Cant load CR2Importer.mcx - Carrara On Linux

Has anyone else seen or had this issue, that's all that it says when I start Carrara under Wine on Linux
Is there some work around I am missing, I have search google and the forum here, but I didn't find anything that helps, was hoping there was someone else who might have hit this issue and could provide a solution
Will post the solution here even though no one answered just incase anyone else hits the same issue
Seems if you select any OS other than WinXP it throws up this issue, selecting XP and it goes away
So you're using Wine to get Carrara working within Linux?
If I'm reading this right, Wine asks you for an intended OS, right?
btw, I'll add a link to this in the Carrara Info Manual thread, in case others look for this sort f thing.
Never tried linux, myself. Are you using a shell of sorts? Which one?
I was interested in Ubuntu years back, but never went for it.
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