How to get child model ?? Genesis 2

ChrisHugesChrisHuges Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Ok, I am 100% new to this (having just retired, I thought I would give this a go). I have downloaded the sample stuff to try around. It includes a 'actor' Genesis 2 male. The model is a mid aged male.. I read somewhere that you can age them, so how on earth do I get the model to be a child or an old man??? I can't seem to find a tutorial or anything in the software to do this.

It all seems very confusing.
Do I give up now ? Am I trying to do something that is not possible? If I can work out how to do this stuff I may then need help in learning how to make costumes...

Is what I am trying far to complex for an absolute beginner?

Thank you for your help and advice.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    There is a Basic Child morph that comes with the original Genesis, and is part of the free Genesis Starter Essentials file which you can download and install from your My Account > Product Library area.

    Making clothing requires a modelling package of some description, like the free Blender or Wings3D, or the paid for Hexagon or Carrara (solde here) or one of many many others. Google may help.

    There are many tutorials on how to make clothing, but it is not a simple matter.

    Have you downloaded the DAZ Studio user guide here :

    There are also many tutorials on YouTube on how to use DAZ Studio in the DAZ 3D Channel.

  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 2013

    It includes a ‘actor’ Genesis 2 male. The model is a mid aged male.. I read somewhere that you can age them, so how on earth do I get the model to be a child or an old man???
    To get a child, you better download Genesis Essentials. Unlike 'Genesis' 2 Male, Genesis has basic child morph included in the starting package.
    After you installed Genesis, go to your DAZ Studio folder, find folder People/Genesis folder.
    Load Genesis figure, go to Parameters tab, under Actor, then Universal/Real World, should be a slider called Basic Child. When you move it from 0 to 100% (or to 1, which is the same 1 = 100%), the figure will change into a child proportionally. It doesn't mean though that the slider controls the age precisely and you might need to do extra work with other morphs if you want a child of 10 years or a teen.
    Genesis' appearance - like all DAZ3D figures before and after - is controlled by a morphs: sliders which change the shape of the default body in one or another way. Some changes - like length of legs, - can also come with change of scale but this is more manual method and most time morphs are enough. Unlike previous generations, Genesis and 'Genesis' 2 are capable to use an theoretically unlimited number of morphs, which are called 'genepools'. After you installed a morph for Genesis, it will be available and mixable with all other Genesis morphs (unlike in 'Genesis' 2 figures, where you need morphs twice for each figure).

    Clothes in DAZ3D are mostly what is called conforming clothes - an outfit that is 'fit to' a figure, and rigidly follows the movement of the main figure. Because of that long, flowing things like long skirts, long sleeves, cloaks might look stiff and unnatural in some drastic poses - if there is no morph for sitting, the skirt might will look like a cardboard if the main figure is sitting as conforming clothes just follow the main figure. Another type of clothes - dynamic - works around of this problem but unlike Poser dynamics, DAZ Studio dynamics are more limited and you only can use specific dynamic clothes for this purpose. Still, a lot of clothes work very well and some have special helpers to make movements look better.

    Skin texture on DAZ3D figures is a separate layer, which you add on your figure. To get them you usually use what is called 'characters', which usually include a morph (or morph preset for some other morphs) and a skin.
    Haircuts are basically wigs, but systems like Look at My Hair and Garibaldi express allow to 'grow' hair of your choice.

    It all seems very confusing.
    Do I give up now?
    Please don't :)
    Am I trying to do something that is not possible?

    It all looks complex, but actually it is quite simple. The first major thing is to know interface - where all useful tabs are and what they do. Starter Guide might help with it.
    Second is to know the limitations of each figure. DAZ3D releases their figures in 'generations' and between separate generations there is a lot of differences, so what worked for Victoria 4 (Generation 4) might or might not work for Genesis and depending on your goals, one figure might work better. For example, I have no use for gender-separated figures, so Genesis works much better for me than 'Genesis' 2 Male or Female.
    The limitations of technology (what conforming clothes do and why sometimes they look so stiff) are also quite important but they are easier to learn.

    If I can work out how to do this stuff I may then need help in learning how to make costumes…

    Making clothes is quite difficult but not impossible to learn. But I'd suggest you first try just with some free clothes.

    Is what I am trying far to complex for an absolute beginner?
    No :) I started as an absolute beginner with no 3D experience whatsoever.

    Post edited by Kattey on
  • ChrisHugesChrisHuges Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for your reply and the links ... I had downloaded and installed the Genisis 2 Male Starter Essentials (it came with the main download)... That is what is my initial problem.

    I click on Figures/poses and the only figure is this middle aged man with a swin outfit. There is no child that I can see. ..

    I thought that as a starting I would try to make a simple family scene. I am still stuck as there is no option, that I can see, to get a child.

    I tried to download it again and now I seem to have broken the whole thing... If I d/click on a pose, from the picture list ... I get an error. (an error occurred rendering the file . See log file.....

    These are the little things that frustrate me so much ..... see the log file .... but where is it????

    Perhaps I should just give up even before I start. Tutorials are of little help if I cant even master the very basics. I don't want to waste every ones time on here.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    You need Genesis and the Genesis Starter essentials to have the child morph not Genesis 2
    Log file can be found in Help > Troubleshooting >view log file.
    If you are trying a pose you need to have the figure selected in the scene tab or you will get an error message.
    As others have said it can seem complicated to begin with but once you figure out the basics it will get easier.

  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 2013

    Perhaps I should just give up even before I start

    Well, this is your choice, but from all 3D ready-to-render systems I saw, DS is one of the simplest. Reading of the manual might help you with interface and once you know the interface everything else comes easier. Tutorials are helpful, and default DAZ Studio should have several of them included from the start.
    This is a tutorial for slightly older version of DAZ Studio but it holds true for the most part.

    To see log files go to Help (top menu) -> Troubleshooting -> View Log File. Scroll to the very bottom and copy-paste the lines that say about error.

    The principle of manipulation in DAZ Studio is that you select the object, model or some part of them, to manipulate and then your manipulate this object, model or a part - morph, move, scale, etc. If you have nothing selected, the program doesn't know what you want to do and gives you an error.

    To download Genesis Essentials, go to your Product Library on your account and make a search for it. Genesis Essentials aren't the same thing as 'Genesis 2 Male Essentials or 'Genesis' 2 Female Essentials.

    Post edited by Kattey on
  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Genesis Starter Essentials which contains the Genesis figure and the Genesis 2 Starter Essentials which have the base figures for the Genesis 2 Female and Genesis 2 Male are free with DS4.x.

    Genesis is a unimesh figure. It can morph from male to female to child. Genesis 2 returns to the gender split of male and female we saw in previous generations. There are pros and cons to both.

    Beyond the base figures which is what you get free, you will eventually want to consider the morph packs for each. Genesis has the Evolution Head and Body morphs. These are morphs that give you more variation for the head in one set and body in the other.

    Depending upon where you begin or what you want depends on what to buy next.

    Be aware of some basics. The generation 5 figures (Victoria 5, Micheal 5 and the rest) are all morph sets of Genesis. They are not separate figures. By default, Genesis uses the V4 uv mapping. That means you can use V4 textures on it out of the box. However, you cannot use morphs designed for Victoria 4 on Genesis out of the box. Victoria 4 and Genesis are two completely different figures.

    Genesis 2 Female uses the Victoria 5 UV mapping (which is different from Victoria 4) by default. All female generation 6 figures are morphs of the Genesis 2 Female. Genesis 2 Male uses the Micheal 5 UV mapping by default. Micheal 6 and future generation 6 figures are and will be morphs of the Genesis 2 Male. Whether there will be a Genesis 2 Child is unknown. There was no mention of returning to the age split when the gender split was announced for Genesis 2.

    There's a whole lot more but I'll leave you with that.

  • ChrisHugesChrisHuges Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ok a little progress .... It seems that missinformation is one problem .... The Install manager claims , in the ready to download, is around 20 files all marked 'downloaded' but it seems they are not downloaded. I have now managed to get the Genesis starter Essentials to the , installed section. But I still have the error problem, the files wont load into the program, every file I try to load up come up with that error

  • ChrisHugesChrisHuges Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    the error log file seems to be of zero help...

    Loaded image FBMBasicFemale.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicFemale.png
    Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    Loaded file: PHMEarsHeight.dsf
    Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    Loaded file: PHMEarsChild.dsf
    Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    Loaded file: PHMEyesHeight.dsf
    Loaded image FBMBasicMale.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicMale.png
    Loaded Morph Deltas in 0 min 0.0 sec.
    Loaded file: FHMBasicMale.dsf
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodybuilder.png
    Loaded image FBMBodybuilder.png
    Loaded image FBMBodybuilder.png
    Loaded image FBMBodybuilder.png
    Loaded image FBMHeavy.png
    Loaded image FBMHeavy.png
    Loaded image FBMHeavy.png
    Loaded image FBMHeavy.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodyVolume.png
    Loaded image FBMBodybuilder.png
    Loaded image FBMBodybuilder.png
    Loaded image FBMHeavy.png
    Loaded image FBMHeavy.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPearFigure.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMBasicChild.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMPotBellied.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Loaded image FBMThin.png
    Error reading file, see log for more details.
    Error reading file, see log for more details.
    Error reading file, see log for more details.

    I'll try removing the whole thing and starting over... Thanks everyone for the help you have offered.

  • cecilia.robinsoncecilia.robinson Posts: 2,208
    edited December 1969

    It can be a matter of DIM making a different path that DS does (that was a problem with DS 4.5 when DIM came out). You always can download the files manually. In DS, you don't have to download stuff with a "PoserCF" suffix. It's because it contains files for Poser while you only need DS ones. Sometimes there is a single file, then use that one.

    When you have DS in your account library, you will see a few icons below. They lead to Genesis Starter Essentials (it has a male, a female and a child - therefore, as a gender-switchable, it's the most versatile for a beginner like you and me), Genesis 2 Female Starter Essentials (female only figure, Gen2F) and Genesis 2 Male Starter Essentials (male only figure, Gen2M). You will need to have all of them to maximize your options. Genesis has a Basic Child (the easiest way is to use Shaping Tab), which will come in handy for you. You will be able to fit the clothes and hairstyles to the kids you make. You can even mix several shapes together - for instance load 75% of Basic Child and 25% of Basic Female - you should get a female teen. This applies to Gen2F and Gen2M too, but remember those figures are gender-based.

    My suggestion is that before you buy anything more, search for freebies. There's actually plenty of them, mostly clothing and props, but also textures, some morphs and a few hairstyles. If you find DS enjoyable, you will then be able to choose which stuff you need. Most people buy Morphing Fantasy Dress because of its versatility (basically, you can get any kind of dress-like outfit you want with proper textures for MFD), Evolution Morph Bundle and Creature Creator Bundle when it comes to Genesis. Still, start with stuff you can get for free. Take your time, watch tutorials on YouTube and so on. Ask questions. And, above all, improvise, try mixing morphs, change shaders, mess with lights and see what happens! That's the best way to find DS enjoyable. Good luck :)!

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 2013

    Edit: It sounds like you have an installation problem. I hope you will resolve it soon. Good luck.

    You can easily change the shape and age of Genesis 1 without addons. Just slide the "dials" up and down in the shape tab. You can buy growing up for Genesis 1 if you want.

    Genesis 2, howerver, requires add-on morphs that icprncss alluded to You need Growing up for Genesis 2 males to change Genesis 2 males' ages.

    Hope this helps.

    534 x 459 - 62K
    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • ChrisHugesChrisHuges Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Oh this is really great .... I tried to uninstall the whole program, I have managed to uninstall some bits of it, but guess what.... the main program is NOT listed in installed software, so I cant uninstall it.. Now I have bits uninstalled and some of the main program still installed ....

    It's now a complete mess .... Something tells me not to bother anymore. Still tank you all for your messages

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 2013

    Quick comparison with Growing Up for Genesis 2. These give wonderfully designed morphs which work in the same way as the Basic Child morph does for Genesis. Better still are the additional controls for shaping and posture which makes them superior to the old Genesis basic child in my opinion. There are also Growing Up morphs available for the classic Genesis.

    Here's Genesis 2 male and female children side-by-side with Genesis' Growing Up female morph to the right. Use this to make an informed decision on what to get. Note that the Genesis figure does have support for older K4 skins and clothing, so it does have a slight advantage when it comes to the availability of childrens clothing and textures. That said, much of the K4 clothing is for girls and skirts and shoes are two things which don't translate too well via autofit.

    It's also worth nothing that by extension, clothes which are converted to Genesis can then be converted to Genesis 2. However, this 2-step process can destroy some of that lovely detail on more complex outfits, so you might not always get desirable results.

    For my part, I absolute love the extra detail Genesis 2 provides, so it's become my go-to figure for all kinds of work, and thank to the magic of autofit, most of my Genesis wardrobe looks perfect on them.

    Texture sets used in example: Sisters for Genesis 2 Female, Brothers for Genesis 2 Male, Young Teen Julie

    1000 x 1000 - 820K
    Post edited by Herald of Fire on
  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    HeraldOfFire, if you offer an informed choice, can you post Growing Up for G2F, G2M and Genesis variation side-by-side in similar conditions?

    And as paying version go, Growing Up certainly adds some variety, but 'Genesis' 2 figures don't offer any free alternatives. Also, if we talk about skirts, Genesis can wear (obviously) all Genesis dresses, so if there is a dress model that is suitable for child's age, Genesis will be capable to wear it with all possible flexibility.

    As for extra details, I think 'Genesis' 2 figures mesh isn't that different from Genesis to have an impact on child figures.

  • sfaa69sfaa69 Posts: 353
    edited December 1969

    Ok, I am 100% new to this (having just retired, I thought I would give this a go). I have downloaded the sample stuff to try around. It includes a 'actor' Genesis 2 male. The model is a mid aged male.. I read somewhere that you can age them, so how on earth do I get the model to be a child or an old man??? I can't seem to find a tutorial or anything in the software to do this.

    It all seems very confusing.
    Do I give up now ? Am I trying to do something that is not possible? If I can work out how to do this stuff I may then need help in learning how to make costumes...

    Is what I am trying far to complex for an absolute beginner?

    Thank you for your help and advice.

    There is a wealth of information for those starting out in the New Users Help Forum, plus there now is a users manual for Studio. I recommend starting there since there is a lot to learn when beginning a new program. I think you will find the people on these forums to be very willing to help, and I hope you stick with it long enough to see if this is really something you want to pursue.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 2013

    Kattey said:
    HeraldOfFire, if you offer an informed choice, can you post Growing Up for G2F, G2M and Genesis variation side-by-side in similar conditions?

    And as paying version go, Growing Up certainly adds some variety, but 'Genesis' 2 figures don't offer any free alternatives. Also, if we talk about skirts, Genesis can wear (obviously) all Genesis dresses, so if there is a dress model that is suitable for child's age, Genesis will be capable to wear it with all possible flexibility.

    As for extra details, I think 'Genesis' 2 figures mesh isn't that different from Genesis to have an impact on child figures.

    When I spoke of skirts, I did so in the context of converting older content to Genesis. The conversion from Genesis items to Genesis 2 works a lot better than it does for V4 and K4 content, so most of my Genesis skirts will work perfectly well on Genesis 2 as well.

    The only issue at the moment is there aren't as many clothes intended for youths on Genesis figures. The majority of childrens clothing consist of older K4 items, which means ultimately you'll either rely on autofit or make do with what Genesis specific clothing you can find. There are still some nice pieces, as a good few came out with Teen Josie's release and you can backwards fit them to Genesis using the Genesis 2 clone, so there's no issue with inter-compatibility either.

    That said, I disagree that the Genesis 2 mesh isn't different enough. The detail is significant in my opinion and the limbs bend more naturally than they did with Genesis. Perhaps most importantly when working with children is that facial expressions are far superior on Genesis 2. The lack of detail in the face is the primary reason I still used K4 a lot during my Genesis days, but with Genesis 2 that's no longer an issue. It might not be significant enough for some to warrant the extra purchase, but right now you'd need the same number of purchases or more to get the Genesis 2 compatibility with classic Genesis. It really just comes down to which one does the job better, which will differ depending on what you want to do with it.

    I will concede that my earlier image seems biased. I will correct that and update it with a Growing Up morph so you can see a proper side-by-side comparison. It wasn't intentional, simply using the basic morphs on each figure.

    Post edited by Herald of Fire on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for your reply and the links ... I had downloaded and installed the Genisis 2 Male Starter Essentials (it came with the main download)... That is what is my initial problem.

    I click on Figures/poses and the only figure is this middle aged man with a swin outfit. There is no child that I can see. ..

    I thought that as a starting I would try to make a simple family scene. I am still stuck as there is no option, that I can see, to get a child.

    I tried to download it again and now I seem to have broken the whole thing... If I d/click on a pose, from the picture list ... I get an error. (an error occurred rendering the file . See log file.....

    These are the little things that frustrate me so much ..... see the log file .... but where is it????

    Perhaps I should just give up even before I start. Tutorials are of little help if I cant even master the very basics. I don't want to waste every ones time on here.

    The issue here is that there are *three different versions* of Genesis. They are all free with the program, and they all have different specialties. If you stick with this, you will want to download and install them all.

    Genesis plain, no number after it, is the oldest and the most broadly morphable. That is the one with the basic clild morph, as well as the basic male and basic female morphs. It also comes with some tutorials.

    Then there is Genesis 2 which only launched in July, and doesn't have as much content *yet*. Give it time. With Genesis 2 there is a gender split of male and female. And it also has included tutorials. Different ones. Genesis 2 bends slightly better, has more detail and a better autofit. It does not have a built in child morph -- although there is a 3rd-party add-on of one for each gender in the store. This will enable someone to morph an adult character designed for the adult figure into a child version of that character. Or a generic child character from the base figure.

    The really annoying thing is just finding where everything is. That will take a while, because there is a lot of stuff packed into the program, and not everything is where you would expect to find it.

  • cecilia.robinsoncecilia.robinson Posts: 2,208
    edited January 2014

    Kattey said:
    (...) 'Genesis' 2 figures don't offer any free alternatives.

    I'd not be so sure about that. I'd swear I saw a baby morph for Gen2F on ShareCG, but that's only a mere memory.


    I found it, FireFlightt made it:

    Post edited by cecilia.robinson on
  • EpichallEpichall Posts: 54
    edited December 1969

    Whilst I'm sorry to read of the problems that this member is having, I'm relieved to see that i'm not the only one struggling with this issue of installation.
    I've installed G2 starter essentials, gone back and installed G1 essentials; found the basic child, opened it up, and had a nice collection of grey boxes with the error message "cannot locate /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/DAZ 3D/Base/FBMBasicChild.dsf
    /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Genesis.dsf - this product may not work as expected.

    So typing into my search engine the file name "FBMBasicChild.dsf", apparently it's not downloaded onto my computer. Working backwards, I've found the file "data/DAZ 3D" . There is all of my Genesis 2 stuff together with a few other bits and pieces, but nothing for G1.

    I'd download it all and start again, except that 100Kbs (we don't all live in Silicon Valley - do you realise this DAZ?) I'll be here for yet another overnight session

  • Not sure if Epichall found the fix to this, but evidently other folks had the same problem.  The following thread may be of use should the issue still be showing up.  Make sure the content directory all of your programs (Studio, Content Manager, DIM) are trying to use is exactly the same.

    More experienced users sometimes set up multiple runtimes for their own not attempt this unless you know what you're doing.  :)  The runtime can be anywhere you like, but make sure it matches in all relevant settings.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 2015

    Deleted. :-)

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • I didn't read if anyone mentioned it, but also make sure you check out the Freebies Thread here in the forums.  Lots of good links to free items like clothing, hair, morphs, etc. is the main place where you will find free stuff.  Also, check out Wilmap's site for high quality clothing for free.

  • Thanks, Voltis. I should perhaps have posted that the matter has resolved itself.

    The question of re-downloading the set-up files was resolved with the unexpected discovery of an open 4G fibre-optic internet connection when I was in Brussels in late May and, believe me, I took full advantage of it.

    As for the question of content, I'm going to say something that will make traditional long-time DAZ users throw up their hands in horror at my blasphemy, so here goes.

    asically, I have completely discarded Daz's graphic content management system. I took some time out to work out the file paths of whatever it is that I download and install - clothing, props, poses, character presets and so on, and whenever I want to use them I simply go to "File -> Merge -> [and then I look for the appropriate file in the directory where it's stored]. It might take me longer than cicking on a link but it works every time for me and if a relevant file that is needed can't be found, using the "search" function in Windows Exploder will inevitably find it.

    In fact, a couple of projects that I abandoned a good while ago have been brought dramatically back to life because I've now been able to find the files that I needed downloaded and then couldn't find under the Daz content management system   

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    I've never really used the content management system. I didn't have much of a choice back when everything was packed in Bitrock installers, but DAZ is the only market that sold things in those. Everything else came in .zip files and I got used to installing things manually. Perfer it, frankly.

    That said, I get the grey box issue from time to time. Typically when opening a saved file. Nothing's been changed. Nothing's been moved. The program simply won't follow the path any more. It will load a new iteration of the missing whatever. But not the one in the saved file.

    Where it does affect loading something fromthe content library it's usually something screwy about the data file. And typically it's due to the spelling of the artist name. Which tends to concern me a little, because with my old computers the OS was basically case-sensitive, and you could have two folders named "ArtistName" and "artistname". With the new computer, you evidently can't, and while it hasn't made a fuss about the existing libraries, it has fussed about adding new folders with different cases in the name. And that's exactly the kind of error that tends to invoke grey boxes.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2016

    ...I canot say enough good things about the Growing Up  morphs.  There is also a set for Genesis as well.

    I did this with the Growing Up morphs for G2F.


    easy rider Leela M4D skin setting.png
    900 x 675 - 1M
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2016

    ...this  is not to say it cannot be done with an adult figure.  The pic below is a child character I created using just V4, Throne's Tommi character and JW's Tindra Thompson. Took a number of weeks refining and morphing which included adjusting proportions of legs, arms, torso, and head after a lot of discussion and studying growth charts. One of the tough parts was getting the flat chest, as the mesh would distort badly if the breasts were dialed down to far. As Thorne's characters were often more petite, it was easier to dial down the chest area

    The real difficulty was fitting clothing as the Mil3 kids clothing needed converting through a third party tool and doing so put the sizing in for Vicky's breasts. So, I went with the most "benign" V4 clothing I had and worked with the DFormers a lot in the chest region to keep the shirt from crumpling and distorting.  Yeah, until K4 and later Genesis/G2, working with child & young teen characters was a pain.

    Hi mr Kitty.jpg
    710 x 539 - 327K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • what genesis does is the basic child 2, 3, 8, 8.1, 9 or does it is have and is own version and what is that version called.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Basic Child is a preset for loading Genesis (1) with child shape settings.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    At the time Genesis 1 was new technology and it included these basic CHILD body morphs to show off it versatility,  thus the child morphs was included in the free starter essential.


    Later version of the other genesis generations, like 3, 8, 9,  did not have a child morph included in the starter essential pack  but customers could buy specific morph packages to add that functionality. 

    A good example is Growing UP


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