New Users Contest >> December 2013

JaderailJaderail Posts: 0

New User's Contest - December 2013
Sponsored by DAZ 3D

Work In Progress Thread for December New Users Contest.
Please post all none entry images and comments to others and their work here.
"Seasons Celebrations"

This month’s contest is about how you celebrate this time of year be it with friends and family or just how you enjoy the season. Does the Season bring images of snow and fur trees to mind for you? Twinkling lights and tinsel? A warm fireplace and a favorite book? How about a Warm Beach a setting sun and a silly elf hat? As long as its a Seasonal Celebration to you we want to see it.

Objective: To make Festive Card showing what this time of year means to you. We want to see your version of a Card that you think says it is the season. Here is the catch, we wish you to do both the COVER of the card and the INSIDE of the Card. That's right, you can have up to two renders this time. How you do the two is up to you. Two pictures, a Cover and a Poem, a Cover and a border, a cover and a silly saying, they all work as long as you follow the THEME in both.

*If you decide to add text, poem, etc they may be done in your favorite 2D Program and do not need to be rendered.

We will be looking at creativity, composition and the over all theme as presented.

For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread:

Post edited by frank0314 on


  • avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218
    edited December 1969

    I have to ask... you mention a poem, which implies text, which sort of implies post-work. I imagine any other season's greetings messages, etc., would also fall under post-work. If I had to, I can imagine using Hexagon to model text for this, so it's in the render, but that seems a bit extreme. Or, am I simply wrong about the need for any text, and "poem" is being used metaphorically? (Alternatively, you could simply mean that the layout would permit text to be added after the images were judged and so on...)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 2013

    This is a New Users Contest, so we don't normally expect our New Users to be really well versed in using Postwork, although we will help them through it if they wish to use some.

    New Users Contests are designed as educational, helping the Beginners and Newer Users to get to grips with their new software, which is why we have this WIP thread in which they can post their queries and get guidance.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited December 1969

    I have to ask... you mention a poem, which implies text, which sort of implies post-work. I imagine any other season's greetings messages, etc., would also fall under post-work. If I had to, I can imagine using Hexagon to model text for this, so it's in the render, but that seems a bit extreme. Or, am I simply wrong about the need for any text, and "poem" is being used metaphorically? (Alternatively, you could simply mean that the layout would permit text to be added after the images were judged and so on...)

    The text is optional (as the original contest rules mention) but having an inside and outside is required. Modeling the text would probably be a bit overkill and not necessary. And you are more then welcome to add the text in post-work which would be different then postworking the actual render(s) for the card. All that is needed is for you to make a card like you would see or could buy in a store so to speak and to add to that card anything you would like to. We would like to see them done in a way that it would be feasible for you to be able to print out what you did and be able to give it to someone :) Hope that explains better.

  • avmorganavmorgan Posts: 218
    edited December 2013

    Ah, well. I've been doing Photoshop for a long time, but until the last few months or so, I only used DAZ for reference (couldn't afford to buy content). So, while I'm still pretty new to 3D, I've been doing pro quality 2D for a while. I only asked because of the "no postwork" part in the rules (Thanks for that link, BTW). Do you think I'm already too good for the Newbie contests?

    Oops... another reply got in before I hit post! So, the first part is my reply to chohole. Thanks for the clarification on what sort of postwork is allowed. If I can come up with something that isn't grim, I may give it a shot.

    Post edited by avmorgan on
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited December 2013

    Ah, well. I've been doing Photoshop for a long time, but until the last few months or so, I only used DAZ for reference (couldn't afford to buy content). So, while I'm still pretty new to 3D, I've been doing pro quality 2D for a while. I only asked because of the "no postwork" part in the rules (Thanks for that link, BTW). Do you think I'm already too good for the Newbie contests?

    I think you have some things that could benefit from you entering the contest and participating though you are not a novice (though really anyone can get benefit) I can tell you definitely have a grasp on what you are doing, though we have others that are not novice as well but still want to practice or grasp certain concepts better. Participating or not is entirely up to you and whether you feel there are some holes or areas you would like to work on that we can try and help with :)

    I do apologize for the little confusion in the description...Ive added a little note in the post to clarify it better. TY for pointing it out. I read it knowing what was meant but can see how it could be confusing :) Should make more sense now and be more clear :)

    Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 2013

    This is a card I made a while back. I show first the raw render and then the postwork I added to make it into a card, which in this case was a ''Frame'' and the text.

    Please note I did actually brighten the raw render slightly for the finished version, but that is because I knew that printing would make it come out darker than the image shows on a computer screen.

    576 x 768 - 419K
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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    I have a small question...

    Regarding the card, is it the kind of card where you have a front and a back like most postcards ( ) where you have a picture on the front and on the back you write a message and the address to the one you want to send it too, or is it those folded kind of cards ( ) which are mostly put in a envelope and has for lack of better words 4 panes (front, back, two inside panes)? Looking at Choholes card I would say it is the first kind, but this part made me a little bit confused

    ...Here is the catch, we wish you to do both the COVER of the card and the INSIDE of the Card

    If it is indeed the folded one, is there anything that can be used as a.. uhm.. what is it called again.. hrm..*google* Ah yeah, a template :) a cheap one that is :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 2013

    What we are looking for is a traditional greetings card. with just the front and the inside (greetings) page.

    We are not expecting you to use a card as such, but provide a render for the front of the card, and a 2nd image showing the greeting which you would put inside. Forget the left hand inside ''page'' and the back''page''

    so 2 renders (or images as regards the inside page), no need to use any templates.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Ah oki, thanks :)

    Hmm now I already getting ideas.. *goes to plan*

  • Maxstar IllusionsMaxstar Illusions Posts: 500
    edited December 1969

    Well, I've discovered DAZ Studio and DAZ 3D for more than year ago, but it's only the last couple of weeks I am actively using it. So still feel like new here and especially with 3D. Funny, it's only last week I've left the safety of the Members only forum, looked around and found this nice forum with contests for new users and a lot of helpful information together with feedback and a team of patient mods answering the newbie questions... Why didn't I look here earlier... I haven't found any "time-limitations" of being a new user, so I hope I do fit here.

    Here is my try for the Xmas card. It would be nice to get some general feedback (like what are the good points and what could be done better). I am not only new to 3D art, but to the whole field of Visual Art in general, so I do appreciate all kind of feedback. Thanks in advance.


    600 x 800 - 69K
  • Maxstar IllusionsMaxstar Illusions Posts: 500
    edited December 1969

    Inside of the card:

    800 x 533 - 63K
  • Maxstar IllusionsMaxstar Illusions Posts: 500
    edited December 2013

    Got gateway problems during posting and tried to repost with double message as a result. This message can be deleted

    Post edited by Maxstar Illusions on
  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Hmmmm....not too sure if I'm allowed to enter or not...but in any case, here's part of what I'm working on, right now I've been concentrating on the dress and hat I made...

    800 x 800 - 490K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    mcjam24 said:
    Hmmmm....not too sure if I'm allowed to enter or not...but in any case, here's part of what I'm working on, right now I've been concentrating on the dress and hat I made...
    You do not Graduate from New User until winning a certain amount of times. I believe your fine until we say different.
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 2013

    Hmm let's see.. Here's my first entry, feedback more than welcome :)

    render 1 (with Christmas tree), cover: Rendered in Daz Studio 4.6, border added in PSP 7

    render 2, inside: Rendered in Daz Studio 4.6, blurred area and text added in Photoshop CS6 and border added in PSP 7

    edit - after looking closer at these a little, I think I need to turn off Shadows actually.. ah well :)

    Xmascard2013_2 cover and inside

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    Post edited by Carola O on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I like the Lighting from the inside better than the Cover. Just my 2 cents...

  • FFUmmlerFFUmmler Posts: 0
    edited December 2013

    Hi folks,

    I hope I understood the contest rules correct. I own DAZ since 2012, but only in the last months I started really to tinker with it!
    The characters used in this picture res based on my band members. I hope you'll enjoy it.

    Greetings, Nico (Germany)

    800 x 569 - 160K
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    Post edited by FFUmmler on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited December 1969

    Hi folks,

    I hope I understood the contest rules correct. I own DAZ since 2012, but only in the last months I started really to tinker with it!

    Greetings, Nico (Germany)

    Very nicely done

  • FFUmmlerFFUmmler Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks :D.
    This was my first try with custom lighting.

    Grretings, Nico

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 2013

    This is actually my second Christmas Card idea. I am still working on my first entry.

    They are out of order. The inside is listed first then the front.

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    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Nice, everybody is doing so well. Hope to see more very soon. It's not that often you can do any idea you have folks. The theme is very open this month.

  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    And the basic idea is there, now time to tweak

    800 x 800 - 63K
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  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    That is a wonderful card mcjam24. You really caught the essence of Christmas IMHO.

  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, still tweaking it but I did find a tree here's the latest and with a more traditional nightshirt...seems more appropriate somehow

    800 x 800 - 332K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    I like the smile on the girl's face better than the open mouthed expression. Maybe her mouth is open too much?

  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    Could be....or maybe not enough of a happy surprise expression....tougher to pull off than I thought....but not as tough as decorating this tree....reminds me why its my fiancé who does it.

    800 x 800 - 361K
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Hm I had forgot I changed the lighting a little between doing the cover render and the inside render :) re-did the cover render and such, and here's the new result of it :)

    Stil la bit darker than the inside, but that is caused by the layer I made for the text I think. Atleast that's what I think, as the raw renders of the cover and inside look equally dark :)

    800 x 800 - 129K
  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    Just the Cover so far. I haven't addressed the Inside part yet. Added the outer framing in postwork.

    600 x 800 - 436K
  • Mcjam24Mcjam24 Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    ok, so now I have tree envy....and postwork envy....and well...envy in general. I've been seeing some great work this I just have to try and keep up....whenever my render finishes....

  • StargazeyStargazey Posts: 254
    edited December 1969

    'Hope I'm doing this right, as it's the first time I've tried to attach an image or enter a contest here!
    This was done in DAZ Studio 4.6, with a little post work in Photoshop. The figures, clothing, teddy bear and stool are from DAZ, and the rest of the scene is made up from various freebies.

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    615 x 800 - 278K
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