(Released) dForce Veronna Hair for G8F [Commercial]

ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918
Post edited by Toyen on


  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379

    That's some beautiful-looking hair!!! Can't wait to buy.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    More like Winona hair. Will buy.

  • Hurdy3DHurdy3D Posts: 1,058
    edited January 2020


    thank you for this product.

    I've onebugs and one feature request.



    There's a hole in the hair (see attached screen shot).

    Figure is a G8 without any morphs or simulations.

    Maybe you can fix it, looks like these is a hair product for a male monk ;)


    Feature Request

    It would be cool if you could add a curls morph



    hair bug.png
    1000 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Hurdy3D on
  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918

    Hey there gerster and thank you for the feedback!  :)

    That 'hole' in the hair is not a bug :D Very often you will see a bit of skin where real life hair is parted whether it's a side part or at the top. So my intention was to lower the opacity of the scalp map at the top to create that effect so that you could see some skin coming through. (see the comparison pic. rendered out of the box with the default DS hdr)
    But I understand it might not be an artistic choice everyone would make so I will consider including one more option for the top of the scalp to be totally opaque.

    As for the curls morph I wish that were possible but unfortunately given the way this hair was created making style morphs that are wildly different from the intended initial style would prove extremely difficult.

    I always try to make the hairstyles as versatile as possible so if there is no curls morph that is probably because it wasn't possible for me to create.


    1301 x 456 - 534K
  • Hurdy3DHurdy3D Posts: 1,058
    edited January 2020

    Hey Toyen,

    I understand what you mean... but the hole in Veronna hair looks gigantic, compared to real life hair which I know.

    For me it looks more like a bald:

    What map do I have to edit?
    I tried the opacity map from the scalp prop, but this didn't give me the desired result.

    1042 x 525 - 886K
    Post edited by Hurdy3D on
  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918

    Yes the top of the hair in your renders does look strange compared to my render I just posted where it's barely visible. Could you send me details of your render/scene setup in direct message here on the forums please?

  • Hurdy3DHurdy3D Posts: 1,058
    edited January 2020

    hm... it's a custom figure based roughly on grace and zelara (roughly 50% : 50%) and splitted after that with x-shape.

    The scene is the standart iray scene.

    The render looks a little bit more wired, because I removed the opacity map from the sculp (it was an experiment) But I still think the hole is too big ;)

    I just rendered the original figure before the xshape split (see attachment).

    Does still looks odd to me.


    hair test.png
    1000 x 1000 - 2M
    Post edited by Hurdy3D on
  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918

    Well, for some reason it looks more visible than it should in your renders. I shall look into this in the following days and will let you know of any updates :)

  • Have you saved and reloaded the scene? Custom morphs, that have not been saved as morph assets, don't always auto-follow correctly for previusly fitted elements on reloading a scene.

  • Hurdy3DHurdy3D Posts: 1,058

    My custom morphs are all saved as morph assets smiley

    But I also saved the such a scene with that hair and loaded it.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,918

    An update with one more material option for the scalp to make the top completely opaque should be in DIM now. :) 

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