idea how to get the bone to attach differently.
I'm very new at Studio lol.
The Joint editor tool will let you move the centre (the origin) and end point of the bone. I'm not sure how well it would work, but my inclination would be to let the neck affect the necklace as it does now but to have everything else controlled by the new bone - with, as I said, the influence at the ends of the chain at 100% so that it matches the parented prop (which always moves 100% with the bone it is parented to). That would mean the necklace bone would need adjustment in every pose to lie on the chest area, but to my taste it is more flexible.
Well, I'm still having issues with this project. I need to get it resolved asap because it is on deadline.
I make the bone for the necklace and parent the charm to it, but the bone wont move either when attached to neck or chest.
I tried adjusting the weight maps, but I don't think my computer can handle it, as it is super slow...
Can I send the files and see if anything can be done?
It does sound as if the weight maps aren't working - you are selecting the bone, then in the Tool settings pane selecting a map? You can PM me a link if you like, but I doubt I could promise a speedy turn-around.