Texturing Models For Bryce Renders



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @franontheedge - you really got the hang of this. Progress is awesome.

  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Wow, you've all been very kind.

    @ Dave,
    Thanks, those wall lights are a model I made a good while ago now - I called it a 'Bulkhead Light' (like you see in ships) and used one of Pakled's nice 'Lego' materials on the cut glass/plastic cover. It was meant for scenes like this, so I'm glad it's working here.


    Thanks. Animation? Um... dunno... I might.

    Aw... you're too kind.




    Gosh, I dunno what to say. If even Horo likes it, there must be something in it then.


    Okay, here's the latest render, looking down the corridor towards the shaft of the air circulating fan, (I changed the yellow texture on the Bulkhead Lights to give a whiter light, it's turned out even nicer than I'd hoped):

    Then comes a couple of screen captures from Wings3d - where I'm doing a bit more modelling on the cargo bay/ garage/workshop/refueling bay thingie.
    Basically ships come in here, get repaired or re-fueled etc and then off they go on their missions.

    Pic shows one shot with the ladder inside the shaft - but I may replace that with a pole - like those that firemen use. The other shot shows the back where I'm playing around with the big pipe that I didn't use before. I'll also need a few hanging cables, I think. (I quite like the look of the damage on the wall).

    I'm just not totally sure what to do for the missing wall n' hanger doors.

    Does anyone have any tips? Ideas? Suggestions?

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @fran: That's really looking great. I would, however, keep the ladder and add wall or something in that gray area. It seems to me a ladder would give more atmosphere than a pole.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited January 2014

    Opps - wrong topic

    Post edited by Dan Whiteside on
  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    I'll think about the ladder, thanks GussNemo.

    Here's what I've done so far with the 'garage/cargo bay'.
    Wings3d screen capture 1st, I've made a stand for a bank of lights, UVMapped it in Wings,


    Then in Bryce I duplicated the single light to produce 8 lights in both upper and lower parts of the stand - with a spotlight in each light fitting. Then duplicated the whole stand, lights and all - so as to have 2 light stands, one pointing into the cargo bay, and one pointing out. Then I grouped those 2 stands and duplicated that group - to make the set of lights for the other side of the cargo bay.

    Thus the Bryce render.


    You might notice that the floor is lower in Wings than it is in Bryce, that's a newer adjustment I did after seeing the floor in the Bryce render - and I might change the tiles on the floor too...

    I'll need some hanging cables I think... I've got some somewhere. But I'll need something for them to hang from, some sort of gantry... that I'll have to make.

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Looking great fran.

  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    I've done a little more work on this, mostly pipes etc. Plus adding come crunch to the textures and something for background.

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  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'll think about the ladder, thanks GussNemo.

    Here's what I've done so far with the 'garage/cargo bay'.
    Wings3d screen capture 1st, I've made a stand for a bank of lights, UVMapped it in Wings,


    Then in Bryce I duplicated the single light to produce 8 lights in both upper and lower parts of the stand - with a spotlight in each light fitting. Then duplicated the whole stand, lights and all - so as to have 2 light stands, one pointing into the cargo bay, and one pointing out. Then I grouped those 2 stands and duplicated that group - to make the set of lights for the other side of the cargo bay.

    Thus the Bryce render.


    You might notice that the floor is lower in Wings than it is in Bryce, that's a newer adjustment I did after seeing the floor in the Bryce render - and I might change the tiles on the floor too...

    I'll need some hanging cables I think... I've got some somewhere. But I'll need something for them to hang from, some sort of gantry... that I'll have to make.

    HI FRAN: Looking good - you have really put a lot of time and thought into this project. Nicely done. You mentioned thinking of adding some cables to the scene. Don't know if they are quite what you are looking for, but I have a group of cables / wires in OBJ form that I put out as freebies a number of years ago at shareCG - If interested, you can find them in my portfolio: http://www.sharecg.com/goshtac

    Have a great day and looking forward to seeing more of this project as it comes along.


  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    goshtac said:

    HI FRAN: Looking good - you have really put a lot of time and thought into this project. Nicely done. You mentioned thinking of adding some cables to the scene. Don't know if they are quite what you are looking for, but I have a group of cables / wires in OBJ form that I put out as freebies a number of years ago at shareCG - If interested, you can find them in my portfolio: http://www.sharecg.com/goshtac

    Have a great day and looking forward to seeing more of this project as it comes along.


    Thank you.

    Yes I did mention needing cables, and if you look at the most recent render you should be able to see cables already in place. These are my own models and have both UV maps and textures already applied. (I used them in my previous 'Octo-Corridors' project. Not sure if I posted anything about that or not...)

    Thanks for letting me know about your cables.
    You mention on your ShareCG page that they do not have textures – does this mean that they are also not UV mapped?

    I also talked about needing a gantry – however I do now have a gantry in place – or a walkway – whatever you call it. As can be seen from the latest render. BUT!
    Once again, this gantry is a model from my previous 'Octo-Corridors' project and was made specifically to fit an octagonal hall – and thus has 8 sides – this means that it doesn't really fit a 4 sided room as I have here. It fits inside but... anyway I might want to make something specifically for this project. Especially as that walkway/gantry is very rusty, and this project is a little less decayed than that....

    Then again I want to make a few more bits of... 'furniture'? like a tool box, maybe a petrol pump (or diesel or dilithium crystal recharger – whatever) & maybe something for welding... or...
    You know, bits and pieces to 'populate' the scene – furniture!

    I've also been thinking about a winch... and maybe chains. (thus the different sort of gantry/walkway - something for the winch and chains to hang from.)

    I also have a ship in the shape of a bird, which isn't finished and is totally without UVMaps – adding those will be a long job – but I would quite like to have that ship in this scene – which means I have to finish modelling it by adding its landing 'feet'. Which I only have in sketch form at the moment – although I do have 3 different modular sections for its rear armourments/propulsion – which are interchangable – i.e. you can hide those parts that you don’t want and unhide those you do.

    Here is the original preliminary sketch for the 'SparrowHawk' ship:

    And also a few shots of the ship and sketches for the different modules...

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  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Here are a few more shots of the SparrowHawk ship in Wings3d:

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  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited January 2014

    Hi Fran;

    Regarding the cables on my ShareCG page - I just left them without texture assignments as OBJ files so all you would need to do is import them into Bryce and assign whatever color or texture you want from the material lab - Hence I did not want to assign any textures so users could color or texture as they want just like any Bryce primitive.

    Really like the way your project is coming along and sorry I missed seeing the cables you had already put in with your last render. PS: Like your newest project - I personally never could get the hang of Wings although I do have it installed - Perhaps time to give it another try..


    Post edited by Goshtac on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Fran - amazing work. Looking forward to the final render

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @fran: That ship is fantastic, as are the sketches. Like mermaid, can't wait to see the final results.

  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Everyone keeps saying 'final' - as if I should stop playing about with this one - I admit I've been on this for quite a while, but I'm enjoying it, so I'm not sure if I'm ready to let go of it just yet.

    Anyway, now that I've finished justifying myself - even if only to me... lol!

    Here's the latest stage of the SparrowHawk ship - with legs now and a cargo hatch door:

    I want to use 'intrude' to hollow out the interior, but sometimes I find that leaves behind some awkward geometry... so I'm still thinking about that.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Everyone keeps saying 'final' - as if I should stop playing about with this one - I admit I've been on this for quite a while, but I'm enjoying it, so I'm not sure if I'm ready to let go of it just yet.

    O no keep playing Fran, the "final" will be worth waiting for. I'm enjoying the progress.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    What mermaid said.

  • franontheedgefranontheedge Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    I've been doing a little more to those troublesome legs, I wasn't happy with the connection to the ship's body, or with the upper part of the legs, so now I've got this:

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  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Fran

    Cool design on the model and I like what you did with the legs. Great concept as since it is a ship, I think the new legs gives that more
    mechanical look to the design.. Nicely done !


  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @fran: That's a really neat design for the legs.

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