UV image

Hi all.

I am trying to get an image or pixmap of the current UV set for a selected material, throught a script. Any ideas?



  • You mean a template?

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    edited August 2019

    You mean a template?

    Yes, like making a template!

    Post edited by MikeD on
  • I think you can get the UVs from DzShape - unfortunately the docs for that are not currently available, so you may have to do a bit of guessing using discovery and the DS 3 scripting docs (and bear in mind that the change log has shown various changes). However, I'm not sure how easy it would be to then build the map.

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    i can retrieve all properties, methods and signals from the DzShape (and the parent Objects) from here....

    (function(){		//Take the selected object	var oSelectedNode = Scene.getPrimarySelection();		//take the shape	var oShape = oSelectedNode.getObject().getCurrentShape();		aProperties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(oShape);	print(JSON.stringify(aProperties,null,"\t"));		})();

    Ok, I took them.... Let me see if I can get something usefull in here....


    Thanks a lot for the response Richard... I' ll post the resaults....

  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    No luck with DzShape....

    I can take the UVsets from DzMaterial getActiveUVSet but it is just the vertex map containing the data for a UV set. The problem is to turn this UVSet into an image....

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,600
    edited August 2019

    It should be a list of UV values, which are coordinates in ( [0,1] , [0,1] ). You'd have to figure out how to extract those, which in turn would probably require getting the list of vertices making up each polygon, and as I said i don't know how you'd then turn a list of lines into a map (if it's even possible). Assuming it actually possible to do the first part (get a list of edge coordinates in 2D-space) I wonder if it would be possible to generate a simple vector image format, which you could then open in a drawing app to get your template.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301
    edited August 2019

    I managed to take the values of the map, but the image is not quite right. The image is made in DAZ with setPixel method. The image was initially inverted in Y axis ...

    I will try to take the UVs from every vertice using facets, and make a connection between them.

    // DAZ Studio version filetype DAZ Script(function (){		//----------------------------------------------------------------//	//void: a function to draw a line between 2 points	function connectTheVectors(pointA, pointB){				//check if pointB is null at the 1st loop		if (pointB == null) return;				//working variables		//remember to inverse Y		var Yb = nMulti-Math.round(nMulti*pointB.y);		var Ya = nMulti-Math.round(nMulti*pointA.y);		var Xb = Math.round(nMulti*pointB.x);		var Xa = Math.round(nMulti*pointA.x);				//safety check		//the 2 points cannot be very far away		if (Math.abs(Xa-Xb) > nSafety || Math.abs(Ya-Yb) > nSafety){			//go back			return;		}						//find the pitch of a line onnect the two points		//(Yb-Ya/Xb-Xa)		var nTop = Yb - Ya;		var nBot = Xb - Xa;		var nAngle = nTop / nBot ;				//find the equation constant nB		nB = Ya - nAngle*Xa;				//the equation is Y = ang*X + nB		var nY; //the Y value;				//check if Xa<Xb		if (Xa<Xb){			var nStep = 1;		}else{			var nStep = -1;		}				//itarate over the Xa to Xb points		// j = Xa + int and is already rounded		for (var j = Xa+1; Math.abs(j-Xb) > 0 ; j+=nStep ){						//find the Y value by the equation			nY = nAngle*j + nB;						//round it			nY = Math.round(nY);						//draw the pixel			oUVImage.setPixel(j , nY, oBlack);		}			};		//--------------- end of Subfunctions ----------------------//		//set the diamentions of the UV image map	var nMulti = 800;		//set a safety value for the distance (dX or dY) of 2 values	var nSafety = nMulti/8;		//Take the selected object	var oSelectedNode = Scene.getPrimarySelection();		//take the shape	var oShape = oSelectedNode.getObject().getCurrentShape();		//take the surfaces	var aSurfaces = oShape.getAllMaterials();		//take the 1st UV set	var oUV = aSurfaces[0].getActiveUVSet(oShape);		//take the number of informations	var nValues = oUV.getNumValues();		//create an image nMulti(x)nMulti	var oUVImage = new Image ( nMulti, nMulti, 4 );		//fill the image with white color	oUVImage.fill (Color (255,255,255));		//create a black color	var oBlack = new Color(0,0,0);		//set some working variables	var oVector;	var oVectorOld = null;		//iterate over the UV values	for (var i=0; i<nValues; i+=1){				//take the UV vector point for i		oVector = oUV.getPnt2Vec(i);				//place a black dot on the image		oUVImage.setPixel(Math.round(nMulti*oVector.x), nMulti-Math.round(nMulti*oVector.y), oBlack);				//connect the two points		connectTheVectors(oVector, oVectorOld);				//set the old Vector		oVectorOld = oVector;			}			// Create a basic dialog	var wDlg = new DzBasicDialog(); 	// Get the wrapped widget for the dialog	var oDlgWgt = wDlg.getWidget(); 	// Set the title of the dialog	wDlg.caption = "My UV Image"; 	// Strip the space for a settings key	var sKey = wDlg.caption.replace( / /g, "" ) + "Dlg"; 	// Set an [unique] object name on the wrapped dialog widget;	oDlgWgt.objectName = sKey; 	// Create a pixmap for the image	var pixUVImage = new Pixmap();		//Take it from the UV image	pixUVImage.fromImage (oUVImage); 	// Create a label and assign the pixmap	var lblUVMap = new DzLabel( wDlg );		lblUVMap.pixmap = pixUVImage;		// Add the label to the dialog	wDlg.addWidget( lblUVMap, 0, DzWidget.AlignCenter ); 	// Get the minimum size of the dialog	var sizeHint = oDlgWgt.minimumSizeHint; 	// Set the fixed size of the dialog	wDlg.setFixedSize( sizeHint.width, sizeHint.height ); 	// Set the text on the accept button	wDlg.setAcceptButtonText( "&Close" );		// Hide the cancel button	wDlg.showCancelButton( false ); 	// Display the dialog	wDlg.exec();		})();

    The above code gave me the result in the attachment... (a test at one of my columns)!

    UV in DAZ 1st attempt.png
    807 x 868 - 52K
    Post edited by MikeD on
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    Ok! The above code is a first approach but not the idial.

    The correct approach is:

    - Take the edges --> take the vertices (A and B) indexes and the facets (A and B) indexes of each edge

    - Take the facets (A and B) by their indexes

    - Find the Vertices (A and B) of the Facets (A and B) that belong to the specific edge

    - Check their UV indexes

    - If the UVs of the A vertex or the B vertex are not the same between the Facets than we have a discontinue, otherwise they are normal

    - Collect the normal and discontinue vetrexes' UVs indexes in arrays

    - Take the UVSet, as I did in the above code

    -Make lines, using setPixel() method to an Image object and a lot of maths.

    - Show the image

    The result is awesome (attachment):



    UV in DAZ 2nd attempt.png
    806 x 868 - 44K
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    Now I have to figure out a way to see if a point of the image is in or out the UV islands...


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,085

    Nice work!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,085
    MikeD said:

    Ok! The above code is a first approach but not the idial.

    The correct approach is:

    - Take the edges --> take the vertices (A and B) indexes and the facets (A and B) indexes of each edge

    - Take the facets (A and B) by their indexes

    - Find the Vertices (A and B) of the Facets (A and B) that belong to the specific edge

    - Check their UV indexes

    - If the UVs of the A vertex or the B vertex are not the same between the Facets than we have a discontinue, otherwise they are normal

    - Collect the normal and discontinue vetrexes' UVs indexes in arrays

    - Take the UVSet, as I did in the above code

    -Make lines, using setPixel() method to an Image object and a lot of maths.

    - Show the image

    The result is awesome (attachment):



    I think I got it fairy good after some tweaking and finding a brilliant line drawing routine that I ported to DS, here.


    BA Small Crate_wood_uvmeshmap.jpg
    2048 x 2048 - 456K
  • MikeDMikeD Posts: 301

    Pretty nice Totte.... smiley

  • EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578
    edited September 2019

    Guess I'm late to the party, but I thought you might want to consider what I did a while back. I started with mcjtemplate, but rather than outputting an image, I output SVG. When you open an SVG in Photoshop (or Gimp), it asks what you'd like the resolution to be. You do have to draw a bounding box around the image to make it play nice, but otherwise you get resolution independant UVs with no maths necessary for the drawing.

    The Zip contains only the source SVG file.

    1000 x 1000 - 421K
    Post edited by Esemwy on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,085

    Nice idea!

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