Wither in Carrara

I know the HD morphs are for DS, but has anyone had any luck tweaking the textures for use in Carrara? I'm playing with the new Wither model, and trying to use the displacement maps but not having much luck. Also, if I try to change the materials (body, torso, legs, etc) the figure texture disappears.
Any plans for HD to work in Carrara 9?
Don't know nuthin' 'bout Genesis or HD.
As to C9, it would seem to make sense, but nobody knows, and DAZ hasn't said anything. Personally, I think that there needs to be a lot of work to update and modernize Carrara's traditional features, and not just add figure support. That needs to be done as well, of course, it is DAZ 3Ds business model after all, but they need to take a more balanced approach in this next version.
Hell, I'm hoping they make it work in 8.5!!! ;)
It seems they work with C8.5P.
Actually you can see some differences when move the HD lever to the right. The HD Morphs also work with other characters then V6.
Maybe there will be more improvements in C9
I don't see the HD levers--what part of the actor needs to be selected to see the HD parameters?
Me too...but I'm not holding my breath.....
Select the Actor of G2F and then type 'HD' into the parameter filter.
I hope we are talking about this: http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-6-hd-add-on
I'm referring to this: http://www.daz3d.com/new-releases/wither-hd-for-genesis-2-male-s
I do see a Raw_Wither parameter, but not one for HD settings. I'll give that parameter a try, though.....
Oh, I see, my fault...
No worries--I think the same principle applies--I bumped the slider up little and I do see some improvements....
I just tried some
yes see differences with slider but unsure just what differences LOL!
shaded and wireframe renders,value set to 1.5 using gear icon
the second ones being HD and looking LESS detailed
Wow--it does look less detailed. I'm sure there is a way to get good results--just haven't found it, yet.....
so yes I thought huh and tried MINUS1
plain gorauld
full plain skin universal
Setting Wither to -1 didn't work for me. It looked like a fat G2M figure.
I copied the texture map to the bump map and set the bump to 300 and got some semi-good results. I tried using the displacement map but didn't have much luck.
Wendy--how did you do the wireframe and clay renders?
wireframe in draft render applied the default skin shader from carrara for "clay" effect