I formatted two of my computers in hopes it would resolve the DS GoZ issues I'm having. After a weekend of backing up and reinstalling everything on two machines it's the same old same old.
One machine running Vista 64 and one Win 7 Pro
I open a G1 G2 M4 3D Universe...Model In the latest version of DS. Export with GoZ at current resolution with deformations both checked.
Load it into ZBrush 4.6
Export directly back into DS and even with no modifications I get the 'Topology has changed' The object can't be updated. Create a new object. and convert to subdivision surface' Dialog box
I've tried exporting as .obj and using morph loader pro, and it says Geometry doesn't match. Again I changed nothing!
Ive installed and reinstalled DS, Goz and Zbrush repeatedly..
At this point I would settle for a work around. Is there way to use the 'New subdivision surface' GoZ creates as a morph I can load into the model?
Any help would be greatly appreciated... I'm Desperate!
You need to export at Base Resolution
fixmypcmike Your my new best friend, I feel like an idiot but none the less it works!
Thanks Mike, Merry Christmas!
I have a prop that I created and imported into DAZ Studio. When I send it to ZBrush from DAZ Studio I can immediately send it right back to DAZ Studio without making any change using GoZ and it tells me the topology has changed. My object doesn't even have SubD in DAZ. It is set to Resolution Level of Base. I have tried checking and unchecking the Export at current resolution and Export with deformations options prior to export but it makes no difference. I get the same result. Why is it telling me my topology has changed?
Is it just this prop that has problems?
It looks like I am not having the same issue when I try other models. The prop is clean, the only thing I can imagine is some export setting is wrong coming out of Blender. I will keep experimenting to see if I can track down the problem but if you have any ideas or you have seen this problem before, please let me know your thoughts.
Alright, I tracked the problem down to a few Ngons that I didn't know that I had. I guess when ZBrush sees those it changes the topology without warning. I thought for sure ZBrush threw a warning on that stuff. Anyway, if someone else ever has a problem with an object like that, you will know that could be the issue.