Goatee Chin Cap Test

I made a chin cap, put a goatee on it, and tested in with Mimic. The cap contains the relevant head morphs, including the visemes. It works, sort of. I believe I am seeing pokethrough under the lower lip. Do you agree that's what it is? If you know something about eliminating pokethrough, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
The hair is another cap. I have no clue what's wrong with it. I parented it to almost everything, but I couldn't get it to follow the head.
Comments welcome.
Post edited by laststand6522732 on
Looks to me as if the chin cap that has the hair is disappearing in the mesh of the head and since the hair is on the cap, it is sinking below the the head mesh as well. I may be wrong.
It doesn't look like any of the hair is moving with the head...not just the goatee.
That's what I see too, evilproducer. And yet I can see that other parts of the cap are animating properly. The problems are below the lower lip and at the corners of the mouth. Sometimes, on animation, an elbow pokes through a shirt, even though the shirt is made for and fitted to that figure. That's what I suspect is happening here. There is a way to finesse out pokethrough in clothing. I have seen plugins made to do this, but each plugin is made for a specific character, with none for M4. There is also a for-pay tutorial on the subject, but I've read no feedback on it.
It has also crossed my mind that only the viseme morphs seem to be having a problem. The head morphs work fine. This is too weird to consider.
You did caution me about animating this cap. :-)
When I learn how to make clothes, I'll know the answers to the caps.