Map Master Pro (Commercial)



  • JhudJhud Posts: 31

    Artni I think as long as the final product is in jpg, png or other Daz Studio readable format you should be able to use the Map Master Pro. I hope someone will correct me if I am misunderstanding this.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Ok, thanks. I am still not sure about, how will I use Map Master Pro, but if it will work with more programs, then it is even better.

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    As Jhud said.... just save the maps to the suitable format (Name_extension) and the script will plug them to item...

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Thanks, again. Is it possible to get some example on such workflow, to get me started.

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    MikeD said:

    Thanks a lot outrider42 for your nice comment. Now ...

    What about textures that don't follow the standard naming scheme?

    This is a good question….

    Although I explain it thoroughly in manual pages 21-22, a clarification never hurts…

    Ok… The second tab is the backbone of the script. It relies in the fact that the maps of a set must have a name and an ending, according to the surface property that each map is meant to be plugged. Your maps may be MapB.png for base color, MapH.png for height, MapNorm.png for normal or whatever ending you want them to have. All you have to do is to write the endings to the ‘File’s name extension’ field for each property you want (see attachment image).

    It is not necessary to use the default preset. You can make your own presets and have the B for the base maps, the H for the height maps and the Norm for the normal maps, according to the above naming. A different preset can also be used for each different shader you use (not necessarily Iray). Of course, all the maps must have the same base name (‘Map’ in the above example). The script can not find the equivalents between a property and a map if your set is like MyBaseMap.png for base color, ThisIsHeight.png for height, NormalMap.png for normal as all these files have different base names.

    You can also use some wild characters (a number of question marks (?) only, according to the characters you want to exclude) at the end, and at the end only of your map naming, like the Genesis naming style. The set MapB1001.png, MapH2004.png, MapNorm54KL.png have 4 characters at the end that we want to exclude. You can type in the ‘File’s name extension’ field B???? for your base color maps, H???? for your height maps and Norm???? for your normal maps. The script will ignore the 4 last characters (as we placed four question marks (?) at the end) and will search for a B, just before them for the base color, for an H for the height maps and for the Norm for the normal maps.


    From the manual:

    File’s Name Extension:
    Write in this field the extension of your map name, that correspond to the chosen property. Remember that the script is case sensitive. The extension is truly the ending of the file name that varies between the maps of a group. For example, if we have the maps “MyMap01_BaseColor.png”, “MyMap01_Metallic.png” and “MyMap01_Height.png”, the extensions that could be used here would be the “_BaseColor”, “_Metallic” and “_Height” with or without the “_”, as it is common to all these maps. What about if we make our maps in the Genesis standards, and our maps have the form: “FigureArmsB_1004”, “FigureArmsS_1004”, “FigureArmsSSS_1004” and “FigureTorsoB_1002”, “FigureTorsoD_1002”, “FigureTorsoS_1002”? In this case we could use the wildcard character: “?” (question mark). The script overlooks as many characters in the maps name ending, as the number of the question marks in the end of the extension field.  Beware: The question mark is a forbitten character for any file name so there is no possibility that your maps’ name has this character. Also, this is the only character you can use (not * or anything else) and it must be absolutely at the end of the extension name and not in the middle part. So, for our Genesis style example, we could use the extensions “B_????”, “D_????”, “S_????”and “SSS_????”. The “S_????” and “SSS_????” are so identical… Is there any possibility that the script chooses the one against the other and misplace a map? No… The script has a build in algorithm that sorting the extensions according to their number of characters, starting from the biggest string. So, the SSS_???? will be plugged in first, as the script looks for 8-characters match from the right end of the name, and the S_???? will be plugged later, as the script looks for 6-characters match.

    Check the above quote and especially the red text....

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Ok, thanks again.


  • mcorrmcorr Posts: 1,094
    edited December 2019

    Using this product, can I create UV maps for objects that don't have any and then accurately place maps (using those new UVs) on the target object?

    Post edited by mcorr on
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    mcorr said:

    Using this product, can I create UV maps for objects that don't have any and then accurately place maps (using those new UVs) on the target object?

    No, this product can't create UVs... It only takes the existing UVs and make the templates...

  • Hi Mike,

    For starters, loving this product...huge time saver. Thank you.

    Could you elaborate a little more on the Gamma settings....I generally use 3DCoat for my texturing.

    I'm seeing a change in the diffuse maps renders after plugging them in and comparing them to the original textures.

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    edited December 2019

    Hi Mike,

    For starters, loving this product...huge time saver. Thank you.

    Could you elaborate a little more on the Gamma settings....I generally use 3DCoat for my texturing.

    I'm seeing a change in the diffuse maps renders after plugging them in and comparing them to the original textures.

    Thanks a lot Laticis Imagery for your words.

    Now, about Gamma settings….

    The only thing the script does is that it places the image map in the correct property slot, giving the map the Gamma value that you have set for that property. It is all the same as you plug the map manually to the property and then open the image editor dialog, setting the gamma value you want….

    It doesn’t matter the map origin… It may be a PS image, a Substance painter image, a 3DCoat image or whatever else…

    I have taken the gamma values from Ray’s (DarkEdgeDesign) excellent tutorial ‘Daz Studio and Substance Painterbut the values are valid for any origin of the maps. Of course, if a gamma value doesn’t fit for your needs, you can open the script in ‘Map Settings’ tab and change the value to the one you think that fits better. This also could be done manually by opening the image editor and correct the gamma value, as I wrote above, but you have to do it every time you plug a new map set.

    Now, what does the gamma value determine? Officially “It is used to define how the numerical value of a pixel relates to its actual brightness.” Ok, cool but not a big help. We can say that ‘Gamma changes the difference between dark and light areas.’ It is very close to the contrast value of an image. Let see the next renders. I have stripped all the other color maps that may interact with the base color. All changes in Gamma values were done in Base Color property (Iray).

    The first one is done in DAZ Studio Gamma value of 0 (that tells DS not to change the original gamma of the map):

    The next one is done with a value of 0.1. You can see that in such low values the difference between black and white areas are minimal and both colors tend to appear in equal luminosity.

    The next render has a 0.5 gamma value. As you can see the wood took a slight brown color and the iron get a little darker but still, we are far from the right one.

    The next one has a gamma value of 1.0. The differences in luminosity and color are now more vivid.

    A gamma value of 2.0 for the next image makes it looks like the original one (2.2 are the value that the most electrical devices manufacturers suggest for color images). Pretty good.

    The next image has a gamma value of 3.0. The image’s contrast begins to be increased, and that cause an oversaturated image too.

    In gamma value of 5.0 the contrast is very strong and the image too oversaturated.

    I hope I gave you a better idea about the gamma value and how it works in DS. I suggest you make some test like the above ones to determine the gamma value that works better for you. All you have to do next is to put this value in the script (next to the Base Color property).

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Image Editor Position.png
    455 x 470 - 47K
    Image Editor.png
    542 x 329 - 107K
    300 x 225 - 115K
    300 x 225 - 99K
    300 x 225 - 106K
    300 x 225 - 111K
    300 x 225 - 115K
    300 x 225 - 113K
    300 x 225 - 104K
    Post edited by MikeD on
  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    edited December 2019

    I purchased and am trying to learn your product.  I have the video open and the manual, but have found that no matter what product I choose and its corresponding directory, the information and preview do not populate.


    1013 x 738 - 61K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    edited December 2019
    gitika1 said:

    I purchased and am trying to learn your product.  I have the video open and the manual, but have found that no matter what product I choose and its corresponding directory, the information and preview do not populate.


    Except from the maps group (first column), you have to click on the middle column (extension per group) too, to select a map for preview (the name will become yellow, indication of the selection). Then you will see the preview of the Frame_exterior_BaseColor.jpg/png into the map info column.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    MikeD said:
    gitika1 said:

    I purchased and am trying to learn your product.  I have the video open and the manual, but have found that no matter what product I choose and its corresponding directory, the information and preview do not populate.


    Except from the maps group (first column), you have to click on the middle column (extension per group) too, to select a map for preview (the name will become yellow, indication of the selection). Then you will see the preview of the Frame_exterior_BaseColor.jpg/png into the map info column.

    Thanks!  I see what you mean and the information displays.  I might have "bit off more that I can chew" with this purchase.  My DS skills may be still too young to utilize it well.

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    No worries.... Everything wil be just fine in time... smiley

  • teknology3dteknology3d Posts: 24
    edited May 2020

    Hello and thanks for making this. I was wondering if is possible to add the option to not only read the original map folder in the "general settings", also include subfolders too because many times merchants have folders inside the main folder to keep organized. This make this script awesome! 

    I like to know if the support from your site is working. Thanks

    Post edited by teknology3d on
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    Hello and thanks for making this. I was wondering if is possible to add the option to not only read the original map folder in the "general settings", also include subfolders too because many times merchants have folders inside the main folder to keep organized. This make this script awesome! 

    I like to know if the support from your site is working. Thanks

    Well, this is a nice idea. I worked to make these modifications, but it took me longer than I expected. PM me your e-mail address, in order to send you a version of the script with these modifications.


    Well, yes the support is working from my site if you fill the contact form or e-mail me directly...

  • teknology3dteknology3d Posts: 24

    Thank you so much in advance I sent you my email!!!. Victor

  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379

    Just realized this also doesn't work with 8.1.


    All your amazing utilities that I use all the time are useless for now. Darn!

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    edited January 2021

    Leonides02 said:

    Just realized this also doesn't work with 8.1.


    All your amazing utilities that I use all the time are useless for now. Darn!

    Hey Leonides... 
    I am glad you find the script usefull ...
    Could you please describe what exactly is not working in the Map Master Pro (not opening at all, not copping the maps, throwing any error etc) in here or pm me.

    It is build to reading the current shader and normally it should work! For me it works with the next preset settings ...

                "name": "PBRSkin for 8.1",
                "set": [
                        "name": "Diffuse Color",
                        "extension": "D_????",
                        "type": "Color",
                        "value": "#ffffff",
                        "gamma": 0,
                        "use": true
                        "name": "Translucency Color",
                        "extension": "SSS_????",
                        "type": "Color",
                        "value": "#ffffff",
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true
                        "name": "Specular Lobe 1 Roughness",
                        "extension": "R_????",
                        "type": "Float",
                        "value": 1,
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true
                        "name": "Normal Map",
                        "extension": "NM_????",
                        "type": "Float",
                        "value": 1,
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true
                        "name": "Ambient Occlusion Weight",
                        "extension": "AO_????",
                        "type": "Float",
                        "value": 1,
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true
                        "name": "Detail Weight",
                        "extension": "W_????",
                        "type": "Float",
                        "value": 0.6000000238418579,
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true
                "name": "PBRSkin Details for 8.1",
                "set": [
                        "name": "Detail Normal Map",
                        "extension": "MicroDetailNM",
                        "type": "Float",
                        "value": 1,
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true
                        "name": "Detail Specular Roughness Mult",
                        "extension": "MicroDetailR",
                        "type": "Float",
                        "value": 1,
                        "gamma": 1,
                        "use": true

    These are two presets for the new PBR shader for 8.1. I took the extensions from the body surface ... They may need some tweakings for other parts like the eyes ...

    You can paste the above presets into your config file (it is in the same folder as the main Map Master Pro script) with a text editor, in the "mapEquivPresets" section. If you paste the above text at the end of the other presets, remember that it needs a comma (,) at the last curl bracket of your presets settings (I have already added a comma at the beginning of the above text)! Try them if you like and tell me any results ...


    Thanks a lot



    Post edited by MikeD on
  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379

    My mistake. I meant to post in the Map Manager thread. smiley

  • The script doesn' work at all after I deleted a preset I made (not opening at all).  I uninstalled it and reinstalled but nothing's changed.

    The log file reports:

    2021-12-01 19:53:56.772 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzscript.cpp(1187): Unhandled error while executing script.
    2021-12-01 19:53:56.773 WARNING: QScriptEngine::popContext() doesn't match with pushContext()

    Does anybody knows a solution?

  • The log reports also this:


    2021-12-01 20:21:45.403 Loading script: F:/My DAZ 3D Library/01 Main/scripts/miked/map master  pro/map master pro.dse

    2021-12-01 20:21:45.421 WARNING: Script Error: Line 1691

    2021-12-01 20:21:45.421 WARNING: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

    2021-12-01 20:21:45.421 WARNING: Stack Trace:

    <anonymous>()@F:/My DAZ 3D Library/01 Main/scripts/miked/map master  pro/map master pro.dse:1691

    2021-12-01 20:21:45.422 Error in script execution: F:/My DAZ 3D Library/01 Main/scripts/miked/map master  pro/map master pro.dse

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