PPC questions

Since the forum search didn't come up with the answers, here i go:
First, here is the situation:
Last year, I bought an old PowerMac G5 quad core from work at the nice price of 50 bucks.
I wanted to use it as a render node... but with 8.5 out, I can't seem to find a powerpc render node.
Is there any?
If not, will the Carrara 8 render node work?
Other thing:
I never managed to be able to make the render node work with both machine on Carrara 8...
3dage had put a nice note on how to work with render nodes, but still couldn't make them work...
I bought a Switch, but even by setting the ips manually, I got nothing... (I had put them at XXX.XXX.XXX.2 and .3...)
- RobyOne
You might get answers faster if you titled the question "Render Node questions" or "Networking Help"
Just saying.
I think the C8 render node should work, with some caveats. It won't be able to handles genesis most likely, and you may need to make sure that if you use image maps, that they are not set to fast mip-map. I seem to recall that being added to Carrara during the C8.5 beta at some point.
I am only assuming that C8.5 will talk to to C8 render nodes.
I use a mixed environment of Macs. I have a MDD G4, a PPC G5 and an Intel Core2 duo iMac. The iMac uses Snow Leopard with a C7 render node, the MDD G4 has Leopard and the G5 can dual boot into 10.4.11 or Leopard. The G5 is the host machine. I left the network render preferences at the defaults. I use a wireless router that also has Ethernet ports.
Thanx for your answers !
You're right, but since I had PPC questions in general, I thought it was appropriate.
I don't chat on these forums often, so am not a pro at naming topics.
Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a smart arse... just trying to help you get more hits from those who know, is all.
After reading it back, I think I really sounded like an arse... that was not intentional. Truly.
Don't worry man, didn't take it hard, :-P
So after finally getting a fiberOP modem in my own room, I hooked up both my macs on my switch and that thingy...
It didn't work between 8.5 and 8.0.
Carrara 8.5 said my node was too old... weird...
Anyways, by booting up carrara 8.0 on my iMac, I found out that the old G5 wasn't helping much.
Slow as heck...
At least I tried, :-P
Ah well, 50 bucks is not that expensive for a powermac G5 quad core table, LOL.
Don't worry man, didn't take it hard, :-P
So after finally getting a fiberOP modem in my own room, I hooked up both my macs on my switch and that thingy...
It didn't work between 8.5 and 8.0.
Carrara 8.5 said my node was too old... weird...
Anyways, by booting up carrara 8.0 on my iMac, I found out that the old G5 wasn't helping much.
Slow as heck...
At least I tried, :-P
Ah well, 50 bucks is not that expensive for a powermac G5 quad core table, LOL.
It can still help, if you want to use it. Try reducing the tile size from the default 128, to something like 48 or 32. I use a G5, an Intel iMac and an old G4, and some of my animations I can get down to 24 seconds a frame or less. I usually shoot for less than 50 seconds. My average is around 40 seconds. Really simple ones I can get down to less than 10 seconds a frame.
Thanx for the info, I'll try that right away !
- Rob
I saw your answer in the other thread. I don't have C8.5, just C7.2, but when the beta for C8 was out, I was able to use my C7 render nodes with the C8 beta. Maybe too much has changed between C8 and C8.5. Default texture maps comes to mind (fast mipmap), and maybe some other stuff.