Bryce download problem

dash2128dash2128 Posts: 727
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

First: after choosing a file to download Brice into- say... 'C:\programs\DAZ 3D' - do I download the content into the same folder?

Or does the content go into another folder or sub-folder?

(Also, do I create a Bryce 7 folder after 'Daz 3D' to place Bryce in, or not?)

Second: If I am receiving 'side-by-side' errors (thread-, how do I find what I need to download? I went to the microsoft download page, but couldn't locate the download to fix the problem.

I've downloaded both Bryce 7 and content down (and uninstalled them) maybe 20 times. They never work. (I get a side-by side error message)


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