Genesis & BVH motion import issues due to bone mapping :(

Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion


I have posted this in both Daz Studio & Carrara as the issue involves both programs giving me the same problem !

I have been trying to import mocap data in to Daz Studio 4.6 Pro & Carrara 8.5 Pro, with not much success :(

My final aim is to use the data from Brekel Pro Face & Pro Body motion capture programs to animate Characters that can be used in both Carrara & Daz studio. I have had some success with the Pro Face side of things by importing the data as PZ2 file format in both Daz Studio & Carrara, this works perfect. Where I am hitting a block in the road is with Pro Body exports, it does not export PZ2 but does export BVH. These BVH files work PERFECT in Blender but when importing in to a product (Daz or Carrara) that is using Genesis (or any other Daz character) there are abnormal deformations, hip bone (and other joins) have random rotations and then whole thing turns out to be one big mess. I assume that it is the difference in bone hierarchy/bone naming/structure and need to remap/retarget the rigs to match them up ?

DAZ Team (or anyone else) is there a tool to convert standard BVH files to Genesis (or other character) compatible formats? And if not, anyone want to put one together? :D

Does anyone have success importing mocap data in to CURRENT Daz characters?, I say current as before Genesis was about there seems to be plenty of videos/tuts (etc) that show BVH import working in Daz Studio & Carrara BUT, since Genesis I can find much evidence of BVH imports still working on these ‘new’ rigs.

If any of you kind people have some help/advice or even links to something showing me (examples/tutorial) success stories please that would be real helpful?

PS: If you need extra info, screen shots,video example etc then please ask

I have submitted a request incase it’s a bug, Request #159469.

Thanks for reading :D


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Some of the issues you might be noticing could be because of a different default zero rotation of the joint. When this is the case, you can switch the timeline view (upper left of timeline window) from Sequencer to Graph Editor, and open up the hierarchy to find the joint that is all messed up. Rotate the offending axis to where it looks right, which is often only one axis, but may need tweaking in others as well. By doing this in the graph editor on frame 0, you'll be applying that sort of as it's default starting rotation for the rest - meaning that the animation should be, for the most part, fixed for that joint.

    Like you've mentioned, if the names of the bones don't match the rig you're applying the bvh to, you will find all manner of incompatibilities. This is where you have to be vigilant on where you get your bvh files from. If Brekel is something that creates bvh files, perhaps it has the capability to rename the bones?

    In DAZ Studio, if you own aniMate 2, by GoFigure, it contains tools that can help you edit animation all the way through. They have some helpful videos at their YouTube channel.

    Lastly, I'm just tossing these words out, in the hopes that it might help you. I am not really experienced with bvh files.

  • d-j-od-j-o Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    You'll have to do a search for it, I lost the program a couple computers ago. It was a BVH tool, it let you trim the length of it and rename the bones and then resave it. It was free but buggy, sorry I don't remember it's name.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    I wonder if you can rename the bones of a bvh skeleton in Carrara? I know that editing the keys is wonderful in Carrara. I love the room the sequencer/graph editor provides.

    Tip of the Day: With any number of keys selected in the timeline, hold down Alt and drag to copy the keys and paste where you let go of the mouse button, or hold down Ctrl and drag to shrink or enlarge the spacing between the selected keys.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited January 2014
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • d-j-od-j-o Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, that is it.

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited January 2014

    Hi and THANK YOU all for your replies and wonderful (as ever) kind assistance :D

    I did have the trial for ipisoft2 downloaded but had not got round to testing it with Genesis. I am happy to report back complete success and am currently rendering a ‘quick & dirty’ test of my results. I used Pro Face (with PZ2 export) for the facial animation & IPIsoft2 for the body motion (& re targeting of bones) and it all kinda just flowed real nice :D

    I have not concentrated on the quality of animation so much as the process and now I understand that, I can start putting some ‘better’ work together. I think I will end up going for the two kinect supported version of IPIsoft (when I can afford it) so will be making the most of the 30 day trial and capture as much motions as possible between the trial running out and me being able to buy the full version.

    You provided me with a lot of help for which I am most grateful, Thank you :D

    Many thanks to kashyyyk & Wendy for the info on BVHacker, I found it a little confusing to use at first but am sure I will get the hang of it once I get round to reading the docs/manual and seeing a few youtube videos.. A great resource indeed :D

    Dartanbeck, A very detailed and helpful reply (I would not expect anything less from a seasoned pro such as yourself, Thank you) which gave me a great deal to think about and learn from :D

    Absolutely NO idea why I did not think of trying to rename the bones in Carrara !!! (slap around the back of the head from myself) but always obvious when pointed out by others! Lol :P re targeting of bones was automatically handled in IPIsoft2, though I will still take the time to learn the process in BVHacker I think as its something I will need to do again at some point in other situations!

    I have now (thanks to a wonderful community once again) started a work flow that enables me to render my Daz characters in Daz studio, Carrara and Blender (using MDD files exported from either Daz studio or Carrara via Fenrics plugin) with Full body mocap & facial mocap data.

    A MASSIVE thank you to you all from a very happy Orion indeed :D

    PS: If i can remember how to imbed youtube videos in to this thread then I will post my results once rendering is completed!

    Happy smiles all round :D

    Post edited by Orion_Uk on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Hey, have you seen Mocap into Carrara – by CyBoRgTy over at the Cafe? Great article on mocap!

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    Fantastic reading Dartanbeck, Thank you once again..

    This community is greatly honored by your enthusiasm & helpful spirit, yet another debt I owe you! :P

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited December 1969

    Orion_Uk said:
    Fantastic reading Dartanbeck, Thank you once again..

    This community is greatly honored by your enthusiasm & helpful spirit, yet another debt I owe you! :P

    Aw shucks, Orion... I just do my best to help if and when I can - or at least feel like I can - or perhaps point someone in the right direction :)
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