DAZ Installation program and Carrara

The DAZ installation program seems to download and install Carrara items, but when I open Carrara they aren't there. DOES the program install, or must I download separately and install manually, please?
Many thanks!
You need to look and see where the DAZ Install Manager (DIM) is installing your content into.
Go to the Ready to Install tab, and checkmark 'Show Details' to see where the content will be installed to. Anything that has already been installed by DIM, can be viewed in the Installed tab, select the item, right click on it, and select 'Show Installed Files', that will show you where they were installed to, and what was installed.
You will need to tell Carrara where the content is by adding the folder as a library in the usual way.
Ah! I hadn't used Carrara for so long I forgot I had to add the folder to the library. Working now. Thank you! :D