Here we go again!

UGH here we go again with the ERRORS/freeze/crash when you click anywhere in the time line!
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UGH here we go again with the ERRORS/freeze/crash when you click anywhere in the time line!
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Can I bill DAZ for lost time concerning this issue? I have to constantly save like after every 2-3 commands and the file is large so takes like 30 secs/ a minute to save OR loose it all once I click in the Time line and have a ERROR FREEZE..
END LESS ENDS LESS SAVING or risk loosing hours of work!
If Photoshop did this we would all use Fireworks!
Post deleted because I was in the wrong sub-forum.
Lemme get this straight... you're complaining about sub-minute saves? I wish my saves only took 1 minute.
Well if I have to SAVE ever time I make over ONE change in the time line SAVE! EROOR!@ THEN FORCE QUIT! Reopen then do it again we are looking at like over a hundred times today alone. NOW if your file takes multi minutes to save I am gunna guess it take 5 minutes to open! NOW you will seee how much time I spend decking in the time line. Not to mention the times I would get going doing something else like adjusting a part for 30 minutes then foolishly CLICK in the time line SCREEEEAAACHHHH! ERRRRRRRRCKK CRASH FREEZE KAPOW! BACK to the ole chalk board!
I sure as hell hope this is FIXED in 8.5,,, but you know I bet you a million credits it isn't!
WHY! 90% of carrara users dont even use the animation features so never have an issue with it!