August 2019 – DAZ 3D New User Challenge – Free Month (With a Twist)



  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    Kaye Kaye said:

    @Leana - I've lightened behind the figure and snakes with Ps (I have a render baking, so no Daz for me for the next few days. Yes, my machine is...s-l-o-w!) which I think has improved the look.

    @Elliandra - I've lightened the snake eyes with Ps. I think it is working better, especually with the improved definition of the snakes.

    Thanks for the suggestions! :)


    Very nice changes. It pulls the snakes in really nicely without overpowering the image. Really nice job on the extra touches heartyes

  • Kaye KayeKaye Kaye Posts: 210
    edited August 2019

    I got pulled to @Linwelly's image because of Cirth dress and accessories out a few days ago. It sparked an idea.

    What I like about her image is the strongly posed figure and deep contrast of the DoF. I also like the stark use of light. And reading her explanation further back in the thread, of the deliberate use of colour made me go back and re-render as the purple in my image was irking me ;-)

    As other's have commented, the hair is off, but as this has no postwork, that's something easily solved later.

    My image does have post work, some denoising, as I was over ambitious and dialed in w-a-y too much Sub-D, so much more than my clunky machine could handle! Also the blade It's swept forward and not within the focus of the camera. I may angle it differently to get rid of the weird perspective...though I have to give my poor computer a little bit of a rest from rendering for now.


    1800 x 2700 - 3M
    Post edited by Kaye Kaye on
  • Sisyphus1977Sisyphus1977 Posts: 306
    edited August 2019

    Kismet2012 said:

    Sometimes when a plane is turned into an emissive the light is only coming off 1 side.  It could be you have the light emitting side on the bottom.

    I have that problem occassionaly when I find myself turning up the luminance values and still no light.  Then rotate the plane 180 degrees and light there be.  I typically don't use the two sided light option in the surfaces settings when using emissive planes.  In this case the surface is actually a cylinder and the normals are outside.

    Leana said:

    Of course, you can post as many as you want.

    I have an idea now, might try something a bit different with this challenge.

    For this update, I added a spotlight to highlight the Demon's head some, but still had to keep the luminance low without it looking out of place, so the horn details are till a little lost.

    Wishing Well v2.jpg
    1920 x 1536 - 4M
    Post edited by Sisyphus1977 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Ruris said:

    L'adair, Elliandra, Linwelly: Thanks for your comments and compliments. I removed the border from earlier version. Fixed the ears issue. 
    Toned down the yellow hue a bit, looks more pleasing to me but could use more eyes. The warping tools to adjust skirt still need some practice, will try to implement on future piece.
    On the eye contact, I have tried the Look at Camera tools too. Its super nice, but when I look at cosplay photos, often models are not looking directly at the lens, thought to introduce some imperfection.
    I could use a good zen garden, bamboo grove setup, any ideas?

    And appreciate you all for sharing the efforts you take to create art too. Sometimes I wonder if being reasonably good is too far.


    Less yellow looks better to me as well!

    With the eyes, that is why I though of having her look out of the image to the right which adds a dynamic line to the action.

    as for different environments, there is this which is called zen garden:

    but I don't think it fits your needs, maybe adding some bamboo from the bamboo pack which is 3delight but renders without any conversions very nice in iray.

    this is a nice simple set which I think could be fitting you needs with adding some plants (if you're pc member its cheap on top :D, 3delight again but easy on conversion to Iray) or this one where I like the doors very much.



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Kaye Kaye said:

    I got pulled to @Linwelly's image because of Cirth dress and accessories out a few days ago. It sparked an idea.

    What I like about her image is the strongly posed figure and deep contrast of the DoF. I also like the stark use of light. And reading her explanation further back in the thread, of the deliberate use of colour made me go back and re-render as the purple in my image was irking me ;-)

    As other's have commented, the hair is off, but as this has no postwork, that's something easily solved later.

    My image does have post work, some denoising, as I was over ambitious and dialed in w-a-y too much Sub-D, so much more than my clunky machine could handle! Also the blade It's swept forward and not within the focus of the camera. I may angle it differently to get rid of the weird perspective...though I have to give my poor computer a little bit of a rest from rendering for now.


    Very nice work there and yes that dress is really neat :D

    I like the lignt settings and contrasting her in front of the dark background, the mosaik is a nice detail that adds a lot. The DOF singles her out without loosing touch with the environment.

    Now for some aspects I suggest to alter. Most importantly, the way the scythe is places it literally beheads her. There is all her body below, then that strong line of the scythe and then her head. In context with this I want to point out the importance of composition lines which are another tool of composition. They are usually used to draw the attention to the main part of an image or at lease guide the view back into an image. Its often easiest to find in images of architecture but in the best images it can be used to indicate action and  a direction of movement

    some info is here

    and here

    eg @Ruris image if you would mark the form of the kitsune in motion the body together with the tail forms a bow with an arrow

    In your image the scythe is a very demonstrative line in the image. So to use it to your advantage try placing the scythe in various positions. eg either with the blade on the ground curving upwarts again or the blade up and curve down again. each will give the image a different emphasis.

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    Moving home version 2

    I have improved the lighting and shadows by moving the distant light and spot light to look as if they are coming through the window to the back of the man. I have also altered the angle of the camera and added a box of books and another trunk.  I changed the lamp and moved it to the left of the sofa. I have tried to make the bulb glow by changing the Ambient and Diffuse colours to white and ambient setting to 100%. The distant light behind the man seems to have created some odd orange and black lines behind his right shoulder. I thought I could remove these using postwork, but I also think altering the lighting might help. Constructive feedback is welcome.


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    sueya said:

    Moving home version 2

    I have improved the lighting and shadows by moving the distant light and spot light to look as if they are coming through the window to the back of the man. I have also altered the angle of the camera and added a box of books and another trunk.  I changed the lamp and moved it to the left of the sofa. I have tried to make the bulb glow by changing the Ambient and Diffuse colours to white and ambient setting to 100%. The distant light behind the man seems to have created some odd orange and black lines behind his right shoulder. I thought I could remove these using postwork, but I also think altering the lighting might help. Constructive feedback is welcome.


    Looks much better with the lights like this, I think the strange line is part of the backwall it was just hidden in the dak before. If it bothers you you can try to select it with the surface selection tool and colour it over in the diffuse channel.

    Main thing I notice is that your man is floating over the sofa and that's why his feet are not making contact with the ground. try giving the sofa a different colour to place him nicely and then change the colour back, that way its easier to see where he is in relation to the sofa and the ground.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Kaye Kaye said:

    I got pulled to @Linwelly's image because of Cirth dress and accessories out a few days ago. It sparked an idea.

    What I like about her image is the strongly posed figure and deep contrast of the DoF. I also like the stark use of light. And reading her explanation further back in the thread, of the deliberate use of colour made me go back and re-render as the purple in my image was irking me ;-)

    As other's have commented, the hair is off, but as this has no postwork, that's something easily solved later.

    My image does have post work, some denoising, as I was over ambitious and dialed in w-a-y too much Sub-D, so much more than my clunky machine could handle! Also the blade It's swept forward and not within the focus of the camera. I may angle it differently to get rid of the weird perspective...though I have to give my poor computer a little bit of a rest from rendering for now.


    You just inspired me to create an image.  I also bought the Cirth Outfit and Accessories.  I just love a good scythe.

  • Kaye KayeKaye Kaye Posts: 210

    Thanks, @Linwelly :) I'll look at the links.

    Go for it, @Kismet2012. It's a nice bit of kit and the movements and Dforce worked nicely <--Dforce. Omg, so many explosions, but not with this one! lol

    I've been distracted by the Genesis Supersuit and Look at Me II, so I might not get back to playing with these images for a bit ;-)

    I should also be writing. Who knew that books don't write themselves?!


  • Drew my insperation from Kismet2012's bus stop render. However I set it in an clearing in the woods instead, with this being the time of year that my late uncle and I used to go camping. In fact I used the IRay Geolocator script to set the lighting as close as I could to the area we used to go to.


    As for Kismet2012's render I can't think of anything that stands out to mention. Good render in my opention.

    1005 x 872 - 2M
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    Here's the third version of my image. I discovered that the strange orange stripes were the reflection of the outer brick wall so I recoloured it. I checked that Robert is definately sitting on the sofa now. I have changed the sofa colour now and made the lamp metallic to give it a slight sheen.


  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    Yay he's casting shadows nicely now great job!

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842
    Linwelly said:
    Ruris said:

    L'adair, Elliandra, Linwelly: Thanks for your comments and compliments. I removed the border from earlier version. Fixed the ears issue. 
    Toned down the yellow hue a bit, looks more pleasing to me but could use more eyes. The warping tools to adjust skirt still need some practice, will try to implement on future piece.
    On the eye contact, I have tried the Look at Camera tools too. Its super nice, but when I look at cosplay photos, often models are not looking directly at the lens, thought to introduce some imperfection.
    I could use a good zen garden, bamboo grove setup, any ideas?

    And appreciate you all for sharing the efforts you take to create art too. Sometimes I wonder if being reasonably good is too far.


    Less yellow looks better to me as well!

    With the eyes, that is why I though of having her look out of the image to the right which adds a dynamic line to the action.

    as for different environments, there is this which is called zen garden:

    but I don't think it fits your needs, maybe adding some bamboo from the bamboo pack which is 3delight but renders without any conversions very nice in iray.

    this is a nice simple set which I think could be fitting you needs with adding some plants (if you're pc member its cheap on top :D, 3delight again but easy on conversion to Iray) or this one where I like the doors very much.

    The Chinese Temple Gate, currently in Fast Grab, also includes bamboos.

  • crosseyedchimpcrosseyedchimp Posts: 12
    edited August 2019

    Hello there guys.

    This is my very first time posting in here and I would like to participate. I have been up all night making this picture that was inspired by @Linwelly's work. If I understand this correctly I am supposed to give his work critique before posting my own.

    So here goes.

    The very first thing I notice is that the framing could be better. That is I don't think you should be cutting her hands off. You can get away with cutting of some of the blades perhaps but not the hands. I would like to see the entirety of her left hand. Also you cut of just a small part of her other hand. As for the pose. I like the line of action you have going on in her body, you make a lovely C shape there. One thing I would not do though is have her face directly to the camera. You should rotate it a little to either side but maintain the eye direction. I also agree with what someone mentioned before with her face tattoos. They don't look very realistic. I would try and blend them better with the skin. I think they might be to saturated. Anyways. Cool picture!

    Ok so as I mentioned this is my first post and I have also just started using Daz. I was inspired by the above mentioned picture but I decided to put my own spin on it. I beleive the dark elf in Lynwelly's picture is probably an evil beleiver in Lolth. I decide to do one of the surface dwelling Ellistree elves. A moon worshipper. I also kinda had some sort of space elf in my head when I was doing this. LOL. As for what i used. Well inside of Daz I used the default Genesis 8. I did change her texture maps in photoshop though to make the blue skin. I also used DM's memorial as environment and archangel outfit that I got from the store. I then used photoshop to comp it all together and put in the moon and stars, both free to use images. 


    1280 x 720 - 166K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • crosseyedchimpcrosseyedchimp Posts: 12
    edited August 2019

    Hey again guys. 

    So here is my second picture. A sister peice of the other one I made. I hope I can enter it as well. It is also inspired by Lynwellis work. Based on my original one. This time I opted for a portrait style peice. Again all comments welcome. I am having a lot of fun with daz!


    1280 x 720 - 166K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Drew my insperation from Kismet2012's bus stop render. However I set it in an clearing in the woods instead, with this being the time of year that my late uncle and I used to go camping. In fact I used the IRay Geolocator script to set the lighting as close as I could to the area we used to go to.


    As for Kismet2012's render I can't think of anything that stands out to mention. Good render in my opention.

    I love how you and Sueya have put your own spin on this image. 

    First observation is your guy's feet are not touching the ground.  I would suggest bending the feet so the toes are in contact with the ground rather then put any more bend in the thighs.

    If you have any "camping" gear, or some other props to sprinkle around to give us an idea of why he is here.  Of course, if he is just enjoying some time alone that is fine too.


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    joig999 said:

    Hello there guys.

    This is my very first time posting in here and I would like to participate. I have been up all night making this picture that was inspired by @Linwelly's work. If I understand this correctly I am supposed to give his work critique before posting my own.

    So here goes.

    The very first thing I notice is that the framing could be better. That is I don't think you should be cutting her hands off. You can get away with cutting of some of the blades perhaps but not the hands. I would like to see the entirety of her left hand. Also you cut of just a small part of her other hand. As for the pose. I like the line of action you have going on in her body, you make a lovely C shape there. One thing I would not do though is have her face directly to the camera. You should rotate it a little to either side but maintain the eye direction. I also agree with what someone mentioned before with her face tattoos. They don't look very realistic. I would try and blend them better with the skin. I think they might be to saturated. Anyways. Cool picture!

    Ok so as I mentioned this is my first post and I have also just started using Daz. I was inspired by the above mentioned picture but I decided to put my own spin on it. I beleive the dark elf in Lynwelly's picture is probably an evil beleiver in Lolth. I decide to do one of the surface dwelling Ellistree elves. A moon worshipper. I also kinda had some sort of space elf in my head when I was doing this. LOL. As for what i used. Well inside of Daz I used the default Genesis 8. I did change her texture maps in photoshop though to make the blue skin. I also used DM's memorial as environment and archangel outfit that I got from the store. I then used photoshop to comp it all together and put in the moon and stars, both free to use images. 


    I do not know the storyline for these characters so please forgive any misinterpretations.

    I think your character is floating just slightly above the ground.  I think I see some shadow under her feet.

    I like your choice of outfit.  It is a really nice contrast to the dark elf in Linwelly's image.

    I like the soft shadows but wish I could see just a bit more of her face.  I struggle with this in low lighting images as well.  It isn't an easy balance to find.

    A really nice start.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    joig999 said:

    Hey again guys. 

    So here is my second picture. A sister peice of the other one I made. I hope I can enter it as well. It is also inspired by Lynwellis work. Based on my original one. This time I opted for a portrait style peice. Again all comments welcome. I am having a lot of fun with daz!


    And here I get to see her face. 

    I love the soft lighting in this. 

    Is her hair intersecting with the rock she is leaning against?


  • no noseno nose Posts: 310

    Well I finally came up with an idea for this month's challange (I know i'm a little late). Any thoughts?

    500 x 500 - 376K
  • My first thought is 'Ouch'. Brings tears to my eyes thinking on it.

    For some reason I can't get any further than that. Never in my life have I been flexible enough for that pose, and once upon a time I was very athletic [not now, comes from being happily married for many years].




  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    no nose said:

    Well I finally came up with an idea for this month's challange (I know i'm a little late). Any thoughts?

    This has the feel of the end of a solo dance performance.  That moment of stillness just before the audience erupts in applause.

  • joig999 said:

    Hello there guys.

    This is my very first time posting in here and I would like to participate. I have been up all night making this picture that was inspired by @Linwelly's work. If I understand this correctly I am supposed to give his work critique before posting my own.

    So here goes.

    The very first thing I notice is that the framing could be better. That is I don't think you should be cutting her hands off. You can get away with cutting of some of the blades perhaps but not the hands. I would like to see the entirety of her left hand. Also you cut of just a small part of her other hand. As for the pose. I like the line of action you have going on in her body, you make a lovely C shape there. One thing I would not do though is have her face directly to the camera. You should rotate it a little to either side but maintain the eye direction. I also agree with what someone mentioned before with her face tattoos. They don't look very realistic. I would try and blend them better with the skin. I think they might be to saturated. Anyways. Cool picture!

    Ok so as I mentioned this is my first post and I have also just started using Daz. I was inspired by the above mentioned picture but I decided to put my own spin on it. I beleive the dark elf in Lynwelly's picture is probably an evil beleiver in Lolth. I decide to do one of the surface dwelling Ellistree elves. A moon worshipper. I also kinda had some sort of space elf in my head when I was doing this. LOL. As for what i used. Well inside of Daz I used the default Genesis 8. I did change her texture maps in photoshop though to make the blue skin. I also used DM's memorial as environment and archangel outfit that I got from the store. I then used photoshop to comp it all together and put in the moon and stars, both free to use images. 


    I do not know the storyline for these characters so please forgive any misinterpretations.

    I think your character is floating just slightly above the ground.  I think I see some shadow under her feet.

    I like your choice of outfit.  It is a really nice contrast to the dark elf in Linwelly's image.

    I like the soft shadows but wish I could see just a bit more of her face.  I struggle with this in low lighting images as well.  It isn't an easy balance to find.

    A really nice start.

    Oh wow that's one nice catch there! I didnt see that myself. Turns out it's only slightly of the ground. Nice that you caught that!

    Also thanks so much for all the nice comments. Im glad you liked her outfit. 

    One thing maybe. You talk about wanting to see her face more. When you say that do you mean you would like to see her brighter or for the framing of the pic to be changed?


    788 x 441 - 77K
  • joig999 said:

    Hey again guys. 

    So here is my second picture. A sister peice of the other one I made. I hope I can enter it as well. It is also inspired by Lynwellis work. Based on my original one. This time I opted for a portrait style peice. Again all comments welcome. I am having a lot of fun with daz!


    And here I get to see her face. 

    I love the soft lighting in this. 

    Is her hair intersecting with the rock she is leaning against?


    Thanks again for the helpful comments. Her hair should not be intersecting anywhere in camera. Behind her head and on the side where the camera can't see yes they probably are. Do you feel like you see it intersecting somewhere?

  • ariochsnowpawariochsnowpaw Posts: 147
    edited August 2019

    It's been a busy month for me and Linwelly is a really hard act to follow.



    Original character using Genesis 8, Skin builder, Anagenesis, and a boatload of morphs

    No Postwork except turning it into a jpeg

    2000 x 1125 - 813K
    Post edited by ariochsnowpaw on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    joig999 said:
    joig999 said:

    Hello there guys.

    This is my very first time posting in here and I would like to participate. I have been up all night making this picture that was inspired by @Linwelly's work. If I understand this correctly I am supposed to give his work critique before posting my own.

    So here goes.

    The very first thing I notice is that the framing could be better. That is I don't think you should be cutting her hands off. You can get away with cutting of some of the blades perhaps but not the hands. I would like to see the entirety of her left hand. Also you cut of just a small part of her other hand. As for the pose. I like the line of action you have going on in her body, you make a lovely C shape there. One thing I would not do though is have her face directly to the camera. You should rotate it a little to either side but maintain the eye direction. I also agree with what someone mentioned before with her face tattoos. They don't look very realistic. I would try and blend them better with the skin. I think they might be to saturated. Anyways. Cool picture!

    Ok so as I mentioned this is my first post and I have also just started using Daz. I was inspired by the above mentioned picture but I decided to put my own spin on it. I beleive the dark elf in Lynwelly's picture is probably an evil beleiver in Lolth. I decide to do one of the surface dwelling Ellistree elves. A moon worshipper. I also kinda had some sort of space elf in my head when I was doing this. LOL. As for what i used. Well inside of Daz I used the default Genesis 8. I did change her texture maps in photoshop though to make the blue skin. I also used DM's memorial as environment and archangel outfit that I got from the store. I then used photoshop to comp it all together and put in the moon and stars, both free to use images. 


    I do not know the storyline for these characters so please forgive any misinterpretations.

    I think your character is floating just slightly above the ground.  I think I see some shadow under her feet.

    I like your choice of outfit.  It is a really nice contrast to the dark elf in Linwelly's image.

    I like the soft shadows but wish I could see just a bit more of her face.  I struggle with this in low lighting images as well.  It isn't an easy balance to find.

    A really nice start.

    Oh wow that's one nice catch there! I didnt see that myself. Turns out it's only slightly of the ground. Nice that you caught that!

    Also thanks so much for all the nice comments. Im glad you liked her outfit. 

    One thing maybe. You talk about wanting to see her face more. When you say that do you mean you would like to see her brighter or for the framing of the pic to be changed?


    A little brighter...but this is a problem I have as well.  Different monitors have different settings and the same image can look fine on one but be too dark on another.

    In the end this is your image and your vision is what is important.


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    joig999 said:
    joig999 said:

    Hey again guys. 

    So here is my second picture. A sister peice of the other one I made. I hope I can enter it as well. It is also inspired by Lynwellis work. Based on my original one. This time I opted for a portrait style peice. Again all comments welcome. I am having a lot of fun with daz!


    And here I get to see her face. 

    I love the soft lighting in this. 

    Is her hair intersecting with the rock she is leaning against?


    Thanks again for the helpful comments. Her hair should not be intersecting anywhere in camera. Behind her head and on the side where the camera can't see yes they probably are. Do you feel like you see it intersecting somewhere?

    The strands that are hanging down between her head and the rock.  It could just be a perspective thing combined with shadows.  I have had that myself.  The camera angle can give you an impression that something is intersecting but when checked it is fine. 


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    It's been a busy month for me and Linwelly is a really hard act to follow.



    Original character using Genesis 8, Skin builder, Anagenesis, and a boatload of morphs

    No Postwork except turning it into a jpeg

    Not someone I would want to mess with. 

    You are slightly cutting off the top of the hair on your character and clipping the toes of the cat on our right.  Perhaps either pulling the camera back just a bit or going in just a little tighter.  Either could work and will take some experimenting to see which you prefer. 

    Another option is to lower the cat's leg slightly and leave the camera where it is currently located.

    A nice image.  Well done.


  • crosseyedchimpcrosseyedchimp Posts: 12
    edited August 2019
    joig999 said:
    joig999 said:

    Hello there guys.

    This is my very first time posting in here and I would like to participate. I have been up all night making this picture that was inspired by @Linwelly's work. If I understand this correctly I am supposed to give his work critique before posting my own.

    So here goes.

    The very first thing I notice is that the framing could be better. That is I don't think you should be cutting her hands off. You can get away with cutting of some of the blades perhaps but not the hands. I would like to see the entirety of her left hand. Also you cut of just a small part of her other hand. As for the pose. I like the line of action you have going on in her body, you make a lovely C shape there. One thing I would not do though is have her face directly to the camera. You should rotate it a little to either side but maintain the eye direction. I also agree with what someone mentioned before with her face tattoos. They don't look very realistic. I would try and blend them better with the skin. I think they might be to saturated. Anyways. Cool picture!

    Ok so as I mentioned this is my first post and I have also just started using Daz. I was inspired by the above mentioned picture but I decided to put my own spin on it. I beleive the dark elf in Lynwelly's picture is probably an evil beleiver in Lolth. I decide to do one of the surface dwelling Ellistree elves. A moon worshipper. I also kinda had some sort of space elf in my head when I was doing this. LOL. As for what i used. Well inside of Daz I used the default Genesis 8. I did change her texture maps in photoshop though to make the blue skin. I also used DM's memorial as environment and archangel outfit that I got from the store. I then used photoshop to comp it all together and put in the moon and stars, both free to use images. 


    I do not know the storyline for these characters so please forgive any misinterpretations.

    I think your character is floating just slightly above the ground.  I think I see some shadow under her feet.

    I like your choice of outfit.  It is a really nice contrast to the dark elf in Linwelly's image.

    I like the soft shadows but wish I could see just a bit more of her face.  I struggle with this in low lighting images as well.  It isn't an easy balance to find.

    A really nice start.

    Oh wow that's one nice catch there! I didnt see that myself. Turns out it's only slightly of the ground. Nice that you caught that!

    Also thanks so much for all the nice comments. Im glad you liked her outfit. 

    One thing maybe. You talk about wanting to see her face more. When you say that do you mean you would like to see her brighter or for the framing of the pic to be changed?


    A little brighter...but this is a problem I have as well.  Different monitors have different settings and the same image can look fine on one but be too dark on another.

    In the end this is your image and your vision is what is important.


    Here is a new one. I lightened the whole picture and added also some light in her face. Oh and I put a little more light in her eyes to bring them out. I will include the old one as reference:

    Old pic:

    New Pic:

    1280 x 720 - 166K
    1280 x 720 - 134K
    Post edited by crosseyedchimp on
  • Drew my insperation from Kismet2012's bus stop render. However I set it in an clearing in the woods instead, with this being the time of year that my late uncle and I used to go camping. In fact I used the IRay Geolocator script to set the lighting as close as I could to the area we used to go to.


    As for Kismet2012's render I can't think of anything that stands out to mention. Good render in my opention.

    I love how you and Sueya have put your own spin on this image. 

    First observation is your guy's feet are not touching the ground.  I would suggest bending the feet so the toes are in contact with the ground rather then put any more bend in the thighs.

    If you have any "camping" gear, or some other props to sprinkle around to give us an idea of why he is here.  Of course, if he is just enjoying some time alone that is fine too.


    Tried to adjust his feet some, and added a backpack alond with a tent in the background.

    1005 x 872 - 2M
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    joig999 said:

    Hello there guys.

    This is my very first time posting in here and I would like to participate. I have been up all night making this picture that was inspired by @Linwelly's work. If I understand this correctly I am supposed to give his work critique before posting my own.

    So here goes.

    The very first thing I notice is that the framing could be better. That is I don't think you should be cutting her hands off. You can get away with cutting of some of the blades perhaps but not the hands. I would like to see the entirety of her left hand. Also you cut of just a small part of her other hand. As for the pose. I like the line of action you have going on in her body, you make a lovely C shape there. One thing I would not do though is have her face directly to the camera. You should rotate it a little to either side but maintain the eye direction. I also agree with what someone mentioned before with her face tattoos. They don't look very realistic. I would try and blend them better with the skin. I think they might be to saturated. Anyways. Cool picture!

    Ok so as I mentioned this is my first post and I have also just started using Daz. I was inspired by the above mentioned picture but I decided to put my own spin on it. I beleive the dark elf in Lynwelly's picture is probably an evil beleiver in Lolth. I decide to do one of the surface dwelling Ellistree elves. A moon worshipper. I also kinda had some sort of space elf in my head when I was doing this. LOL. As for what i used. Well inside of Daz I used the default Genesis 8. I did change her texture maps in photoshop though to make the blue skin. I also used DM's memorial as environment and archangel outfit that I got from the store. I then used photoshop to comp it all together and put in the moon and stars, both free to use images. 



    Welcome to the New user challenge, you made a nice entry here!

    Your observation on cutting of limbs or part of them is spot on and I was disputing that with myself with the decision to get closer to her face and with that cut of part of the hands/arms. But I was actually hoping someone would point that flaw out :D The view straight to the camera was intended at the threat of her was meant to be directed at the viewer.


    joig999 said:


    Here is a new one. I lightened the whole picture and added also some light in her face. Oh and I put a little more light in her eyes to bring them out. I will include the old one as reference:

    Old pic:

    New Pic:

    I like the light much better in the new version where the contrast is much better and the moonlight reacts with her skin. I like as well the different twis you took on the lore here.

    I'm not sure what to make of her pose yet, is she dancing or "day"dreaming LOL I think you can find something that makes the connection between her carrieng those swords around and what she' doing there (the portrait version clearly gives her that dreamy aspect very nicely btu as the slwerds are not seen they don't throw the scnee off)

    In idea for you to make the scene feel more connected is to use the background with the moon and the sky as a backdrop in the scene and make it emissive, so the light (at least part) is actually comeing from there.

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