Carrara Challenge Number 6. Movie Poster Phobia! ( Voting)

No 1.
Entry Title: Psychotic Celery in Scotland
Artist Name: Diomede64
Summary Description: The phobia is fear of vegetables (and Scottish clowns), in the original list. With that in mind, this is a silly tribute to the king of vegetables, Art Frahm. I used the non-photorealistic renderer. As a hat tip to the heather of Scotland, I wanted some purple. The text modeler was used for the titles and credits.
Link to at least one WIP Posting: this thread, earlier WIP.
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
The celery was made in the plant modeler by extending the trunk and reducing the branching and leaves. I made the kilt, sweater, shoes, socks, and sash in the vertex modeler for the Scotsman. Ditto for the V4 clothes. I retextured the Genesis face to be a clown. For one of the render categories, I made my own brush.
DAZ Shop items:
Genesis, V4, and the Jason hair.
I used Ron’s scratches for one of the render brushes.
Enjoy the holidays or holiday of your choice, everyone.

No 2.
Entry Title: Fear of Flying
Artist Name: PhilW
Summary Description: A newly created angel has to come to terms with his new found abilities, not least of which is a fear of heights and of flying - without a plane!
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
The main title was done in Carrara's text editor and then edited some more in the vertex editor, and I created all the buildings in background city below. I also created the cloud dome (although this is a product!) and the realistic sky had a fair amount of tweaking. Lighting is from the realistic sky with a Sun Light (with flare), an extra Spot to illuminate the foreground figure better, and a light linked to the text so that the face stood out a little more.
DAZ Shop items:
Michael 4, V4 Creature Wings, Divinity Skies (which is the close up building).
Postwork - other text added in Photoshop and image adjusted for levels, highlights on the text.
Happy New Year to you all!
Entry #: 3
Title Wet Dreams May Come.
Phobias: Fear of beautiful women (Caligynephobia), and the fear of wet dreams (Oneirogmophobia).
Summary/description: Harrington Willie has some phobias that turn what would normally be every young man's dream job into a nightmare!
Link to at least one WIP:
List of Carrara created stuff and significantly enhanced content: I created a metaball particle emitter for the water spray. I created the shader for the water droplets. I created surface replicators for all the bathing suit pieces with a sphere primitive for water droplets, I significantly altered the female figure's textures. I created the text in the text primitive and custom shaded it.
Content: M4 and V4 with morphs++, Aiko 4 morphs, Orca-Maid bundle, which included wet maps and wet hair conforming figure, M4 basic wear, V4 basic wear.
Postwork: The M4 was rendered with an alpha channel, the V4s and emitter were all one scene and rendered with an alpha channel. The title text was rendered with an alpha channel. All elements were then layered in Photoshop. I rendered a refraction render pass for the scene with the V4s and the emitter. The background is a simple color gradient in PS. The descriptive text was also done in PS.
Entry #: 4
TitleFall in the House of Escher
Phobia: Bathmophobia – Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Summary/description: My idea was inspired by an M.C. Escher illustration of stairs. The image itself is whimsical and light, but what if you had a phobia about stairs? I decided to model my poster after '50s and early '60s "B" horror movie posters.
Link to at least one WIP:
List of Carrara created stuff and significantly enhanced content: I made several stairs, platforms and arches. I used some included Carrara shaders, but also some of my own. Enhanced shaders for the hair and skin texture. Text primitive converted to vertex object so I could network render. Volumetric cloud for atmosphere.
Content: V4 with morphs++, Like Marylin morph package from ShareCG, Portia Hair, Hongyu's Leather Corset.
Postwork: I rendered the title with an alpha channel to composite with the main image. I rendered the main image with a depth pass and volume primitive pass. I combined the two passes into one, which I used in Photoshop to create a layer mask. I duplicated the base layer and applied the layer pass to the duplicate and the Poster Edge filter to the base layer. I futzed around with the contrast and brightness of the layer mask to enhance the effect I wanted.
Entry #: 5
Title: Krazy Karl the Krane Klown
Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns.
Acrophobia- Fear of Heights
Summary/description: Mine was to go absurd. An insane clown controls a tower crane and attaches his victims to a wrecking ball and creates havoc in the city.
Link to at least one WIP:
List of Carrara created stuff and significantly enhanced content: I created the wrecking ball, restraints and the atmosphere clouds in Carrara. Title text and background skies was in Carrara. I created the m4 clown morph, the clown hair, crane and wrecking ball cable in hexagon. I created the clown mat and suit mat in photoshop.
Content: M4 with my clown morph wearing the V4 bodysuit, Stonemasons Urban Sprawl 2 for the city. Genesis with a mix of dialed female morph settings wearing the Cool Fever for A3 with Iroppoi textures and Mitsu Hair for Genesis.
Postwork: This was three different renders, the logo, the clown and then the city, all composited together in photoshop to create the final poster. I did the additional text with the help of MST3k episode in Season 8 the movie Space Mutiny for most of the names, done in Photoshop.
No 6.
Title. Big Fat Hairy Spider.
Phobia. Arachnophobia
What I did.
The spider was made and painted in 3dCoat, the hairy-ness was done in Carrara. The set and bathtub was made in Carrara, the tub legs in 3dcoat. Bubbles were Carrara glass spheres altered in Photoshop. Title was rendered in Cararra and composited in PS.
The Tim Burton thing was a last minute idea! ( Depp will do the voice of the spider.......) I had to repaint the spider,and search for some "Burton" fonts.( The original spider is on my blog!)
Entry #: 7
Title Demonic invasion.
Phobias: Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons.
Summary/description: Little demons could follow you everywhere and, at least, kill you!
List of Carrara created stuff and significantly enhanced content: I tried doing something only with my library content. The scene is the Garbage pile from Daz with some clouds (Primivol) on the back. I use the surface replicator for the demon but there is 14 differents Stickman/demons on the scene (duplicate with Fenric extension). Wings, tails and horns was made in Carrara in the vertex room. To change stickman into demon I had to put 28 horns, 28 wings and 14 tails in the main room, impossible for me to put this objects on the primitive stickman in vertex room. The big silhouette is made with a special texture : Shader Ops from Digital Carver's (Color: white, alpha: invert+Fake Fresnel, lighting: 30%) with green aura. For the text "INVASION" the font is Sliced juce find on www.dafont. But when the font is open in Carrar, the result is very dirty, so I open it in Illustrator and then import in spline modeler.
Content: "Freak 5" with "Bad Guy" clothing and "short order cook" for the hat. Little demons was made with "Stickman" [my first try was Sticmanphobia ;)]
Postwork: No postwork, all done in Carrara
I beg your pardon for my pigging english :)
Entry no. 8
Title : Ho Ho Ho
Artist : Varsel
Summary Description : Santa - Hagiophobia
First there where RoboCop. Now there are RoboSanta. In order to save cost, Mall Supplies inc. created a robotic Santa, for use in their malls. But something went wrong with his programing.
Can John and Kelly stop him before Christmas. Or will the little helpers be to much for them.
Content :
Santa : M4 with custom morph.
Fairytale Prince for M4 and H4 King Expansion
M3 Santa Suit ( for hat)
Dystopia City Blocks 001-010 and 011-020
Genesis with Supersuit. Hat is my own creation
Reinder from Reindeer & Sleigh
Boy & Girl : M4 and V4
Clothing is ToolBoi and ToolGirl by Bad Kitteh Co
Carrara Stuff : The warehouse is created in the vertex modeler.
All textures (except Boy&Girl;) are created in Carrara
The city was boolean unified, and then slit up, so the light in it uses anything glow.
The title is text object on a spline object, with bolts created in the vertex room.
Postwork : All elements were rendered out separate. Some with alpha. Then layered in Corel Photopaint.
Entry #9
Title: XIII - The Prime
Phobia: Triskaidekaphobia (fear of number 13 and avoidance to use it)
Carrara work:
All in the render is made in Carrara, except the head of Victoria 5 and PureHair Bubblegum.
All text is made with Text Modeler, the numbers on the doors and all movie credits. Many fonts were used; main title is a free font named "Nightbird".
100% Carrara render, no postwork.
I've thought that a fear lies inside, so number 13 is everywhere but it never appears explicitly, except in movie title/URL in roman numerals. I wanted to put in the poster many typical movie infos and I've looked for double meanings wherever it was possible, to make text fun and effective at the same time. Strong contrast between foreground and background seemed appropriate to underline V5 anxiety, and so the lights and the fading of all objects in the darkness.
Entry No 10
Entry Title: FOBIA
Artist Name: Stezza
Summary Description: To create the ultimate phobia of phobias!.. The creepy clown in a santa hat dangling spiders amongst webs.. and if that's not phobia enough it is during the holidays!
The images were rendered seperately in Carrara and saved in PNG format and then composited in PSE11 to Australian std poster size where Ron's brushes were used in Postwork to add effect.
Link to WIP Posting:
List of all created or significantly enhanced objects:
Carrara text textured
Carrara Hair
Retextured and posed spider from the Carrara library
DAZ Shop items:
Ron's brushes - Spiderwebs & Slime
Other Credits:
Dr Pitterbill
Herpert for Pitterbill
Photoshop Elements 11
No 11
Entry Title: "The Hairy Spider Invasion"
Artist Name: headwax
Summary Description: The phobia is: fear of losing your head to giant hairy spiders that have invaded from Brazil - where they are no longer wanted as pets because of the Brazillian penchant for liking things to be reasonably smooth.
Link to at least one WIP Posting:
Oh I made the hair and the text in carrara. M4 stars as himself, he is wearing a shoe by Faberge and Working man's trousers. I collapsed the left shoe in the vertex room and hid the shin of one trousers leg in the assembly room. The spider is content paradise spider (camel) amd might come in Poser? The insects are scarab beetle and damsel fly. I made copious use of Fenrix tree duplicate and colour balance and shader fixer and cannot recommend this tools highly enough.
In Post I went for a garish effect courtesy of OLoneo HDR engine - highly recommend this software also - it will allow yo to rescue blown out highlights but also out line details in a way you might not have previously imagined. Used some brushes from Ron's spider web and cobwebs sets. Also a touch of Fotosketcher for an slightly hand drawn effect.
In rendering I always render shadow, object index fragment coverage - and for this I rendered out volume primitives layer to isolate the hair. The fragment coverage is really handy as well. The object index layer allows you to isolate your different objects in post!
For the text I rendered it in plain grey but with a uv pass and combined the two together to get the colour. I used a wide angle camera lens to get a bit of text distortion.
Thanks to Stu and Ringo (once again) and Daz for their kind and generous work and support for this challenge.
Entry No 12
Entry Title: Arachno-delirium
Artist Name: DUDU
Summary Description: A man, sitted in his settee, eats a sandwich by looking at the T.V.
The film which it looks at, it's “the fly” with Jeff Goldblum.
The man is a chronic arachnophobe and he thinks that he would not like to be in the place of the character of this film when, suddenly, he feels a burn on his leg…
It is precisely a spider which bit it, he disappears and enters into an incredible delirious…
Titles and text carried out in the text modeller and edited with modifiers.
The head is that of the poor old man Michael 3 modified and re-textured.
His hands are also converted into .obj file .
The spider and the fly are from Carrara content.
The cobweb was modelled in Carrara with a work on the shader to have a base form then worked over again in Photoshop.
The final composition was made in Photoshop.
Great entries so far!
Just to remind you ....just over two days to go to get yours in!
( I will change this thread to the voting thread on Fri at 11 pm GMT)
Ok...Times up!
Thanks to everyone that entered. And thanks again for the sponsership from DAZ and Ringo!
I've compiled all the entries into one, to make it easier to get a general overview, just so you do not overlook any. ( all the entries are still in this thread so scroll back for a closer look.)
I feel this will be a close run thing.
You have until next Fri to vote......
I found it really hard to choose but in the end I have gone for 2,7,11.
Voting Begins.
A very tough call, so many good and creative entries - but in the end, my votes go to 4, 6 and 12 (I wish I could vote for more!).
Entry: #2
Entry Title: Fear of Flying
Artist: PhilW
This is so well done, and I know you are a pro, but the dejection of the angel tugs at my heart and I'm a non-believer!
These next artists with cool stuff (someday hope to join the entrants!)
Entry: # 7
Title: Demonic invasion
Artist: Jammy pruvot
They're everywhere, they're eveywhere!!!
Entry # 5
Title: Krazy Karl the Krane Klown
Artist: kashyyyk
Demon clown torturing women... yikes! But it's really colourful and detailed!
All convey the meaning of phobia...I wanted to do one but got stuck with texturing problems, health problems...ugh. I wanted to do one for a phobia of the London Underground. Tube Phobia. I was in Kings Cross station a month before the fire of 87 as a tourist...went back a year later and in another station, people were still smoking on the platforms in spite of the warnings!! When I go up to London, I do NOT use the tube!
Thanks to all for the wonderful art...they are all so well done...the rest all get honourable mention!
xx :) SileneUK
It is seen that there are professional graphic designers in the series!
The topic being directed “poster cinema”, I chose the criterion of the visual effectiveness, but all are compositions of quality!
2, 9, 5 and one mention for the 7…
I hope someone makes a few of these movies. I vote for 2, 9, 11. This was a great challenge theme, Stu, So many terrific entries.
My votes are 4, 6, 11, great colors and designs.
You must vote on this topic:
merging with the vote thread
My Votes
#9 - great phobia and great movie poster look
#4 - I love the pun in the title (but I so want have PhilW's tie for second place too!)
#11 - hard to believe this was done in Carrara
Honourable Mentions
#12 - I like the work with the text here and that was a key part of this contest
#3 - for the nasty pun and pushing the envelope of good taste to the breaking point
Bravo everyone! I wish that I had had more time to work on my own entry.
Here are my votes:
Entry #: 2.
Entry Title: Fear of Flying
Artist Name: PhilW
Entry #: 4
TitleFall in the House of Escher
Phobia: Bathmophobia – Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Entry #9
Title: XIII - The Prime
Phobia: Triskaidekaphobia (fear of number 13 and avoidance to use it)
well there's seven I would like to vote for
! :(
In the end I thought I would vote for the most movie posterish
so 5,2,9
but it could have easily been 4,7,10 they are all excellent works
thanks again to stu and daz and Ringo!
My choice :
Very pleasant moment to participate
Jamy , sorry you only get 3 votes ! I will assume the forth one is an honourable mention?
I tried to figure all renders hanging to the external wall of a cinema. At last, these were the best match, in entry order: #2, #4, #7
Once again, a difficult choice... so many great works in this contest! :-)
You're right, my vote is:
First : 6
Second : 11
Third : 9
and special mention for : 4
In no particular order apart from numerical... ;-)
can't wait till they are out on DVD