New User Challenge Rules and Regulations

DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
edited August 2023 in New User Contests and Events

Beginner's Challenge Rules and Regulations
UPDATED: August 5th, 2023

If you have any questions on the following rules, prize distribution, etc., please feel free to PM me or e-mail [email protected]
(Please be sure to remove the space before and after the @ sign)

1. Be logged in to your DAZ3D Forum account to participate in the Challenge Thread. Annonymous or Guest Posts will not be reviewed for prizes.
2. Add your image in .jpg format to the thread.
3. Upload your image using the Post Reply - Browse to Attachment feature (In other words please do not link to your image but rather post it to the thread)
4. Submit no more then 2 images to any one challenge.
5. Include the following information in your posts:
----Image Title
----Software Used to Create the Image.
----Whether you are entering the Beginners Challenge or Intermediate Challenge (Updated 11/30/22)

6. Follow the DAZ Terms of Service. No nudity, violence or profanity will be allowed.
7. Please post images created specifically for this challenge and not previously available for public viewing.

Clarification of Rule #7 (Updated to help clarify on 04/05/16)
You Cannot enter the image (even with modifications) in the New User Challenge and another Contest or Challenge. The image MUST be specifically for the New User Challenge. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] before entering your image.

Any artwork found to violate the above rules of the challenge will be pulled and that member notified by PM in an attempt to give the entrant time to fix any infractions and let them resubmit.

1. Make revisions as well as get feedback and comments within the thread. Doing so will not only get you help and advice but will also make you eligible for various prizes we may award.
2. (Updated to Clarify: January 8th, 2023) Use any 3D program you choose to create your image. That said, the artwork created has to be made by you in a 3D Application. AI Generated artwork is not allowed since the point of the challenge is to learn and apply different skills, highlighted in each Challenge, and show an understanding of how that skill can be used.
3. Post-work your image. Please keep within the spirit of the contest though. (Example: If a contest is on lighting, please experiment with the lighting within your application of choice rather then applying lighting effects within your 2D Applications)

1. This challenge is open to individuals only. Groups are not allowed. DAZ3D Published Artists and members of their immediate families are not eligible to enter. Void where prohibited.
2. If you are selected for a prize in the challenge, you agree that the New User Contest Organizers may publicize your community name and the artwork you submitted to the Challenge Thread. Apart from the prizes associated with your image being selected for a prize, the New User Challenge organizers shall not be obligated to compensate you in any way for such publicity.
3. Each entrant shall indemnify, defend, and hold the New User Contest Organizers and DAZ3D harmless from any third party claims arising from or related to that entrant's participation in the challenge. In no event shall the New User Challenge organizers or DAZ3D be liable for acts or omissions arising out of or related to the challenge or to an entrant's participation in the challenge.
4. All taxes, including income taxes, are the sole responsibility of winners.
5. No prize substitution is permitted.
6. Winner(s) may be required to verify their entry.

Note: All images entered in the challenge are copyrighted and owned by the artist. By submitting to the challenge, the artist agrees to grant the New User Challenge Organizers the right to print or otherwise re-publish the submitted images in various marketing or web materials so long as credit is given to the artist as the original creator of the image(s). No image(s) may be taken or used by any other third party without permission from the artist.

Throughout the month, Community Volunteers will select artwork or participants to win various prizes. What the prize is for, how many their are, and how much the prize is will vary from month to month and is more of a participation prize. We will be looking for those who best exemplify the goals of that perticular challenge, show the most improvement, etc.


Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on


  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited February 2021

    There is nothing for you to do, it will be automatically added to your account in the form of store credit at the end of the Challenge when the winners are announced. If you do not see it under My Account - Store Credit, please allow a couple days for it to show. 

    If you do not see your in-store credit, or if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me! [email protected]

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
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