Shaping icons / cards not saved

BerBuzBerBuz Posts: 64
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Some of my shape tab icons and cards are empty (showing Daz studio Logo), looking into the corresponding morph folder I can see the .png files but they are not associated to the morph sliders. If I go to the parameter setting panel and pick the correct image it is correctly displayed until I stop an restart D|S. As if information was not written to the file.

Is there something special to do for this information to be persisted?

my D|S version : pro w64)


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Hi,,to keep modification about property,
    save the property (which you change setting for card) as morph and overwrite the dsf file(in data)

    take care not to change other value,, or save as different name and duplicate morph etc,,
    just overwrite the modified file as same name.

    or use "save modified assets", (but saving modified assets sometimes save the parameter,
    which you do not expect or not intention,, so that must need to check which file will be saved and overwritten,
    untill Click OK.

  • BerBuzBerBuz Posts: 64
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much for your reply, but I need some more details to succeed the operation.
    I don’t understand how to ”save as morph” a genesis shape. Let me give you one precise example: I have a 3rd party Genesis shape but the card is not shown. Once the .png is set, what do I have to do to save the .dsf file ?

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited December 1969

    BerBuz said:
    Once the .png is set, what do I have to do to save the .dsf file ?

    File > Save as > Support Asset > Save modified asset

    DS will think for a minute as it goes through all of the files checking for changes, then it will open a window with a list of the DSF files it's going to replace, if only the morph(s) your editing show in that list then hit accept and DS will overwrite the old files with new ones created from the data in the scene.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2013

    thank you bejaymac,,

    Save modified assets is more easy than save and overwrite the morph file.
    , but must need to take care. it often change genesis.dsf or other files which you tweaking now..

    About your case,

    1 clear scene. load genesis.duf (DAZ format>your library name>People>genesis in content library)
    (not load Victoria5 or other character. it usually change morph default value.)

    2. as you mentioned above, set the card image for the character morph for genesis in parameter tab or shaping tab.

    3. the important thing is simple. "Do not touch or change other property value",
    and "Do not use other character shape which change default value"

    Actually there are some property value which not saved as modified assets, but
    as standard,when use save modified assets, you only change parameters which you want to save and overwrite the property.

    4 . Confirm, you only apply Card image (tell the path ) , not change any other value,
    select genesis, from top menu,
    File > Save as > Support Asset > Save modified asset

    As Bejaymac said,, it must show you the morph files name which you set path of Card image.
    if you find genesis.dsf in the window which will be modified, there should be something Wrong!

    clear scene, load clean genesis.dsf again!!


    then I believe you may hope to know how to save morph when you make new morph,
    it is how to save new poze controller, but actually told how to save as morph too.
    (when we make new poze controller, or new prameter, we need to save as morph too)
    you may not need try to make new poze controller,^^;
    but simply read last section.
    it tell about save as morph (and where your files are will be saved in data, it is very important!
    to serch morph files which you tweaking now)

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • BerBuzBerBuz Posts: 64
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for spending your valuable time helping me.
    I partially succeeded:
    Save modified asset always attempts to save genesis.dsf alongside the modified morph. I swear I didn’t touch anything else and tried a few times. Frankly speaking I didn’t try to save genesis and replace it back afterwards, but I’m sure it would work. (It is not behaving the same way if a select genesis2female as base figure…)

    Save as Morph Asset method worked fine. It seems quite safe to me because nothing is modified until you decide to overwrite the original file. The process is a little bit more tricky than described in the link, DS4 have changed the save as menu. So, the method must be detailed as follows:

    • Load the base figure you want to modify
    • Set the parameter values as you need (card image file path in my case)
    • Select Save as /support asset / morph asset(s)
    • A new window will open showing genesis skeleton tree and related morphs
    • Expand the tree, find and check the morph(s) you want to save. (In my case it was body shape, located in genesis/actor/head/people/real world/ etc…) notice that the tree is identical to the one located in shaping/editor where the modified property is, easy to locate.
    • Hit accept.
    • This action will create a file in /data// folder. If you leave product name empty, the file will have the expected name.
    • Now locate the original morph file /data/…..
    • (my option) back it up
    • Move the newly created morph file here (must have the same name. size may considerably vary according to the compression options of both files)
    • Enjoy.


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 2013

    Sorry after daz release genesis2female, I seldom use genesis, and genesis.duf,
    so that do not find it. I can say before, it never happen.

    As you pointout,, when I load genesis.duf, and not touch any parameter,
    Save modified assets, seems told me, "genesis.dsf will be modified" @@;)

    I do not remember when I use save modified asset about genesis.dsf,
    If I changed something without intention, or simply forget them.
    (eg resolution lever etc)

    if current genesis.duf (genesis starter essential kit)
    change some parameter of genesis.dsf which we can not see clear
    user can not find what is modified or not ^^; (I do not like such action)

    when I load genesis2female, by genesis2female.duf,
    then save modified assets, it return "No modification are found"

    I think genesis.duf need to work as same as genesi2female.duf.

    I may try to re-install genesis.starter essential kit, then
    check how it work.

    thank you BerBuz, it seems important report for me too.

    Now I check again, by re-install genesis Starter essential kit
    Then as BerBuz said,, it happen too.

    I really feel strange, and frankly say, it seems foolish.
    if DAZ hope user use save modified assets, as safety.

    I believe user need to be careful about save modified asset,
    but it tell user, genesis.dsf will be permanently modified.

    ant it is more worse, becaus,, if I save modified assets, after loading genesis,
    next time, I try to save modified assets, ds tell user same message.

    I think some user or DAZ may say,it is not problem.

    if it work so, when we modified and change genesis.dsf without intention,
    we can not find the mistake.

    and one more thing,, why daz do not offer new save option, we can simply overwrite morph,
    by select the parameter in edit mode, then overwrite the selected parameters only etc.

    it seems more simple, and easy. :coolgrin:

    1025 x 704 - 107K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • BerBuzBerBuz Posts: 64
    edited December 1969

    If you save genesis’s modified asset, the only difference you get is the following few lines at the end of .dsf file

    "extra" : [
    "type" : "skin_settings",
    "auto_normalize_general" : true,
    "auto_normalize_local" : true,
    "auto_normalize_scale" : true,
    "binding_mode" : "Local",
    "general_map_mode" : "Linear",
    "scale_mode" : "ScaleMaps"

    I don’t know what they exactly stand for but doesn’t seem to be a very “dangerous” code. Once saved, I was expecting that next “save modified asset” would not propose genesis.dsf again. But it is still there.

    Happy New Year folks.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882
    edited December 1969

    BerBuz said:
    If you save genesis’s modified asset, the only difference you get is the following few lines at the end of .dsf file
    "extra" : [
    "type" : "skin_settings",
    "auto_normalize_general" : true,
    "auto_normalize_local" : true,
    "auto_normalize_scale" : true,
    "binding_mode" : "Local",
    "general_map_mode" : "Linear",
    "scale_mode" : "ScaleMaps"

    I don’t know what they exactly stand for but doesn’t seem to be a very “dangerous” code. Once saved, I was expecting that next “save modified asset” would not propose genesis.dsf again. But it is still there.

    Happy New Year folks.

    Those are settings for the Weight Painting tool.

  • I know this is an old topic, but I am having trouble.   I add the card image file to the parameters, and it looks right.  I save as support assest/save modified assets.  I get the window that shows it saving the file, but the card image is not attached to new genesis figures.  It used to work, and everything I can find seems to say I am doing it right.  Is it working differently in 4.8?


  • GaryHGaryH Posts: 66
    edited February 2016

    I used the: Save As... -> Support Asset -> Morph Asset(s)...

    Then I select the parameter from the hieracrchy I wanted updated.

    In my case I had my email address listed as the "Vendor Name:" so DS created a folder named with my DAZ name and put the modified morph file there.  I just had to move it to the correct folder and I was done.


    Updated morph file was created in this folder:

    S:\DAZ 3D\New DAZ Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\\sophia.dsf

    Original morph file was located here:

    S:\DAZ 3D\New DAZ Content\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\Morphs\Cake One\Faces\sophia.dsf

    Also be sure to check for the right "Asset Directory:" if you have more than one.

    Post edited by GaryH on
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