JULY New Users Contest WIP Thread



  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,324
    edited December 1969

    Very nice. Well done

  • deloquenciadeloquencia Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    Well done, kurisu2112
    I'm sure a title'll come to your mind :-)
    Without any doubt it has been a lot of work, but I see little things. The hands - the left one is slightly more twisted and
    bent up, also the other one is a little bit more bent and twisted. And where is her pinky, it is a little spread from her hand.
    You see there're only small things...

    And thank you Sasje for the small things you mentioned. I'm happy that you like it....
    but a strange feeling remain and to be frank I'm unsure if I should participate at all.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    And thank you Sasje for the small things you mentioned. I'm happy that you like it....
    but a strange feeling remain and to be frank I'm unsure if I should participate at all.
    You should feel free to participate unless you have won two contests that are considered New User Contests or a Major Contest that was sponsored by DAZ3D. At that time you are no longer considered a New User and only then I belive. I went three years and had much more knowledge than a NEW user before I won a contest. After that I graduated and was considered a learned/skilled user.

    EDIT: I like your WIP and look forward to the finished Render.
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    This is going to be my entry, I just have to find a title for it.:-)

    I think I like your first render's skin tone and the second render's background. I know it takes longer to render, but I do hope you'll find the time to render something besides a preview render with your second background. I think that would look much better.

    If you want to make the skates appear to touch the ice a bit better, would be a soft shadow in conjunction with the skate trail. If you look at the reference image, there's a very soft shadow at the point where the skates touch the ice. I know this is a pose contest and not a lighting contest, but how you take these disparate skills that are practiced in these contests and apply them to the whole project should be the ultimate goal (at least in my opinion).

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Getting closer...

    800 x 411 - 203K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    I know thats just a WIP render but I hope to see both figures fully when you do the finished version.

    P.S. Love that lighting.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    I know thats just a WIP render but I hope to see both figures fully when you do the finished version.

    P.S. Love that lighting.

    Thanks...the 800 pixel width limit is, well, limiting, but I understand where you are coming from. I'd love to take credit for the lighting, but it's just the Blue Sky lighting preset from Dystopia City Blocks 001-010 (which is free in the DAZ store, in case some people haven't grabbed it yet). Turned out really nicely though, I agree. And it rendered in less than a minute, which on my machine is somewhat of a miracle. :lol:
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2012

    It's looking good Scott :)

    iirc, you might want to buff up the char on the right, thought was bulkier but could be wrong as I don't have source image in front of me. Of course I don't know if that even plays into the pose at all or not for judging purposes.

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    @Scott-L: Just pull your camera back a bit. I know you wish to show a close render but you are posing two figures. It would be proper to show both fully for the contest. Just like your Referance image shows. You can crop it, no need for the images to match 100%. Just show both posed figures so your full work can be Judged.

    @Gedd: The size is not that big an issue as long as the Pose looks like the referance image. You do have a good point, would the pose be better if the figure was closer to the referance image? It would be hard to tell untill it was tried.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited July 2012

    Okay...here it is, by popular demand. I haven't actually worked on posing anything that wasn't in the frame in the last render. I appreciate the feedback! :) I do have another version with both figures bulked up and reshaped a bit...

    800 x 350 - 491K
    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Looking Good Scott. I'm not a judge so all my suggestions are just that, suggestions. As a Community Volunteer I do try to help all users when I can. This contest is about the pose so IMHO you should show all of it just like your image you used to pose against. Nothing would please me more than to see all of you Win the contest but that can not happen. I give my hints and tips so that everyone can do the best they can as I see it in my eyes. Nothing I say is written in stone, heck, it's not even written on tissue paper. It's just my way to help everyone have the best chance they can to Win from my point of view.

    I'm really just trying to help, not be a PITA.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    You make a good point, Jaderail, and I do appreciate the advice. :) Here's one more look before I call it a night...not entirely sure if this is the direction I want to go in, but I do think it's interesting. This shows the bulked-up figures.

    800 x 350 - 133K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Very interesting and well done. BUT! You knew I had one. I think eather more Ambient light is needed to pull your characters out of the background or you will need some low spots that do not have shadows turned on to pull them out. Just very dark to me. Lets see them so the posing is easy to see.

    And I'll leave you alone now, Really, I'm not picking on you. I just have nothing else to do but post right now. %-P

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • deloquenciadeloquencia Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    This is going to be my entry, I just have to find a title for it.:-)

    I think I like your first render's skin tone and the second render's background. I know it takes longer to render, but I do hope you'll find the time to render something besides a preview render with your second background. I think that would look much better.

    Hello kurisu2112 and evilproducer,

    for the rendering I've got a nice tip, get 3Delight at http://www.3delight.com/en/index.php?page=3DSP_download and render with it externally and indypendent from DAZ Studio. It'll use only 2 cores of the processor, but this leaves your system usable and you can continue working in DAZ studio, instead of waiting for it to finish the rendering. Also you can outsource the rendering to a second, spare pc.

    You've got to get a licence, the two core version is for free. The installation is easy and after exporting a RIB from DAZ studio you can render it with a double click from the explorer. At the bottom I took a screenshot what to consider when exporting a RIB.

    There're of course good tutorials doing this and you can increase productivity.
    I hope that helps you and keep up the good work :-)

    390 x 957 - 48K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,324
    edited December 1969

    You make a good point, Jaderail, and I do appreciate the advice. :) Here's one more look before I call it a night...not entirely sure if this is the direction I want to go in, but I do think it's interesting. This shows the bulked-up figures.

    That's really good Scott. Well done.

  • WahilWahil Posts: 307
    edited December 1969

    I didn't have time to participate this month, but there are some really good info in this thread. I'm learning a lot.

    Also, the participants picks some great poses for this contest. Good luck to you all.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    You make a good point, Jaderail, and I do appreciate the advice. :) Here's one more look before I call it a night...not entirely sure if this is the direction I want to go in, but I do think it's interesting. This shows the bulked-up figures.
    As Jaderail mentions some Ambient light will lighten the whole scene. Uber Environment has a Ambient only setting. Don't bother using a HDRI preset just use the Light Colour channel with your colour of choice. Set it to Ambient Only and reduced the light intensity to about 5 or 10% and see if that improves things. Using a Ambient Only Uber Environment doesn't increase render time much at all.

    What lights have you got in this scene btw? I think we could get the connection between to two looking better. Possibly in Postwork might be even better.

    But the good thing and the main point of this exercise is that the poses look very good.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! To be honest the lighting was just an experiment, just a "let's see how this looks" sort of thing, rather than an attempt at balanced or optimized lighting. All it is is the Blue Sky preset seen in my previous render, with all but one of the lights deleted, and a spotlight added and positioned by their hands. I'll give that Ambient Only setting a try when I have a chance...I didn't know about that.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited July 2012

    Okay, I tweaked the poses a bit and worked on the lighting, adding a bunch of additional lights including the UE2 Ambient light. May not be perfect yet, but I think it's a big improvement. What do you think?

    800 x 411 - 137K
    800 x 350 - 164K
    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,860
    edited December 1969


    Only 1 DAY left to get your entries posted in the Contest Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3452/

    Contest ends tomorrow so please get your entries up and don't forget to add in Image Title, software used, and also add your reference image :)


  • deloquenciadeloquencia Posts: 47
    edited July 2012


    I finished Synchrony in Motion. What do you think?
    Do you have suggestions how I could improve it? Do you see some mistakes?
    Thanks in advance and I wish you a good last day for the contest :-)

    @Sasje: I followed your suggestions as far as possible, but a shadow on the ground is not possible.
    Because I rendered all three parts in front view, where is no shadow on the floor - no floor at all.
    I could put a floor in post-production and fake some shadow, but I don't want to do too much outside DAZ Studio.
    So far only the composition of three renders have been done, down-scaling and sharpening.

    @Jaderail: I think I participate.

    @ Scott-Livingston: Just saw your work and I like it. Next to your ambush it's great work. See you in the next WIP and next Contest (-:

    At this time I already want to thank you for the WIP thread and for the contest.
    It has been challenging and a good experience.

    795 x 500 - 66K
    750 x 472 - 56K
    Post edited by deloquencia on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,324
    edited December 1969

    Scott and deloquencia, those look great. Be sure to upload them to the contest thread before time runs out.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    @deloquencia: Thanks! I'm very impressed with "Synchrony in Motion." I do think it would greatly benefit from a floor, ideally with shadows or reflections, even if you have to do it in postwork. The only other possible flaw I see is that the central male figure's right foot looks awkwardly bent to me. Now, it may not be possible to pose it in a way that matches the reference image but doesn't look awkward...that wouldn't surprise me. But if that's the case, you may want to consider moving the foot into a more natural-looking pose, even if it results in a pose that's not as close to the reference image. I hope I'm not giving you bad advice; I know the point of the contest is to get as close as you can to the reference pose. I will say I did the same thing (intentionally deviate from the ref pose) in my image, on the God figure's left hand.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,324
    edited December 1969

    I don't think the foot looks weird. I think you've done a great job with it and its one of my favorites.

  • deloquenciadeloquencia Posts: 47
    edited July 2012


    thanks for the replies.
    I'm going to put a floor into the scene.

    @Scott-Livingston: Yes, you're right with the right feet, it looks unnatural. But I had not only to break the twisting limit at this joint here.
    At a few here and there I had to set the limits of rotation higher, especially at the joints of hands, thighs and abdomens/waists.
    Try this position yourself, I tried. I fall, but with training you can twist your shin and foot like that.

    The gods finger looks awesome, you'd do that, too. Perhaps this distinguish a god... ;-)

    I'd love to see shadow and reflection like you, too. But to establish that the best would to render it in one part, not in three parts as I did. My amount of memory won't let me render a scene with 14 models. I already ran out of memory with rendering the parts in the back, each one with 6 models.

    But one day I'll return to synchrony in motion with more RAM :-)

    Addendum: I did a pseudo shadow on a wooden floor.

    Post edited by deloquencia on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Wow.. Great work everyone. Now hush and post them to the contest thread.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,324
    edited December 1969

    It's been a fantastic month with so many great entries. It's gonna be a hard month to judge.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Great job...looks even better with the floor.


    thanks for the replies.
    I'm going to put a floor into the scene.

    @Scott-Livingston: Yes, you're right with the right feet, it looks unnatural. But I had not only to break the twisting limit at this joint here.
    At a few here and there I had to set the limits of rotation higher, especially at the joints of hands, thighs and abdomens/waists.
    Try this position yourself, I tried. I fall, but with training you can twist your shin and foot like that.

    The gods finger looks awesome, you'd do that, too. Perhaps this distinguish a god... ;-)

    I'd love to see shadow and reflection like you, too. But to establish that the best would to render it in one part, not in three parts as I did. My amount of memory won't let me render a scene with 14 models. I already ran out of memory with rendering the parts in the back, each one with 6 models.

    But one day I'll return to synchrony in motion with more RAM :-)

    Addendum: I did a pseudo shadow on a wooden floor.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I almost gave up on this one for various reasons. The poses are limited by the joint constraints and I didn't care for them with the limits disabled.

    800 x 533 - 373K
    600 x 277 - 56K
  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Scott, deloquencia and evilproducer you all did very good work :-) good luck

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