[Released] 100: The Ultimate Superhero Pose Collection

Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134

ETA: Released! Get it here:  https://www.daz3d.com/100-ultimate-superhero-poses-for-genesis-8

Yep, it's 100 poses. And I'm not doing any funny math either, and counting mirrors as poses. If I did that, it would be 200 poses. I kept it at 100, because Fight Lab topped out around 160ish, and some people reported that that was bit much, ha ha. Plus, I plan to do a second volume, so 100 seemed like a good amount.

I threw in lots of my personal favorites, like that thing the Hulk does when he claps his hands together, and that one-handed cartwheel kick that Daredevil and Catwoman are so fond of, but I mainly stuck to what my extensive research showed were the most classic and common poses for villains and heroes. I used all the greats for reference, like Jack Kirby, Frank Miller, Jason Lee, and so many others.  I meticulously crafted each pose for Genesis 8 Male, then transferred each (with feminine adjustments) to Genesis 8 Female. So, you get the same 100 poses for both figure platforms. Pow! Plus, I'm trying to price this at what you'd normally pay for a collection of 20 or 30 poses. Whaaaaa? Who loves you? (Hint: It's me.) Oh, I included custom rendered tool tips and thumbnails like I always do, because squinting a tiny little texture thumbs sucks teabags. If you're a comic book artist, this is going to be an indespensible reference tool!

ETA: Oh, and I included speedsters too. They've always been my favorites. You'll get a whole bunch of extreme running poses, as well as several screeching to a halt poses.

Here's some promo artwork to rub on your eyeballs. Everyone in the images, including the villains/monsters, are using poses from the collection.



1000 x 1300 - 1M
1000 x 1300 - 1M
1000 x 1300 - 1M
1300 x 1000 - 904K
1000 x 1300 - 833K
1000 x 1300 - 2M
1000 x 1300 - 2M
1300 x 1000 - 886K
1300 x 1000 - 956K
1000 x 1300 - 765K
Post edited by Those Things on


  • Oh, bless. I love your promos for this, too. (Now to get my hands on that render stone...!)

  • Oh, bless. I love your promos for this, too. (Now to get my hands on that render stone...!)

    Thank you so much! I have to say, after doing this project, I'm seriously considering making a 3D comic book of my own. It would be a childhood dream realised, even if nobody ever read it. :)

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    Instabuy.... if I can afford it. :)

  • RKane_1 said:

    Instabuy.... if I can afford it. :)

    I've requested a very low price. Times are tough, and momma needs to buy cat food. :)

  • rekrek Posts: 45

    This is awesome! And special kudos to you for including the female poses. And such great promos!

    Day one purchase!

  • Those promo's are outstanding, best of luck !!!

  • rek said:

    This is awesome! And special kudos to you for including the female poses. And such great promos!

    Day one purchase!

    Awww, thank you! So great to hear!

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Instabuy for me too. I am waiting to find out what happens to Kranos also!

  • Sigurd said:

    Instabuy for me too. I am waiting to find out what happens to Kranos also!

    He just needs all five render stones...


  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579


  • Very cool promos!

  • Nice!
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Great promos and looks like an amazing product.  If yo0u're wondering what to do next, I misread your post at first and just spent several minutes looking for "Flight Lab." Yeah, I'd buy that. 

  • Cybersox said:

    Great promos and looks like an amazing product.  If yo0u're wondering what to do next, I misread your post at first and just spent several minutes looking for "Flight Lab." Yeah, I'd buy that. 


  • I don't do superhero comics, but still I will pick this up because it's going to be so useful! Can't wait!

  • DamselDamsel Posts: 385

    Look, just take my money, okay?

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    Nope... I have tried throwing cash at the screen multiple times now and it does not seem to be absorbing it. Mayhap I wouldst need to wait then til DAZ puts your new collection up for sale then? :)

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Ooooohhhhh... laugh

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited September 2019

    Hopefully, we will see this out this week. 

    Will it come with any super props? :)

    Also, what is the cape you used in your dark avenger over looking the rooftops stressin' bout the Master processor pic?

    Post edited by RKane_1 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Looks great.


  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    edited September 2019
    RKane_1 said:

    Hopefully, we will see this out this week. 

    Will it come with any super props? :)

    Also, what is the cape you used in your dark avenger over looking the rooftops stressin' bout the Master processor pic?

    I didn't make any props with this set, no. But I did manage to get the low price I asked for, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

    That cape in every promo using a cape is this one: https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-ssc-knight-cloak-for-genesis-3-and-8

    I have to say, I really like that cape. The morphs that come with it are fantastic. You can take those rather old-fashioned looking chest pieces, and push them back and hide them. Makes it look like a typical superhero cape that is attached somewhere in the back. Plus, you get the hood. :) 

    Post edited by Those Things on
  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134

    Released today! And at the low price I asked for, too. :)


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Finally. Looks really great.


  • It's been said a dozen times already, but the promo artwork is a touch of genius.  Perfect pitch!

  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134

    It's been said a dozen times already, but the promo artwork is a touch of genius.  Perfect pitch!

    Thank you so much! That's quite a compliment, and much appreciated. :)

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    Terrific poses at a great price, thank you!

    I also agree about the packaging, beautifully done.

    A clear winner.

  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    Tourist said:

    Terrific poses at a great price, thank you!

    I also agree about the packaging, beautifully done.

    A clear winner.

    So great to hear, and thank you!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I love the promo artwork, this was an instant buy.


  • Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,134
    Oso3D said:

    I love the promo artwork, this was an instant buy.


    Thank you! Couldn't have done it without your awesome shaders!


  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    What are the Tool Tips, mentioned on the promo page?

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