[Released] Character Converter from Genesis 3 Male to Genesis 8 Male (Now Conv JCMs) [Commercial]



  • this is from the log file ...after i uninstalled, and reinstalled 

    2019-11-05 14:41:15.632 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=0
    2019-11-05 14:41:31.398 Loading script: H:/3d/PoserFiles/Daz Studio/data/cloud/1_63807/scripts/riversoft art/character converter/character converter g8f to g3f.dse
    2019-11-05 14:41:31.399 Failed to load script: H:/3d/PoserFiles/Daz Studio/data/cloud/1_63807/scripts/riversoft art/character converter/character converter g8f to g3f.dse

  • this is from the log file ...after i uninstalled, and reinstalled 

    2019-11-05 14:41:15.632 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=0
    2019-11-05 14:41:31.398 Loading script: H:/3d/PoserFiles/Daz Studio/data/cloud/1_63807/scripts/riversoft art/character converter/character converter g8f to g3f.dse
    2019-11-05 14:41:31.399 Failed to load script: H:/3d/PoserFiles/Daz Studio/data/cloud/1_63807/scripts/riversoft art/character converter/character converter g8f to g3f.dse

    From what I have read, this error usually has something to do with mismatched encryption vs current Daz version.  What version of DS are you using?  Is anyone else having this problem?  Have you tried installing from DIM instead of Connect? (sometimes that helps)

  • invisigothinvisigoth Posts: 155
    edited November 2019

    DS 4.14

    i did manual instal, that's when it worked for a while, then  DIM

    Post edited by invisigoth on
  • DS 4.14

    i did manual instal, that's when it worked for a while, then  DIM

    4.14?  Is that a typo?  Irrregardless, this looks like an issue you need to raise with Daz.

  • yes it is...4.12

  • i just reinstalled DazStudio...still no luck

  • i just reinstalled DazStudio...still no luck

    This is one you are going to have to ask Daz.  The script isn't even being loaded, so it is not a script problem, it is a Daz Studio issue.   I am sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Hello DAZ experts,
    After using the script for some G3M characters, I keep getting the "Duplicate formula" message, also for original Genesis 8 characters. The loading time is very long too. The characters seem to load normally, apart from the "Duplicate formula" message and the very long loading time.

    Even after reading the whole thread I don't fully understand how to solve this problem, like which morphs to delete and where to save the converted 3>8 characters/morphs. Hopefully I did not make a mess of all my content files/database.

    This is an example of the log-file messages of which I get a very long list:

    2019-11-13 21:36:01.589 WARNING: /src/sdksource/fileinput/dzassetdaz.cpp(5995): Duplicate formula found linking xEnd & eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize.dsf.

    2019-11-13 21:36:01.589 WARNING: /src/sdksource/fileinput/dzassetdaz.cpp(5996): owner: Genesis8Male

    2019-11-13 21:36:01.589 WARNING: /src/sdksource/fileinput/dzassetdaz.cpp(5997): output: hip:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Male/Genesis8Male.dsf#hip?end_point/x

    2019-11-13 21:36:01.590 WARNING: /src/sdksource/fileinput/dzassetdaz.cpp(5998): input: Genesis8Male:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D%20Outdoor%20Survival%20Dave/


    Anybody can explain me in plain language what I should do? Although I have been using DAZ Studio for some time, I consider myself still a relatively unexperienced user.



  • Did the procedure from the manual not help?

    When Genesis 8 loads, there are “Duplicate Formulas” errors.  This error can occur when you have converted the same character twice (or more), and have unchecked the Overwrite Existing Morphs checkbox without deleting the morphs.  The best thing to do is delete all morphs and the controller property from the data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/(Fe)male/Morphs/VENDOR NAME/PRODUCT NAME folder and reconverting the character.  Alternatively, you can try a solution from the forums (https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/22220/duplicate-formulas-error-solved-thank-you-bejaymac):


    1. load Genesis 3 into an empty scene, you'll get the error message, just click it to carry on.
    2. Find the offending morph(s) in the Parameters tab, in this case it Actor/Universal/Fantasy SciFi and it's the HFS_Shapes_Head01 morph.
    3. Dial the morph to make sure it works and then zero it again.
    4. At one end of the dial you'll see a little "cog", click on it and in the little menu that opens click on Parameter settings.
    5. In the new window that has just opened you will see a Color A & a Color B, click on Color B to open the color picker.
    6. Set the color to 254, 254, 254 and click OK.
    7. Click "Accept" at the bottom of the Parameter Settings window.
    8. After that window closes go "File > Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets".


    DS will do a quick scan of the figure and open a small window that should only have the one file listed, accept it and DS will replace the old file with a new updated one.

  • Dear Riversoft,

    Thanks for your response. I found the morph that had to be corrected and it worked as you told me.

    But.... I am afraid that I made some big mistake by pressing OK at Save Modified Assets. I am afraid that somehow I changed much more thatn intended.

    Because now, when I load any Genesis * Male character I get extremely weird bodies and faces. I found out that the morphs are Jonas =100%, M7 = 100% and some more.
    I could find the obvious ones, but the characters are still not correct (although much better).

    Is there any way to do some reset? Or can I find out which morphs I should chance (back)? And how can I save them? 
    I spent many hours trying to get my 'old' G8M characters back, but until now with little success.

    Hope you or someone else can help me out.



  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,650
    edited November 2019

    Dear Riversoft,

    Thanks for your response. I found the morph that had to be corrected and it worked as you told me.

    But.... I am afraid that I made some big mistake by pressing OK at Save Modified Assets. I am afraid that somehow I changed much more thatn intended.

    Because now, when I load any Genesis * Male character I get extremely weird bodies and faces. I found out that the morphs are Jonas =100%, M7 = 100% and some more.
    I could find the obvious ones, but the characters are still not correct (although much better).

    Is there any way to do some reset? Or can I find out which morphs I should chance (back)? And how can I save them? 
    I spent many hours trying to get my 'old' G8M characters back, but until now with little success.

    Hope you or someone else can help me out.



    I don't know of a way to reset.  Here is a little snippet of code that will print out all morphs that are non-zero and their location on disk.  Select your figure, open the "Script IDE" pane (i.e., Window->Panes (Tabs)->Script IDE), resize it so you can see everything, paste the code below into the white area, and click Execute:

    function PrintActiveMorphs( oNode ){  if( oNode.inherits( "DzBone" ) ){    oNode = oNode.getSkeleton();  }  var oObject = oNode.getObject();  if( !oObject ) {    return false;  }  var oModifier, oProperty;  for( var i = 0, nModifiers = oObject.getNumModifiers(); i < nModifiers; i += 1 ){    oModifier = oObject.getModifier( i );    if ( oModifier.inherits( "DzMorph" ) && (oModifier.getValueChannel().getValue() != 0)) {      print('%1 (%2): %3'.arg(oModifier.name).arg(oModifier.getLabel()).arg(oModifier.assetUri.toLocalFilename()));    }  }}var oNode = Scene.getPrimarySelection()PrintActiveMorphs(oNode);
    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • Hi,

    Thanks again for your quick response. Sorry to bother you again, but I am still struggling :)

    I used your script and got the full list. 

    Then I loaded Genesis 8 Base Male, which gives the weird result I want to reset;
    I put all the non-zero values to zero, which results in a normal G8 Baase Male on screen;
    I did the color change (255 255 255 to 254 254 254) although this might be unnecessary in this case;
    I did the Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets.
    I restarted DAZ Studio and loaded a fresh Genesis 8 Base Male and I get the same, weird character with all the same non-zero morphs.

    Apparently I did not "zero" the morphs for Genesis 8 Base Male.

    What should I do to keep the non-zero morphs on the required zero value? Did I miss something in the instruction?


    These are some of the many morphs:

    FHMMichael7 (FHMMichael7): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/FHMMichael7.dsf

    FBMMichael7 (FBMMichael7): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/FBMMichael7.dsf

    eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize (eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize.dsf

    eJCM_RS_Michael7Heavy (eJCM_RS_Michael7Heavy): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/eJCM_RS_Michael7Heavy.dsf

    PHMJonasLashes (PHMJonasLashes): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/PHMJonasLashes.dsf

    PHMJonasChin1 (PHMJonasChin1): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/PHMJonasChin1.dsf

    FHMJonasHead (FHMJonasHead): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/FHMJonasHead.dsf

    FBMJonasBody (FBMJonasBody): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/FBMJonasBody.dsf

    PHMEyesCorneaBulge (PHMEyesCorneaBulge): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/My DAZ3D content/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Head/PHMEyesCorneaBulge.dsf

    PBMNavel (PBMNavel): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/My DAZ3D content/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PBMNavel.dsf

  • Addition: probably I have to replace the corrupted G8M base male with the corrected character. Is that correct?

    If that is the case, I guess I can find out which exact files to replace.


  • Hi,

    Thanks again for your quick response. Sorry to bother you again, but I am still struggling :)

    I used your script and got the full list. 

    Then I loaded Genesis 8 Base Male, which gives the weird result I want to reset;
    I put all the non-zero values to zero, which results in a normal G8 Baase Male on screen;
    I did the color change (255 255 255 to 254 254 254) although this might be unnecessary in this case;
    I did the Save As > Support Asset > Save Modified Assets.
    I restarted DAZ Studio and loaded a fresh Genesis 8 Base Male and I get the same, weird character with all the same non-zero morphs.

    Apparently I did not "zero" the morphs for Genesis 8 Base Male.

    What should I do to keep the non-zero morphs on the required zero value? Did I miss something in the instruction?


    These are some of the many morphs:

    FHMMichael7 (FHMMichael7): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/FHMMichael7.dsf

    FBMMichael7 (FBMMichael7): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/FBMMichael7.dsf

    eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize (eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/eJCM_RS_Michael7MouthSize.dsf

    eJCM_RS_Michael7Heavy (eJCM_RS_Michael7Heavy): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/P3Design/P3D Outdoor Survival Dave/eJCM_RS_Michael7Heavy.dsf

    PHMJonasLashes (PHMJonasLashes): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/PHMJonasLashes.dsf

    PHMJonasChin1 (PHMJonasChin1): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/PHMJonasChin1.dsf

    FHMJonasHead (FHMJonasHead): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/FHMJonasHead.dsf

    FBMJonasBody (FBMJonasBody): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ Originals,Fred Winkler Art,Sabby,Thorne/Jonas for Genesis 3 Male/FBMJonasBody.dsf

    PHMEyesCorneaBulge (PHMEyesCorneaBulge): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/My DAZ3D content/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Head/PHMEyesCorneaBulge.dsf

    PBMNavel (PBMNavel): /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/My DAZ3D content/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/PBMNavel.dsf

    I assume /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric is your "My Library" (where you install all of your converted content and is the first directory under the Content Manager).  Take those morphs, move them somewhere else (I suggest  /Volumes/LaCie 2017 6Tb/DAZ3D/DAZ3D Library-Eric/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/TEMPMorphs.  Close DS and restart it.  Load the figure.  Is it distorted?  If not, put morphs back one by one until you find the problem morph.

  • Addition: probably I have to replace the corrupted G8M base male with the corrected character. Is that correct?

    If that is the case, I guess I can find out which exact files to replace.


    G8M is rarely corrupted.  It is usually a bad morph loading and messing it up.

  • i wish my problem was fixable...i put in a ticket...and now just waiting

  • i wish my problem was fixable...i put in a ticket...and now just waiting

    Ok, hopefully they will get right on it.

  • they sent me a solution today...but it wont work because the script wont load....

    the only button i get is "ok" which closes the script   lmao

  • they sent me a solution today...but it wont work because the script wont load....

    the only button i get is "ok" which closes the script   lmao

    That doesn't seem right. smiley  Strange.  Hopefully, they will get back to you on Monday.

  • This time I have no question, but I want to share how I solved my problems converting G3M to G8M characters. Somehow I did not fully understand/follow the instructions, which caused more and more issues when I tried to solve the basic problem.

    It all started with getting "Duplicate Formula" messages; I followed the instructions to solve this (I thought), but ended up with weird characters with all kind of extra morphs, which I could not get rid of.

    I decided not to give up.

    This is what I did to solve my problem.

    1. Fortunately I have daily backups, so I decided to go back to the point in time just before I started to use the conversion script. That took me back to a 'clean' starting point.

    2. I added a new file location in the content database manager, just as RiverSoftArt suggests in the manual.

    3. I decided to go slowly, so in stead of a whole batch, I did the conversion so far one character at a time. Just sit next to my computer and read the paper/ a book until I can start the next character.

    I received a few times a "duplicate formula" message; I 'repaired' it before I continued to the next character.

    4. IMPORTANT: to repair the "duplicate formula" issue, apparently you must load a G8 Basic Male and NOT any other character. This was my major mistake! If you start with another character, upon saving the changed assets, you accidently save a whole lot of unwanted, additional character specific morphs. If you do this a few times all you characters become extremely weird. I could not find a way to get rid of these morphs, even after trying all potential solutions I found in various forum messages.

    Then I noticed that only the character .duf file went to my newly created directory, not the morphs. I found out that you have to move your new directory to the top of the list of content directories (you can do this in the content database manager).

    So my next action was: 5. I moved the newly created directory to the top of the content destinations. That worked! So far I did not get any "duplicate formula" messages any more.

    For experienced people this may all sound obvious, but for me it was a long journey.

    I want to thank@RiverSoftArt for the quick and patient response to my (newby?) questions.


  • This time I have no question, but I want to share how I solved my problems converting G3M to G8M characters. Somehow I did not fully understand/follow the instructions, which caused more and more issues when I tried to solve the basic problem.

    It all started with getting "Duplicate Formula" messages; I followed the instructions to solve this (I thought), but ended up with weird characters with all kind of extra morphs, which I could not get rid of.

    I decided not to give up.

    This is what I did to solve my problem.

    1. Fortunately I have daily backups, so I decided to go back to the point in time just before I started to use the conversion script. That took me back to a 'clean' starting point.

    2. I added a new file location in the content database manager, just as RiverSoftArt suggests in the manual.

    3. I decided to go slowly, so in stead of a whole batch, I did the conversion so far one character at a time. Just sit next to my computer and read the paper/ a book until I can start the next character.

    I received a few times a "duplicate formula" message; I 'repaired' it before I continued to the next character.

    4. IMPORTANT: to repair the "duplicate formula" issue, apparently you must load a G8 Basic Male and NOT any other character. This was my major mistake! If you start with another character, upon saving the changed assets, you accidently save a whole lot of unwanted, additional character specific morphs. If you do this a few times all you characters become extremely weird. I could not find a way to get rid of these morphs, even after trying all potential solutions I found in various forum messages.

    Then I noticed that only the character .duf file went to my newly created directory, not the morphs. I found out that you have to move your new directory to the top of the list of content directories (you can do this in the content database manager).

    So my next action was: 5. I moved the newly created directory to the top of the content destinations. That worked! So far I did not get any "duplicate formula" messages any more.

    For experienced people this may all sound obvious, but for me it was a long journey.

    I want to thank@RiverSoftArt for the quick and patient response to my (newby?) questions.


    Thank you for sharing!

  • invisigothinvisigoth Posts: 155
    edited December 2019

    ok, i got help from daz support...and now i get a different error msg


    i am posting it here just in case anyone can help, ...then i would get it a lot faster

    514 x 265 - 21K
    Post edited by invisigoth on
  • ok, i got help from daz support...and now i get a different error msg


    i am posting it here just in case anyone can help, ...then i would get it a lot faster

    That looks like the script was moved (or removed).  Are you trying to run it from a custom action that now points to the wrong place?

  • Daz support told me to delete a file and update metadata


    /data/cloud and remove the file named 1_63807.

    In Daz Studio, please go to Connect > Update Metadata. After this is done, try the script again.

     but try what again........ to start the script or reinstal ?


    as you can see, by my posts after contacting support....it takes a month or so to get a reply  LMAO

  • Daz support told me to delete a file and update metadata


    /data/cloud and remove the file named 1_63807.

    In Daz Studio, please go to Connect > Update Metadata. After this is done, try the script again.

     but try what again........ to start the script or reinstal ?


    as you can see, by my posts after contacting support....it takes a month or so to get a reply  LMAO

    Weird.  Was 1_63807 a *file* or a *folder* that contained the script?  The error you are getting means you need to reinstall.  Perhaps you saved the file you were supposed to delete?

  • it was a folder...and it is gone

  • it was a folder...and it is gone

    Ok, then that was the folder that contained the script probably.  Maybe they meant, delete the folder, update metadata and then reinstall?  

  • i did and still getthat error   lol


    i hate being a burden on you guys

  • i did and still getthat error   lol


    i hate being a burden on you guys

    I hate that you are having to go through all this pain.  The problem for me trying to help you is that it is not a script issue, it is a Daz configuration issue.  

    Let's take a step back.  Do you have any of the other character converter products?  Do they work?  Are they installed manually? Connect? DIM?

    With DIM, it is easier to figure out where things are as I can look in the Content Directory Manager (F2->Content Tab->Content Directory Manager... button) Daz Studio Formats and match that up with paths like in your message to find things.  For example, in my DS, I have D:/Documents/My Daz 3D Library, which concatenated with /Scripts/RiverSoft Art/Character Converter/Character Converter G8F to G3F.dse is D:/Documents/My Daz 3D Library/Scripts/RiverSoft Art/Character Converter/Character Converter G8F to G3F.dse  I can find the file on windows explorer and Daz finds it too.  What is in your Content Directory Manager Daz Studio Formats?

  • sorry i am taking so long, i am migrating my daz/poser drive to a larger drive

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