Exportation Queries

I wanted to open thread to serve for questions I might have when exporting a Genesis figure as an object.
The first question is:
Can I separate the eyes and dentures from the skin mesh during export? If so how?
Could someone explain "Bone Welds" please?
Thanks ahead of responses.
If by separate you mean export the body mesh without the eyes and dentures than the answer is yes and maybe. The eyes for almost all figures are separate nodes/bones, in DS's Scene tab expand the figures hierarchy till you get to the Eyes, click the 'eye' icons for the Eyes to toggle off visibility. When you export check the 'Ignore Invisible Nodes', now none of the invisible nodes will be exported. The dentures could be more difficult, while Genesis 1 & 2 have Upper Jaw and Lower Jaw nodes most other figures don't. Making the Genie's jaws invisible will work just like the eyes, but it will make the gums and teeth disappear. If you just want to remove the teeth you need use the Polygon Group Editor to select and actually delete the teeth from the mesh before exporting, or remove them after exporting in a modelling program.
Now Bone Welds, Poser legacy cr2 figure file format uses the mesh to define the nodes/bones. The mesh is broken in to groups that correspond with the bones, in some cases the body mesh is broken into separate mesh groups instead of one continuous mesh. The Bone Welds effectively puts the mesh back together as a single continuous mesh.
What I want to do is export the eyes, tongue and dentures as separate groups, so when in the other program I can select them and move them to another layer for rigging. If necessary I could do two or more separate export operations. It would be nicer to do it all in one.
I know this is probably quite late for what you wanted to do two years ago...but I think most modeling programs should be able to select objects by surface/material group, as well as other grouping like bones. A quick skim over some web search hits shows Rhino, Blender, SketchUp and Wings3D can. LightWave also has this ability and I've used it while morphing DAZ figures, if only to hide parts so I can edit others without extra mesh in the wireframe view.
Are you planning to rig this for use in other than Daz Studio?