how to render cristaline structures in bryce without my maschine going to explode?

octobusoctobus Posts: 117
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

i am playing with some cristaline structures i made in zbrush and what i liked to do was using an hdr to get nice reflexions
into my stucture....

the rendering time is really really long... even for a preview it takes forever

is there a handy way of getting the hdr effect with faster rendering times?

looking forward to get some smart advice...

478 x 585 - 451K


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @mail-039 - as our saying goes: "Gut Ding will Weile haben." Don't be hasty or impatient. IBL speed can be optimised by a lower quality setting, no soft IBL shadows or none at all. If you use the HDRI only as reflection but not for light, set HDRI Effect and Specularity to 0, and disable IBL shadows. If you need shadows, make sure Sun/Moon Shadows is set to 100. Transparency on an object also slows an IBL render down.

  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    thanks horo... that allready better.... soooo many possibilities!!!! it´s amazing and confusing as well.... o.

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