FeralFey's Thread of Thrills * FF Insouciant Beauty LIVE in Store * [Commercial]

FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
edited October 2019 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Well, it's been a while since I've done a commercial thread. I figured it was time to try it out again and see if I could stir up some interest in my up-coming products. And like First Bastion has done, I'm just going to make one thread so that a) people can find it easier, and b) customers can get in touch with me faster with questions or suggestions (I'm always open to pose suggestions). 

Already in the store: 



PC+ sets now in the store



Jump ahead to the next product awaiting release to see the sneak peeks here: 

FF's Insouciant Beauty Poses for Genesis 8 Female Sneak Peeks.


1000 x 1300 - 1M
Post edited by FeralFey on


  • Good idea to start a thread, and I like the look of this!

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited August 2019

    Time for another sneak peek:

    ...Well, it usually helps if I actually ATTACH a picture for sneak peeking. Sigh... My laptop hates me today.

    1000 x 1300 - 1022K
    Post edited by FeralFey on
  • LOL!

    Hopefully you don't create the sets on that laptop, otherwise it could be a long day.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Oddly enough, I did!  And in the middle of making this set, my external drive died, and then my graphics card started acting wonky and I had to update the drivers, which then caused some residual rendering "fun". While it had a few more obstacles to get through before coming to fruition than some of my other sets, the laptop did little to really impede my progress (as evidenced by the fact that this set is finished and awaiting release. It's the day when I stop making sets that the laptop/computer/electronic device wins.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited August 2019

    ​Another sneak peek:

    Edited to add: Apologies for the squishy look of this sneak peek. I forgot that renders done on a horizontal stretch get compressed in the forums, and I was too lazy to change the dimensions to fit. Next time, I'll do better!

    1300 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited August 2019

    Well, I just got word that "Cat Fight Poses for Genesis 8 Female" are scheduled to be released soon. And to celebrate, here's another "sneak peek" (this one is one of my favorites I made for this set):

    Also, in an unrelated note, I had another set accepted for the PC+. Because of the NDA, I cannot tell you anything about it, and because DAZ now owns it, I can't even hint  as to when you'll see it in the store. But, suffice to say, there are more sets from FeralFey on the horizon!

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • I love the last image!

    FeralFey said:

    customers can get in touch with me faster with questions or suggestions (I'm always open to pose suggestions).

    Maybe you do have ones in the store, but I'm always looking for specific hand poses e.g. holding a wine glass, pouring wine, holding hands, shaking hands, etc.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Like this one? https://www.daz3d.com/feralfeys-get-a-grip-poses-for-genesis-8 (it opens in new window :) ) I don't have it myself but been looking at it a lot of times :)

  • Yep, except that it doesn't seem to have e.g. holding a wine glass preset. There is one for a coffee mug :)

  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906

    Great to see these. I was literally thinking "I haven't heard much from FeralFey lately..." 

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Yep, except that it doesn't seem to have e.g. holding a wine glass preset. There is one for a coffee mug :)

    I'll see what I can do for you, Doctor Jellybean. Since there are so many different wine glasses available, do you have a particular model you would like the hand to fit to?


    Great to see these. I was literally thinking "I haven't heard much from FeralFey lately..." 

    Funny you should mention it. I've been around, building sets for the PC+ mostly. But I've had a lot of RL issues that have gotten in the way of building sets specifically for my catalog. I'm hoping things have settled down enough that I can get back to some semblance of productivity. Right now I have the Cat Fight poses for Genesis 8 Female poised for release. I finished up a set for the PC+ that I think is a lot of fun. I'm working on a second PC+ pose set now that should be ready by the end of the weekend. I've got a set for my catalog waiting for me to finish up some props and all the artwork for it. No. I lied,  I have two sets like that. And a third where I just need to finish the poses to go with a project that Orestes Studios and I are working on together. Not to mention another hair model in the works. Oh, and possibly another collab with Lyrra. And then there's the other assorted products in development. Unfortunately, I don't have much to share on any of my catalog products in development and I certainly can't share anything about the PC+ stuff becasue of the NDA. But when I get closer to getting these catalog products submitted to the store, I'll post sneak peeks here.

    So watch this space. FeralFey is STILL in the store. ;)

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    The "Cat Fight Poses for Genesis 8 Female" are in the store!! https://www.daz3d.com/cat-fight-poses-for-genesis-8-female

     I would LOVE to see renders with the poses, so if you've got something to share, please post it!

  • FeralFey said:

    Yep, except that it doesn't seem to have e.g. holding a wine glass preset. There is one for a coffee mug :)

    I'll see what I can do for you, Doctor Jellybean. Since there are so many different wine glasses available, do you have a particular model you would like the hand to fit to?

    Very true. The Everyday Drinks set might be a good starting point as there are plenty of glasses and bottles :) It is easy enough to bend a finger for other sets. Maybe a few drinking poses to go with it lol.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    I have a couple of other projects on my plate at the moment, but I will DEFINITELY see what I can do. ;) (I have an idea for an entire set of poses. Not just hand grips.) 

  • FeralFey said:

    I have a couple of other projects on my plate at the moment, but I will DEFINITELY see what I can do. ;) (I have an idea for an entire set of poses. Not just hand grips.) 

    Looking forward to it smiley

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited October 2019

    Announcing the next new FeralFey set - FF's Insouciant Beauty Poses for Genesis 8 Female. 36 poses inspired by pinup models. But unlike other such pose sets in the store, these are specifically designed to work in any genre, in any circumstance. Heck, they don't even have to function as pinup poses if you don't want them to be. If you have a carefree girl next door character, these poses are perfect for her. Bathing beauty? Quirky girl friend? Use these poses to model your new outfit, or character, or hair. Use them to recreate renders from your favorite vacation memory. Sci-fi, fantasy, historical romance, to contemporary fiction, these poses will help you sell your story.

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Looking forward to some more promos!

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited October 2019

    Looking forward to some more promos!


    1000 x 1300 - 827K
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  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited October 2019

    Just wanted to mention. On the above ^ promo sneak peek. I was trying a different lighting style for this render. My eldest daughter calls it my "Red Riding Hood" render. Not sure why. Guess something in it evokes the story in her. But I think my experiement worked out all right.

    Also needing to add: I don't necessarily like the version inside the previous thread post. Looks very splotchy to me. But if you click on the attachment, the version that pops up doesn't look so bad.



    Post edited by FeralFey on
  • Looking forward to this set.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Thanks, Doctor Jellybean. I look forward to you enjoying this set. :)

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited October 2019

    Another sneak peek:

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    I like the pin-up-but-not-really theme.  They look very nice as they are and look like they could be good starting points for modification.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Thanks, Sevrin. Yeah, I didn't really want to put out yet another pin up pose set. The store is flooded with them. So I tried to make these arty enough to qualify as pinups, but practical enough to use in storytelling renders (or vehicles for product promos - depending on the need.) I hope you get some use out of the set. :)

  • Practical sets for storytelling are always welcome, and sadly not enough of them.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Practical sets for storytelling are always welcome, and sadly not enough of them.

    I know! That's why I got started making poses in the first place. Sequential art, comic books, graphic  novels - I always approach my pose sets from this perspective. I look at what it is I'm making  poses for, and then I try to figure out how people might need to use the scenery/prop to tell their stories. It might always be glamorous, but I think it's pretty important.

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited October 2019

    FF's Insouciant Beauty poses has passed Daz's QA and is in the process of getting lined up with marketing for release. (I don't know when that will be just yet.) So, to celebrate, here's yet another sneak peek. :)

    1000 x 769 - 619K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Very nice indeed!

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    Just a little head's up while we wait for the Insouciant Beauty poses to be released in the store - my https://www.daz3d.com/mini-digger-excavating-poses-for-genesis-8 was just released for the PC+. It does require the use of the Mini Digger set, which is also a PC+ item. In addition to the poses for Genesis 8 Male and Female models, I included poses for the mini digger itself, so if you just wanted to animate the machine without there being an operator. For the digger only poses, I included the mirrors of each pose, so you have lots of options. Check it out!

  • FeralFey said:

    Just a little head's up while we wait for the Insouciant Beauty poses to be released in the store - my https://www.daz3d.com/mini-digger-excavating-poses-for-genesis-8 was just released for the PC+. It does require the use of the Mini Digger set, which is also a PC+ item. In addition to the poses for Genesis 8 Male and Female models, I included poses for the mini digger itself, so if you just wanted to animate the machine without there being an operator. For the digger only poses, I included the mirrors of each pose, so you have lots of options. Check it out!

    I have both :)

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