Wierd Carrara Import scene Issue. A NON-TUTORIAL for once ;)

Progress has come to a halt on the (usually) reliable Carrara import of another scene.
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Progress has come to a halt on the (usually) reliable Carrara import of another scene.
Have a look at this ...
Any thoughts?
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My only thought is some sort of conflict with a master name. Have you tried renaming the master objects in the first file.
This is purely a guess.
Another thought, have you tried saving the group to your object tab and tried to bring it into your scene from there?
Couple of quick thoughts, in case you haven't tried them yet:
I can't help but notice that the scene you're importing into is rather complex. It shouldn't make any difference, but just in case, before actually importing try Edit > Remove Unused Masters > Remove Unused Objects, then Consolidate Duplicate Shaders, then Remove Unused Shaders. If Carrara gets near its maximum limits (?) it might start functioning strangely. But also, if there are already vertex objects sharing the same name or whatever, that have been deleted - but their footprint remains, there might be some conflicting information happening?
Okay, if that doesn't work. It could possibly have something to do with actual scene settings differences - again... doesn't seem likely but... try this:
Instead of exporting and importing like that, try dragging the group of cars into the browser. Then drag them from the browser into the scene. The difference is that only the group that you drag into the browser gets saved. To try for the same positioning, when dragging from the browser into the scene, drag the file to the word Scene in the instances tray, rather than dropping it into the work space.
Still not working?
Try selecting the whole thing and making a new group (Ctrl G). Even if it's already in a group, that group might just have some sort of screwy instructions on it, somehow. Just select the thing an group it again, then save and try loading again (?)
what happens if you import the vast scene after importing the car group?
did you consolidate shaders and remove unused objects in both so they are referencing the same master?
is it saved as a compressed scene?
are you using NLA clips to move the cars or are they keyframed?
were the shaders saved internally or as external files?
you probably asked yourself most these already but in case not or if others can brainstorm more possibilities or variations I posted them.
Hey guys,
Thank you so much for leaping in there with suggestions. If there is one thing that I've found to be true (not just on this site but for digital artists in general) - is that they are a helpful bunch.
It was my fault :red: (too many late nights into early hours recently)
I'm glad it is. I might start posting my own errors because I think it's educational to see the kind of issues that arise when you are animating.
In this case my source file (the cars) was all edited at a different point in time to the target file.
Also there were many many edits, which brings me to an interesting point - a bug in moving edits around. Some of the edits nested within the specific entry on the NLA sequencer that you are moving are NOT dragged with it.
I'm just rendering a video now to explain all. Will post when it's live..
Thanks again friends.
Bravo! LOL
You're right, too! When we choose to animate things, we often have to scratch our heads - come up with solutions as we sleep, etc.,
I remember time when I've done the same sort of thing - completely unknowing that I was off track on the timeline - what, with a wrong strike of the mouse button as I'm flying around with my director camera checking angles and dragging things around. I even still have a few resource files saved with a change in the shader at the one second spot in time. Simple fix. I know because I fix it all the time - but then neglect to save it back to my browser that way! LOL
You Rock, Steve... thanks for all of this enormously cool look into your epic endeavors!
Big Fan = Me! :ahhh:
Thanks Dart.
It's not just me then. ha ha.
Seriously though bet we all do this - it's easy to get carried away and forget where we are on the timeline sometimes.
Real life is in the way just at the moment, but I'm not too far off showing a "metropolis" style piccy soon.