BRYCE RENDER CHALLENGE ►►►New Year Edition◄◄◄ Theme is ͠͠ ͠~͠~~͠~~͠~~͠~~͠~~͠~ H2O ͠~͠~~͠



  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited February 2014

    I knew that water challenge was going to bring some great renders, but all of you are really bringing your “A” game!

    I am so much more into Bryce because of the influences and help on this forum, so much so I pried my wallet open just long enough to purchase the Bryce 7 Pro today, yeah!

    Jamahoney cool idea! The scale of the wall paper and the frame is perfect, really sold the illusion. I like the camera angle and framing, on the starfish image

    GussNemo : Fountain_Assembly_26 has my vote for favorites, really like it!

    hansmar : love that, I am guessing high speed photo of drops colliding was your inspiration

    TheSavage64 Water colour is seriously cool! Man you can almost feel it crashing about!

    Orbital : awesome colour and depth on the Yosemite image

    Kharma : very first render? Wow, nailed it, the fog really is a great look

    adbc : I never thought of going under the water, brilliant!

    Goshtac : the blue haze really sells the depth on the Island Retreat

    I originally put this render in the wrong post, it is about water, after all hehehe

    here is my still shot of my animated version of a Water Wall

    After looking at some examples on the net, I have noticed that there can be many different looks to the fall depending on what the water runs down, the rate of flow and angle of water back drop.
    I went with a not so thin wall of water on a smooth surface, or it looks more like falling with out a surface to flatten it out.
    any tips or suggestions are more than welcome as always

    video of my animation found here:

    1024 x 768 - 927K
    Post edited by dana365 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, dana365, and love your animation (animation works are always appreciated).

    BTW, my niece and I once passed by a wall where this water-effect you show was happening - it was a lovely feature to the building. However, before I could stop her (aged 5 at the time), she touched the wall (and flowing water) and it completely drenched her - you should have seen the look on here (wet) face ;)


  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited February 2014

    Jay I can imagine! when I was making this model, I realized just how much water must be moving on those walls, it would be deceptive because they look so serine and gentle. I have to ask, do you remember what it sounded like? I am just wondering if they are as quiet as I think, or are they very loud? thanks again!

    Post edited by dana365 on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much dana365, I listened to lots of David's tutorials and tried to apply the directions he was giving. I was so surprised when I actually had a render worth posting :)

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Jay: That's a really neat scene. I feel like I could walk through the frame and go swimming.

    @Trish: Thanks.

    @Horo: I also think the water looks better in the second scene. I used an HDRI instead of TA and it really changed the look of the water.

    @Kharma: Really like the reworked scene.

    @dana: Thank you. You falling water scene is really neat. And the one on YouTube is really neat.

  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    Gussnemo thanks!

    hay does any one know can you install Bryce 7 Pro on more than one macine on your own home network? or at all?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I have Bryce on 3 different machines.

  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited February 2014

    ok, thanks Chohole, just figured it out, I needed to run Bryce 7 Pro in compatability mode(win XP sp3) on my Win 7 64bit now it starts up as Pro and not PLE version and seems to be working perfectly.

    Post edited by dana365 on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo: thank you very much :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited February 2014

    I have Bryce 7.1 Pro installed on Win 2000, XP Home, XP Pro and Win 7 Pro. I have also Lightning on all 5 machines and use it for network render jobs. I run none of them in any compatibility mode. Bryce runs even from a memory stick.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Dana356: "I have to ask, do you remember what it sounded like?"

    Dana356...the feature I was looking at had the water flowing down the wall (not isolated from), but, if I can recall correctly, tthe sound wasn't very obvious. I guess I (we) were more interested in the effect being produced. Moreso, it was a busy building, so other noises most likely drowned out the water sound. But that said, the sound in your animation is really perfect - not too loud, nor to soft. always, many thanks...I think having spent too much time as an invigilator in a gallery at one time has come back to haunt me. I, and my colleagues, were once hanging a painting by an artist that had a single picture of a bath filled with blood (it looked disgusting). However, while the painting itself was okay, the thing that was going through our minds was, hey, is this painting based on actual events, and what happened to the body. We never reported the artist to the police in the end, as being serious aficionados of art (yeah, right :) ), we knew that at for art's sake... will undoubtedly have its victims now and then...hahaaa ;)


  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi folks;

    Just tossing my 2nd entry into the H2o Challenge. I call this: "BEWARE THE NEIGHBORS WHEN YOU SEEK WATER"

    The two models in the scene are Dinokonda from DAZ which I changed the textures on and also merged 2 of them to create a 2 headed beastie. The great little spacecraft is a freebie shuttle created by a very talented SPACEBONES. The hose from the ship was made in HEX and exported to Bryce as an object file.

    The terrain topography was originally designed in PSP9 as was the material textures for the terrain and the planet. Only post work done was adding a few more stars and touching up some detail in one overly dark area of the terrain.

    Have a great rest of the week folks - I see we are still getting lots of fantastic renders being posted for this challenge. Best of Luck to all.


    1565 x 1043 - 704K
  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    Thank you , I wasn't sure if I had totally missed the mark when I made the water sound. After watching more examples on the net I am now rendering a horizontal flow coming down the wall. I am starting to figure out the material editing tools, and have a long ways to go.

    have you ever heard of Bryce opening as the p.l.e version, instead of the pro version? my fix seems to be working, but if your Win 7 machine does this with out compatibility mode, then this is a real head scratcher, I am not sure what or if compatibility mode has limitations, or possible future problems, and would prefer to have it just run with out compatibility. Hopefully it dose not mess up Lightning when I try it out on my home network.

    very humorous!, the thought that water is precious and aliens would be taking it is great, and the battle that might in sue. love the ship as well.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    dana365 said:
    have you ever heard of Bryce opening as the p.l.e version, instead of the pro version?

    As far as I know, the PLE version and the Pro version are exactly the same programme. The difference being that the Pro serial number unlocks the parts that the PLE doesn't give access to.

    Just make sure that you have the Pro serial number set in all of your copies of Bryce 7.1 and it should be fine.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    dana365 said:
    have you ever heard of Bryce opening as the p.l.e version, instead of the pro version?

    As far as I know, the PLE version and the Pro version are exactly the same programme. The difference being that the Pro serial number unlocks the parts that the PLE doesn't give access to.

    Just make sure that you have the Pro serial number set in all of your copies of Bryce 7.1 and it should be fine.

    That is correct, there has only ever been one version of Bryce 7, it is the relevant serial number that defined which it was, and of course now there is only the Pro version sold.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited February 2014

    @dana365 - Dave is absolutely right. There is only 1 (one) Bryce. PLE is limited and what is greyed out can be unlocked by the Pro serial number.

    You can enter the new serial from Help > Enter Serial... If this doesn't work you can delete or rename (AFTER COPYING IT TO ANOTHER LOCATION) the hidden file named ".Bryce70.dta" (note the dot at the beginning) in the Bryce main folder. If Bryce cannot find this file, you are prompted to enter name and serial. The ".Bryce70.dta" is created anew.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    @GussNemo: Thanks for the link. I think I did see that one in the past. However, my view is much more close-up underneath a wave and I want the froth to naturally appear from the wave. I think I am slowly getting there and the contest is not over yet!

    @Jamahoney: Wonderful! Great swimmingpool and wonderful idea to just catch the swimmer when he/she is just leaving. The shadow is strange, but looks possible. The shadow underneath the 'painting' (in the middle) is however somewhat puzzling. Nevertheless, it is a great work!

    @Kharma: Well done! The mountain texture now looks better to me. One thing you could still do is to slightly modify the mountains by adding just a tiny bit of (height and or slope) noise. Click at the E in the list after selecting the mountain and play with the noise (very briefly clicking: careful!). And always, before you change such a nice scene: save under a new name ("Fog2"--> "Fog3") If you safe the first version as "abcdefg1" and afterwards choose "safe as", Bryce will automatically add a new number (incremental saving). I hope you already knew that!

    @dana365. Thanks. Indeed based on a photo (on you can find many of these). Quite a challenge to try to recreate such a scene.
    I like your watercurtain scene very much. It is very serene. If you want to challenge yourself further: try to have the plant on the left have a branch in the curtain, leading to a tear in the curtain underneath the branch. I think the best way to do that would be to make the curtain from a flat terrain from which you 'cut' the tear in the terrain editor. And then maybe a bit of fog at the bottom where the curtain must hit a pool (not visible).

    @goshtac: Nice waves around the hydra. Your camera setting lead to a rather weird looking moon. But maybe this one simply is not round!

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Cheers, Hansmar...very kind. As to the shadow in the was supoosed to look like water leaking/seaping through the back of the frame, but, yep, I agree, it is puzzling (perhaps, should have added some specularity/transparency etc.,) now that you point it out.


  • dana365dana365 Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    thanks guys I went back to that machine and took the compatibility mode off, assuming it would start in P.L.E , as it had before,and I could reenter the new serial there happily it did not, now it seems to be very happy running Pro as it was intended,and with out compatibility on, problem solved, YEAH!

    a tear in the curtain, that would be challenging!, I am rendering a horizontal flow now, and I am thinking that if i get the tear idea down then I have a whole bunch of terrain and water ideas I need to try.I have been looking at Fran On The Edge site and she has "creating a water fall" by Richard Vanlippe tutorial on there, I think these are the same steps I will use to create a tear effect.

    the Fran On The Edge site and tutorial is here for any one else reading and is curious:

    thanks Fran and Richard

  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    [quote author="hansmar" date="1391722017
    @goshtac: Nice waves around the hydra. Your camera setting lead to a rather weird looking moon. But maybe this one simply is not round!

    Hi Hansmar;

    Thanks for the comments - I agree that for some reason the other planet/moon came out looking a bit lopsided in this render. I had redone this scene so many times adjusting camera positions, terrain sizes, etc. I had missed this until after the final render and just decided to let it go at that.

    By the way, as to the waves you mentioned. I don't know how many people if any use this trick or not, but I found one of the easiest ways to create splashing water believe it or not is by using a tree just poking up thru the surface and assigning water materials to the leaf patterns and I make the trunk and branches invisible. I have had some rather good luck with this little trick when it comes to splashing water.


  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Here is my second entry.....Foggy Creek......

    1754 x 875 - 1M
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Oooh, Trish...that's that trunk.


  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here is my second entry.....Foggy Creek......

    Hi Trish;

    Just a wonderful piece of art here. If I were to see that outside of the Bryce forums, I would swear that was a photo. Beautiful job on Foggy Creek - A real Winner !!!


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    I'm a bit behind in viewing everyone's entries.
    @goshtac : like your entries
    @GussNemo : very realistic fountain
    @Horo : wow, those caves look awesome
    @orbital : as usual : like a postcard
    @Jamahoney : special image and a very good idea.
    @Kharma : much better, the fog is awesome !
    @dana365 : love the waterscreen
    @bullit35744 : looks like a photo to me as well
    really nice artwork everyone !

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    @hansmar- thank you very much for hints and tips, texture is much better.
    @bullit- beautiful !
    @adbc - thank you

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @adbc: Thank you very much.

    @Trish: Such a wonderfully beautiful scene. I keep expecting to see a claw reach out of that water. :-)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @Trish: Such a wonderfully beautiful scene. I keep expecting to see a claw reach out of that water. :-)

    Yeah, a purple one ;-P
    Honestly, this is a beautiful render, Trish.
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Jay...Bruce...adbc...Kharma...Guss...and Horo
    Thank you all very much...I am really happy you like my render!! purple claw this time...LOL Trish

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Beautiful work from everyone.

    This is the final for my entry. I tried all the suggestions and learnt a few things along the way but this is the best render I got with the drops so I will go with this. Sight color adjustment in Photoshop.


    600 x 600 - 82K
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    Hi all,

    @goshtac: Thanks for the suggestion. I understand the issue with many tries and seeing things in the final render. See below for my issues. Thanks for the suggestion on the trees. Great idea! If I ever get sufficient stamina to try to redo it, I might use that trick.

    @bullit35744: fantastic scene, great water!

    @kharma: you're very welcome. We are here to help each other!

    @mermaid010: Much better. I now see the drops at first instance.

    Finally, I am not fully happy and see lots of things to improve, but I give up for now. So here is my 'crashing wave' render. I have to thank GussNemo, because I did use his suggestion to look at David Brinnen's tutariol and took some elements from that.
    Basic waveform made in Hexagon. Signature in PSE. Further all Bryce. Hope you still see what it is supposed to be and don't judge this too harsh -:)
    Piece of advice: it looks much better seen from three meters away!

    960 x 720 - 787K
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