Default location of TEMP folder in DAZ

I have a small SSD which has my Windows 7 operating system on it, but I'm trying to keep all of my programs off there so it doesn't fill up.
I changed my DAZ Temp folder location but didn't write down the original location on C:
Does anyone know what the default location is so I can go and delete that TEMP folder so it's not chewing up any space.(forgot if it was in AppData either local or roaming??)
Just hit the Default button next to it to get the folder path.
Thanks. Guess I should have noticed that . . .
Be careful when choosing a new folder. I tried it once with DS 3 and it deleted the entire contents of the folder to use it for DS. It happened to be my main modelling folder, and I had to do a disk recovery to get everything back again!
sounds painful - I sometimes rename folders instead of deleting them right away, just to make sure it doesn't mess up any functionality
Trying to proceed with care and ask questions first instead of trying to fix things later.
I don't know why you'd have chosen a folder with contents already in it over creating a new folder just for daz's temp files.
I don't know why you'd have chosen a folder with contents already in it over creating a new folder just for daz's temp files.
It was my mistake. I was trying to get DS to import/export from one location and I clicked on the wrong thing. Doh!
Yowzer! Hopefully you didn't lose even more in the disk recovery. o_O
This brings back memories, at the time I was on a laptop with a tiny internal drive, being able to move the temp directory was my first feature request, and to date the only one they ever gave me a "thumbs up" over :lol:
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! I don't know why Daz 4.9's AVI render has such a problem But, now that I know the png files are all saved in the temp folder, I can use VirtualDub to reassemble the avi - albeit to a huge file for a 4 minute video. At least, I know that the corrupted Daz output can still be reclaimed.